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Date: 1950s
Photograph of Barbara Estes Kahdy at age 5 with Aunt Fi in Portland

Date: 1950s
Asaf and Adma Kahdy's home in Portland, Oregon. Behind the house stands a large, well kept garden and lawn. Back of the caption reads, "Sawaya-Kahdy sittie and jiddie home and garden in Portland. Early 1950 or late 40s."

Date: 1950s
Adma Sawaya Kahdy and Spidie Zaiban stand outside of a house as they pose for the photo. Caption on the back reads, "1950s, Portland, Oregon. Adma Sawaya Kahdy my sittie and her friend Aunt Spidie Zaiban."

Date: 1950
Adma and Asaf Kahdy with three of their daughters stand in front of a house in what seems to be either fall or winter. Caption on the back reads, "March 1950. Portland, Oregon."

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