Browse Items (6 total)

  • Date is exactly "1969"

Date: 1969
Letters containing advice from Goldstein & Goldstein on how to approach the Library of Congress concerning her microfilmed issues of Al-Hoda.

Date: 1969
A postcard from Namtallah and Christine to Angele Ellis, dated 1969. They are sharing their trip plan back to Lebanon.

Date: 1969
A card with a religious figure on the front and a simple prayer on the back dedicated to the memory of Margaret Oussani (1915-1969) produced by Dorney and Farlinger Chapel, Monterey, California.

Date: 1969
An article praising Albert Ellis for his public service and announcing the name of the Ellis airport in Jacksonville, NC.

Date: 1969
Color portrait of Genevieve R. Joseph at six years of age.

Tags: ;

Date: 1969
An article, published in the Smithfield Herald, profiling Robert Rabil. Rabil, a former track star for Smithfield High School, won the 1969 Football Forecast Contest put on by the newspaper, and with it tickets to the Orange Bowl game in Miami,…
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