The Meeting Minutes of the General Assembly Business Session of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Birmingham, Alabama on February 21, 1970.
A General Assembly Business Session Meeting Agenda of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 2, 1978.
The Agendas of the General Assembly and the Executive Board Meetings of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Jackson, Mississippi on January 31, 1976.
The Agendas of the General Assembly and Executive Board Meetings at the Mid-Winter Conference of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Waco, Texas on February 16, 1974.
The Meeting Minutes of the Executive Board of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs at the Mid-Winter Conference in San Antonio, Texas on February 5, 1966.
The Meeting Minutes of the Executive Board and General Assembly of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on February 12, 1977.
The Executive Board and General Assembly Meeting Agendas of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Fayettville, North Carolina on February 10, 1973.
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Club President's Handbook prepared for the Board of Directors by the Goals for the 90s Task Force at the 61st Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas on July 5, 1992.
An invitation to the 1950 Annual Convention of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in San Antonio, Texas on July 1-4, 1950. An invitation to the 1952 Annual Convention of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Miami, Florida on July 4-7, 1952 dated…
An Agenda of the General Assembly Business Session of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Birmingham, Alabama on July 2, 1976.
An Agenda of the General Assembly Business Session of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida on July 6, 1973.
The Meeting Minutes for the 34th Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Mobile, Alabama on July 2, 1965.
The Meeting Minutes for the 33rd Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 3, 1964.