Browse Items (311 total)

A letter from A.F. Kindersley to the Commissioner of Police in Bombay (now Mumbai), dated August 22, 1922. The letter addresses 's proposed travel plans to visit Bahrain and Nejd.

A letter to Mrs. Zelda Stewart Charters from Albert F. Rihani, dated March 18, 1933. The letter addresses that Zelda's letter to Ameen was forward to Albert at International House since Ameen was in Syria travelling. He gives her Ameen's address in…

A postcard from South Africa addressed to Marie Angele from Alfred Ellis, 2000 March 15

A postcard from South Africa addressed to Marie Angele from Alfred Ellis, 2007 October 9

A postcard from Carthage addressed to 'The Burns Girls' from Alfred Ellis, dated 2004 September 27

A room card for Alfred Ellis at the Tavistock Hotel, arrival date was September 26 and departure date was September 27, the card has a note on the back

Date: 1939
يرمي الريحاني في كتابه "نور الاندلس" تعريف القارئ العربي بجانب اخر من تاريخه. فبعد رحلة مع "ملوك العرب" الى "قلب العراق" و"قلب لبنان" من اجل صنع حالة من التألف والوحدة بين ابناء المشرق العربي والمغرب العربي، يحملنا الريحاني الى الاندلس، "فنطالع [في…

Date: 1922
"يروي لنا المؤلف رحلته في بلدان الجزيرة العربية بين عامي 1922 و1924، زار في هذه الرحلة الحجاز واليمن والكويت والبحرين ونجد والعراق، يحل ضيفاً على الأمراء والملوك [...] ويصف لنا المدن العربية في ذلك الزمان وطريقة العمران وحياة الناس ووسائل النقل [...]…

Date: 1922
"يروي لنا المؤلف رحلته في بلدان الجزيرة العربية بين عامي 1922 و1924، زار في هذه الرحلة الحجاز واليمن والكويت والبحرين ونجد والعراق، يحل ضيفاً على الأمراء والملوك [...] ويصف لنا المدن العربية في ذلك الزمان وطريقة العمران وحياة الناس ووسائل النقل [...]…

Date: undated
اجمعت العديد من المصادر "يمكن القول بأن "قلب لبنان" قدم الريحاني لا كأديب فحسب بل كمؤرخ وكفنان وشاعر إلى جانب الريحاني الفيلسوف والاجتماعي والعالم بالنفس". يصف الريحاني في هذ الكتاب تسع رحلات قام بها في اطار وطنه لبنان. "فإذا قرأت قصائد الريحاني التي… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
يخبر الريحاني عن العراق وبغداد الف ليلة وليلة من خلال مشاهداته اثناء زيارته الى العراق في ثلاثينيات القرن الماضي. فهو يروي لنا التاريخ كما رآه في اثارها الباقية وسمعه من حكاوي الناس. يستعرض لنا الحضارات التي توالت على هذه البلاد واهلها، وصولا الى… PDF.pdf

Date: 1939
الكتاب كغيره من كتب ريحاني التي كتبها شارحا فيها اسفاره الى البلاد العربية ومشاهداته السياسية والجغرافية فيها، بالاضافة الى نفحات تاريخية عن المنطقة واهلها. وكان يرمي الريحاني بسلسلة كتبه هذه التعريف والتقريب بين ابناء الامة العربية الواحدة - كما كان… Part 1 PDF.pdf

Date: undated
A manuscript titled Kurdistan by Ameen Rihani. Rihani describes Kurdistan from his own experiences while travelling, while also intermingling history of the country. The book is split into several sections in which Rihani tackles various topics on… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
An unpublished manuscript titled "Iraq" by Ameen Rihani which details Iraq from his personal experiences within the country. It is split into five parts each discussing different moments from Rihani's travels and experiences within Iraq. Part 1 PDF.pdf

Date: 1932
An unpublished manuscript by Ameen Rihani titled "In the Land of the Mayas", in which Rihani recounts his experience while travelling through the Yucatan peninsula. Rihani predominantly discusses the possibility that the Phoenicians may have first… PDF.pdf

Date: 1937
Itinerary of from February-May 1937. The document lists all of Ameen Rihani's speaking engagements and the travel plans involved in each.

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Itinerary of from February 12, 1937 in Minneapolis. The document is dated February 2, 1937. It lists the activities and travel plans for the day.

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A letter to A.F. Kindersley from the American Consular Service, dated August 21, 1922. The letter addresses introducing and his desire to obtain an interview with Sir George Lloyd while travelling with the New York Times.

Date: undated
A postcard addressed to Mr. Toufic Ellis from Angele, undated. Angele confirms arriving to Lebanon with Kail, waiting for them were Namtallah and wife, her cousin Youssuf and family, Wajih Kmeid and brother and cousin, Khouri Butrus alTanouri. Next…

A letter from Aziz informing his father that business is not going well and that is the reason why he didn't write for a while. He also shares that his brother, Salem, is moving to Salem, West Virginia, to open a new store. Aziz sends greetings to…

Date: circa 1800s
Photograph depicting ruins at Balbek. Located at the bottom of the photograph is the description, "H67Mur cyclopeen u Balbek (Syrie)."

Date: circa 1800s
Panoramic photograph of Balbek. Located at the bottom of the photograph is the description, "815. Panorama de Balbek No 1."

Date: circa 1893
An English translation by Leon Bushara or a letter from Boutros (Peter) Oussani to his brother Joseph, probably circa 1893 given the context of travel. A second handwritten copy of the translation is also in the folder.

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: 1919
A bound volume containing correspondence from 1919 concerning births and marriages (certificates, notifications, baptism info, etc.), Americans settling the affairs of recently deceased family members in Lebanon (debts, inheritance, etc), getting…

Date: circa 1800s
Photograph of the architectura at Dar El Manatiri in Tunis, Tunisia. Located at the bottom of the photograph is the description, "No 56-- Interieur de maison arabe riche."

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Date: circa 1973
One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon. Included in this paper is an article written about Theresa El-Khouri, George's sister.

One of a series of articles in The Andrews Journal following George and Barbara El-Khouri's trip to Lebanon.

Date: 1929 May 15
Houghton Mifflin Company Book Newsletter, dated January 9, 1929. is mentioned part way down as the author of "The Maker of Modern Arabia," a biography of Ibn Sa'oud and has just returned to America after seven years in Mt. Lebanon.

A resignation letter from Joe Stewart to the Hills Grocery Company was included with a letter from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey. In the letter he discusses how sick he was and his struggles to regain his health. Then, he discusses his trip with Romey…

A letter from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey written on December 11, 1944. Stewart describes the cold weather and his time with his brother. He also reassures Romey that they will be going to New Orleans, LA.

A letter from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey written on August 23, 1944. Stewart shares his plans to visit her during Labor Day and discusses his plans for the day.

Date: 1944 May 26
A letter from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey written on May 26, 1944. Stewart wrote about his injury to his hand and arm and mentioned that his friend Cook suffered a heart attack. He also mentions that Harrison and Pop fought which resulted in…

Date: 1944 May 19
Telegram from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey written on May 19, 1944. Stewart reminds Romey that he will arrive in Mobile, AL, at 6pm.

Date: 1944 May 15
A letter from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey written on May 15, 1944. Stewart shares his love for Romey and how much he thinks of her. He mentions his call to his mother on Mother's Day and his attempt to visit Romey in Mobile, AL, with his friend…

Date: 1944
Telegrams from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey written in 1944. Stewart sent three Western Union telegrams to share when his train would arrive.

A letter from Joe Stewart to Emeline Romey written on November 3, 1943. Stewart wrote to share the positive experiences from his trip to visit Romey, Lella, and Andy. He encourages Romey to visit the Airport Inn the next time she is in Birmingham,…

Date: 1972
An envelope containing receipts from the Hotel Sir Walter and The Holiday Motel. Included is a newspaper clipping concerning Irwin Belk and a note in Arabic.

Date: 1893
An Arabic travel journal written by Joseph Oussani detailing his journey from Baghdad, Iraq, to the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exposition in Illinois. A translation by Leon Bushara is also included.

Date: undated
A letter from Kail Ellis to an unknown recipient
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