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  • Tags: Real Estate

A property sale registration from Wahib Faris Hobeiche (spelled Waheeb Faris Hbeesh) to Toufic Tarrad Kmeid (spelled Toufik Tarrad Kemaide), dated 23 January 1926.

Date: undated
Property description for real estate in San Diego, California.

Date: 1900
An Abstract of Title describing premises in Pocantico Hills, sold to Joseph Oussani as part of estate of Grosvenor P. Lowrey, dated 1900.

Date: 1899
Document describing premises in Pocantico Hills, sold to Joseph Oussani, formerly of the old "Collender" farm, and latterly the property of Colonel William C. Church, dated 1899.

Date: 1912
A document referring to Pocantico Hills, dated July 12, 1912

Date: 1912
A deed certifying Joseph and Gladys Oussani's sale of several pieces of land in Pocantico Hills to J. Alva Jenkins for the price of $68,000, signed 18 September 1912.

Date: 1900
A contract between the executors of the will of Grosvenor P. Lowrey and Joseph Oussani, selling the Pocantico Hills properties listed for $6500, signed 7 February 1900.

Date: undated
Small portion of a blue print marking "Parcel K" of Pine Crest on the Hudson in Hastings, NY.

Date: 1912
An unsigned Contract of Sale Agreement detailing the transaction of Oussani (the seller) and Jenkins (the buyer). Pencil notes written in the margins. Dated for July 20th, 1912.

Date: 1912
A contract signed by Joseph Oussani, Gladys Oussani, H.W. Nichols, and J. Alva Jenkins detailing the payment of $68,000 from Jenkins to Oussani. Stamped with three red star stickers on bottom of page by signatures. Stamped on sides of sections with…

Date: 1989 May 25
Article in the Gold Leaf Farmer newspaper providing public notice of a hearing held by the Wendell Board of Commissioners regarding a rezoning request for a parcel of land.

Date: 1915
A Memorandum of Agreement between Joseph Oussani, J. Alva Jenkins, and The Catholic Foreign Mission Society, 6 August 1915.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who assures his father about their health, but informs him that businesses are not very well and therefore asks him not to cancel the purchase of any properties. As'ad Gantous returned them to Corossa, when he comes…

Date: 1912
A tax receipt dated 1912 marking that Joseph Oussani paid taxes on certain parcels of land.

Date: 1907
Document showing Joseph Oussani's Payments on Mortgage dated 9 September 1907.

Date: 1907
Document showing Joseph Oussani's Payments on Mortgage dated 1907.

Date: 1901
An agreement securing Joseph Oussani's mortgage for a plot of land in New York for $115,000, with the Lawyers' Title Insurance Company, dated 17 June 1901.

Date: 1912
A letter from Joseph Oussani providing proof of his purchase of land from J. Alva Jenkins to Equitable Trust Co. Four pages.

Date: 1899
A deed, dated 2 May 1899, William, Mary, and Willard Church selling land to Joseph Oussani for $12,000.

Date: 1919
A divorce contract defining property ownership between the separated couple, Joseph Oussani and Gladys Oussani, signed 13 August and 29 July 1919.

Date: 1937 July 02
A handwritten property assessment by Antoun Najim who assess the destruction to Father Tobia's house. Dated July 2, 1937.

Date: 1919
A deed certifying Gladys Oussani's sale to Joseph Oussani for $10 the listed properties, signed 11 June 1919.

Date: 1915
Legal document marked General Release from J. Alva Jenkins to Joseph Oussani, dated 17 August, 1915.

Date: 1912
Duplicate document of Oussani and Jenkins Contract of Sale. Pencil note written above the words "Contract of Sale" on side a.

Date: 1912
Duplicate copy of Oussani and Jenkins contract deed. Signed by Joseph Oussani, Gladys Oussani, H.W. Nichols, and J. Alva Jenkins. Stamped with three red star stickers on bottom of page next to signatures. Writing in black ink on bottom of side b.

Date: 1908
Document dated 11 February 1908 of a received mortgage payment.

Date: 1915
A legal document marked opinion regarding Catholic Foreign Mission Society, Respondent v. Joseph Oussani, Appellant, and J. Alva Jenkins, Defendant, dated 1915.

Date: 1915
A letter from the Law Offices of Katz and Sommerich to Joseph Oussani regarding Catholic v. Oussani, providing information on the deed between Oussani and Jenkins. Letter dated 28 August 1915.

Date: 1915
A list of papers received from Katz and Sommerich related to Catholic Foreign Mission Society, Inc. v. Oussani.

Date: 1915
General Release from Joseph Oussani and J. Alva Jenkins to Catholic Foreign Mission Society as a result of legal action between the two, dated 9 August 1915.

Date: 1905
A booklet advertising the Semiramis apartment complex located in Harlem along the north side of Central Park built by Joseph Oussani. The cover of the booklet states, "Built by 'Owner' Joseph Oussani" and "Architect Henry Anderson 1183 Broadway." A…

Date: undated
Newspaper article discussing a speech on urban renewal by John Borah hosted by Charles and Genevieve Norman Joseph.
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