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Date: 1967
Note from Charles Abed: "1967, in the playground with: Hany Abed, Jon Ferzian, Br. John and Joseph Tannous."

Tags: ;

Date: 1949 Nov 5
Photograph of three couples sitting for dinner. Included are Charlie and Genevieve Joseph, Lorice and Bill Bolde, and Vera and Paul Burch. Labeled on back as "Tennis Club."

Date: 1920s
An unidentified young man from the Mansour family photo album. The young man is playing tennis, standing in front of a net and swinging a racket behind his shoulder. The photograph is captioned, "La-the-fy."

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى النادي الرياضي الاسلامي في يافا بتاريخ 21 كانون الثاني 1934. الريحاني يهنيء النادي بالعيد ويحثهم على مواصلة الروح الوطنية.
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