A photo of an unidentified man in the Al-Hoda office either giving or receiving a check. The portraits in the background are of Naoum and Salloum Mokarzel.
A group portrait. Elizabeth "Liza" Mokarzel Rahid sits in the middle of the front row. The woman to the right is captioned as "aunt Katrina, maybe." Other individuals are unidentified.
Studio portrait of Moura Lawandos Isaac and Thanios Isaac, parents of Rose El-Khouri. Though the photograph is undated, it was likely taken between 1910 and 1920, perhaps around the time of their marriage in 1917.
Studio portrait of unidentified members of a Lebanese family, ancestors of either Rose Isaac El-Khouri or Joseph Maroun El-Khouri. The photograph was taken in Lebanon, and likely dates from around 1870 to 1910.