Browse Items (6 total)

  • Date is exactly "1973"

Date: 1973
Booklet written in Arabic.

Date: 1973
Proposed Constitutional Amendments voted upon at the Annual Convention in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on July 5, 1973. An Executive Board Meeting Agenda of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on July 5,…

Tags: ;

Date: 1973
Portrait of Genevieve "Genny" Joseph at Krieger Elementary School in the 5th grade.

Date: 1973
A photograph of a teenaged Moise squatting with a group of five other boys all dressed in Boys Scout uniforms.


Date: 1973
Brochure pamphlet created by the National Committee of Gibran in 1973 on Kahlil Gibran's hometown, Bcharre. This was included with other reproductions of Gibran's work and photographs of Gibran's living spaces in the folder titled "The World of…

Date: 1973
A photograph of three people, Joe Mody, Shirley, and Ed, on New Year's Eve at St. Louis Gonzaga in Utica, NY
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