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  • Tags: North Carolina

Date: undated
A digital photograph of a black and white image of the Zaytoun News Agency in New Bern, North Carolina. Three unidentified people stand in the doorway, and a portion of a branded van is parked in front of the building.

A Zaytoun & Associates Insurance advertisement clipped from a newspaper. Pixelated professional headshots of Joseph Zaytoun, Stephen K. Zaytoun, and Ellis Zaytoun are displayed on the left side of the ad. It is titled, "Three Generations of…

Date: 1950s
Young Barbara, George Jr., and Georgette Kahdy smile and stand outside in formal attire. Barbara and Georgette Kahdy hold papers and purses while their brother George Kahdy puts his hands in his pocket. In front of Barbara stands a small light…

Date: 1966
Two alternate photographs taken from the window of a train during the 1966 El-Khouri family trip to ride the Bear Creek Junction Railroad in western North Carolina.

Date: undated
A photograph of Vera Tayeh Khayrallah as a young woman, sitting at a desk in front of a board that reads "Orange County Women's Center." The photograph is part of a set labeled "87m Host Family."

Date: 1994
An article in The Charlotte Observer profiling UNC Charlotte's multiple-winning Model U.N. team, which Wael Abou-Chakra was a member of during his time as an undergraduate at the school.

Date: 1999 May 1
Flyer for the Lebanese Festival organized by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina Fairgrounds. Includes map with information about location and parking.

Documents related to the Lebanese Festival compiled by festival coordinator Genevieve R. Joseph for release to the press.

Date: 1999
Materials related to the activities of the Triangle Lebanese Association.

Date: 1966
Two alternate photographs of the El-Khouri children taken during a 1966 El-Khouri family trip to ride the Bear Creek Junction Railroad in western North Carolina.

A telegram sent by Ed Rabil to Cecil Mae Bradley, who he eventually married. The telegraph, sent via Western Union from Chapel Hill to Smithfield, apologizes for Ed's absence due to class.

Date: 2006 Jan 26
This document describes the various spellings of surnames within the North Carolina Newspapers Collection.

Date: 2002
A photograph of the Zaytoun family home in New Bern, North Carolina, where Stephen Zaytoun was born.

Date: circa 1930s
A photograph of Beshara and Serina's five children outside their house. The children are Philip, Evelyn, Theresa, Frederick, and Victoria. Though undated, the photograph was likely taken circa 1932-1935.

Date: circa 1930s
A photograph of Beshara and Serina's five children outside their house. The children are Philip, Evelyn, Theresa, Frederick, and Victoria. Though undated, the photograph was likely taken circa 1932-1935.

Absentee Ballot for Executive Board Memebers for motions proposed during the Mid-Winter Conference of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Fayetteville, North Carolina on February 10, 1973 and dated February 14, 1973.

Date: 2019 July
A newsletter for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Annual Convention in Charlottee, North Carolina on July 4-7, 2019.

The Minutes of the Executive Board and General Assembly Meetings, Financial Report, and instructions to clubs and delegates from the Mid-Winter Conference of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Fayetteville, North Carolina…

The Executive Board and General Assembly Meeting Agendas of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Fayettville, North Carolina on February 10, 1973.

A Program Book for the Mid-Winter Conference, hosted by the American Cedars Association of Fayetteville, North Carolina, on February 9-11, 1973.

A Program Book for the 2019 Summer Convention, in partnership with the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs and the Metrolina Phoenician Club, in Charlotte, North Carolina on July 4-7, 2019.

List of the Governor's Small Business Council members' resumes. Joseph El-Khouri's resume includes handwritten notes and corrections. There is also a letter from Robert P. Huntley expressing his pleasure over his appointment to the Small Business…

Date: 1979
A photograph of Sam Saleh at work at Neomonde Baking Company in 1979.

Date: 1979
A photograph of Sam Saleh at work at Neomonde Baking Company in 1979.

Date: circa 1940s
A photograph labeled "grandfather in his store." Presumably it depicts Sam Parker in his department store, likely called either the Parker Department Store or the Farris-Parker Department Store at this time. He stands in front of a board labeled…

Date: 1972 Dec 19
Obituary of Sam Norman in the newspaper.

Date: circa 1980
A photograph of the Salem family. Left to Right, Back Row: Maija, Amelia (plain white, second from left), Scott Naeser (striped), Michael Ray (green), Jay, Joseph (seated in chair). Front: Alex (pink), Donna (red), Ron (blue), Annie (girl).

Date: circa 1980
A photograph of the Saleh family in the Neomonde Baking Company. Though undated, the photograph is estimated to date from the late 1970s or early 1980s.

Date: 1979
A photograph of unidentified Saleh family and friends celebrating the opening of the Neomonde bakery in 1979,

Date: circa 2005
A brief account, given by Edward Saleeby, of the immigration of his paternal family including his father, Nasry Rashid Saleeby, uncle Gibran Rashid Saleeby, and grandmother Labibee Courie Saleeby.

Date: 2014 August
A document resolving that a bridge in Andrews, NC, will be named after Joseph El-Khouri.

Date: circa 2000
Raja Khalifah's BioStratum Business Card.

Date: circa 2005
A photograph of Raja Khalifah standing in a laboratory. Though undated, this was likely taken at BioStratum circa 2005.

Date: circa 2000s
A photograph of Raja Khalifah at work. Though undated, this photograph was likely taken in the 2000s.

Date: 2001 May 5
Program booklet for the third annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Date: 2000 May 6
Program booklet for the second annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Date: 1999 May 1
Program booklet for the first annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Date: 2003 May 12
Program booklet for the fifth annual Lebanese Festival sponsored by the Triangle Lebanese Association at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds.

Date: circa 1924
Studio portrait of the Wehbie children. Includes: William b.1909, Christmas b. 1911, Helen b. 1914, Nellie b. 1916, Amelia b. 1918, Sam b. 1920, Margaret b. 1922.

Date: 1943 June 19
A portrait of Connie Lamar and Thomas Lamar on their wedding day. Connie Lamar wears a tulle wedding dress and holds a large bouquet with a drooping bow while Tom Lamar stands next to her wearing a formal military uniform. Dated June 19, 1943.

Date: 1993 Sept 8
A portrait of Carolyn Dorroll (left) with three unidentified women posing in front of a spread of Lebanese food, published in The Fayetteville Observer.

Photograph of the El-Khouri's street facing the mountains from the living room. There is snow on the ground.

Date: 1944
A photograph of Rosa Farris sitting on the brick steps of Evelyn and John Farris's home in Wilson, NC, wearing a light-colored patterned dress. Dated 1944.

Date: 1941
A photograph of Raymond Farris leaning against a white picket fence in casual clothing. The back reads, "Raymond Farris of Wilson, NC. My date on Boat party. Morehead City, NC." Dated 1941.

Date: 1944
A photograph of Constance Lamar, Mary Ann Carroll, Ellis Zaytoun, and Mrs. Carrol leaning against a fence of a beach cottage in Atlantic Beach, NC. Constance Lamar wears a light-colored bathing suit while propping her leg against the fence behind…

Photograph of snowy road from the El-Khouri living room of their street.

Date: 1943 June 19
A photograph of young Joyce Farris standing in front of a car holding a small bouquet for her role as a flower girl in Connie and Tom Lamar's wedding ceremony. She wears a light-colored tulle dress with a matching hat. Dated June 19, 1943.

Date: 1943 June 19
A photograph of young Joyce Farris standing outside and holding a small bouquet for her role as a flower girl in Connie and Tom Lamar's wedding ceremony. She wears a light-colored tulle dress with a matching hat. Dated June 19, 1943.

Date: 1943 June 19
A photograph of young Joyce Farris sitting outside and holding a small bouquet for her role as a flower girl in Connie and Tom Lamar's wedding ceremony. She wears a light-colored tulle dress with a matching hat. Dated June 19, 1943.

A photograph of Joseph Salem, taken the day after Christmas in 1997.
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