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  • Tags: New York

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him that he received all the letters sent from Paris, London, Cúcuta, New York, and Baranquilla. He also tells him that he was late in responding to him due to some health problems.…

Letter from Joe Saykali to the members of his family. He sends greetings to the family, and tells them about his arrival at Greer Institute in Chicago.

Letter from Joe Saykali to his father Georges Saykali, mother Salwa Saykali, brothers Gilbert, Roger, Pierrot, sister Huguette, grandmother and aunts. He sends greetings to the family. He tells them about the possibility that the Society of…

Twilight Club 690th Dinner Invite, held at Hotel McAlpin on February 10, 1915. was a speaker - and he discussed "The Effect of the War on the Orient".

A letter to Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State, from Don C. Seitz, dated January 15, 1929. The letter introduces and describes that he has a matter concerning horses to discuss with Kellogg.

Date: 1918 June 01
A letter to A.E. Baermann from The World's Work magazine, dated June 1, 1918. The letter addresses 's articles, and their unfortunate incompatibility with the writing typically featured in the World's Work magazine.

A letter to H.W. Francis from The New York Evening Post, dated March 18, 1919. The letter addresses an article that wrote about Princes' Island, and asks for an article on another subject since they already have one on the subject.

Date: 1928 May 05
A letter to Wm. H. Wise and Co. from the editor of an unknown source, dated May 5, 1928. The letter addresses the inclusion of a poem by in a proposed publication titled the American Scrapbook.

Invitation to a luncheon held in honor of , at the Women's City Club on Tuesday February 19, 1929. The document also gives a brief introduction into and addresses that he will be speaking on "Political Tendencies in Arabia."

A letter to from Elisabeth Mck. Scott of the Foreign Policy Association, dated November 2, 1929. The letter addresses that a Mrs. Holt is anxious for to arrive at the Hamilton Street Club to meet the Foreign Policy Association Committee.

Confirmation of Engagement that designates as a speaker at an event held by the International Relations Committee at the Upper Montclair Women's Club, the event was to be held January 16, 1929. The document is dated November 6, 1929.

Confirmation of Engagement that designates as a speaker that the Hotel Bancroft on January 11, 1929. The document is dated November 8, 1929.

A letter to from Elisabeth Mck. Scott of the Foreign Policy Association, dated November 14, 1929. The letter addresses Rihani's bill for his travelling expenses.

A letter to from Elisabeth Mck. Scott of the Foreign Policy Association, dated October 28, 1929. The letter asks Ameen Rihani to stay at the Copley Plaza Hotel at the behest of Christian Herter the Chairman of the Boston Foreign Policy Association.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, undated. The document states that will be a speaker at the Spence School in NYC. The topic of discussion is listed as "Problems in Asia Minor" on February 14, 1930.

Billing statement from Colston Leigh Inc., dated March 31, 1939. The statement is from his tour that occurred from January-March of 1939.

Date: undated
Newsletter from the Syria-Mount Lebanon League of Liberation for the consideration of the Hon. Secretary of War. It is an appeal to the Secretary of War to have drafted Syrians transferred to the Legion d'Orient (a volunteer army prepared by the…

Date: 1937 June 5
An audio recording of Ameen Rihani's speech on Zionism that he gave at the Town Hall in New York City on June 5, 1937. The speech was broadcasted on WNYC radio.

Date: 1937 June 5
An audio recording of the prelude to Ameen Rihani's speech at the Town Hall in New York City on June 5, 1937. Rihani's speech on Zionism was preceded by brief introductory speeches given by others who were present. The speeches were broadcasted on…

Date: آب 1906
نسخة رسالة من امين الريحاني الى صهره* في 8 آب 1906. فيها كان الريحاني يعبر عن مواقف واحداث في حياته مثل الصحة والعلاقات الاجتماعية و العمل. كما اشار في الرسالة الى زيارة ايلياس ابي شديد، وكيل صحيفة النصر ومراسل المهاجر، وانهما تناقشا في امور تخص…

رسالة من امين الغريب الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 1 كانون الاول 1908. فيها يسلم الغريب على الريحاني قبل سفر الاول الى نيويورك، ويعلم الغريب الريحاني بقدوم نعوم لبكي الى بيروت. ويطلب الغريب من الريحاني مكاتبته على نيويورك.

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى جرجي باز في 24 ايار 1909*. يبعث الريحاني فيها تحياته واطيب تمنياته الى باز وعائلته. كما انه يعبر عن حالة السوريين في المهجر، اميركا، ويصف "انقسامهم" ليس الحزبي (السياسي) فقط ولكن الديني ايضا - او كما دعاه الرجوع الى…

نسخة رسالة من امين الريحاني الى صهره يوسف صادر بتاريخ 9 نيسان 1921. وفيها يعبر الريحاني عن ارائه السياسية مبادئه، ويسأل يوسف ان كان وجوده، اي الريحاني، في لبنان "الوطن" سيفيد لبنان بشيء. كما بين الريحاني رأيه في فصل الدين عن السياسة و"ضد تدخل رجال…

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز ابن سعود في 18 ايلول 1923 (7 صفر 1342). يبعث فيها الريحاني بتحياته وتمنياته للملك عبد العزيز ويبلغه باستلام شجرة آل سعود ويعده باكمال "العمل" الذي بدأ فيه - قد يقصد هنا كتابه تاريخ نجد والسيرة الذاتية للملك…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت بتاريخ 12 كانون الاول 1928. يساله فيها الريحاني عن احواله وصحته. ويخبره انه سيغادر لندن متجها الى نيويورك بعد يومين تاريخ الرسالة، ويعلمه ان الخيل* بخير وانه سيحاول بيعها في نيويورك، وانه سينزل في نادي…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت الريحاني بتاريخ 17 ايلول 1928. يسأل فيها الريحاني البرت عن اخباره بعد انقطاعها عنهم مدة خمسة اشهر. ويخبره الريحاني ايضا انه مسافر الى لندن مع خيوله العربية ومن هناك الى نيويورك، وزوده بعنوانه في لندن.

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى نعوم مكرزل بتاريخ 12 نيسان 1929. يشكر فيها الريحاني نعوم على رسالة الاخير للاطمئنان عليه وعلى المقال الذي كتبه نعوم في الهدى "بمناسبة الحفلة التكريمية التي اقامتها الجالية السورية في [نيويورك]".

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت بتاريخ 24 كانون الثاني 1929. فيها يخبر ويشكو الريحاني الى البرت انه لم يستطع بيع الخيول وانه موضوعها اتعبه، وانه سيعهد بها الى اشخاص مهتمين بالعناية بالخيل - لم يسمهم الريحاني.

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بتاريخ 12 شباط 1930 (12 رمضان 1348). فيها يخبر الريحاني الملك عبد العزيز ان قد وصله ان الملك ابدى امتعاضا من مقال للريحاني في احدى الجرائد المصرية ويؤكد للملك عبد العزيز انه لم يكتب الا ما "يدعو للاعجاب…

Date: circa 1920s
A photograph of Christine Ellis LaBrie, Toufic Ellis's sister, taken in Utica, New York circa 1920s.

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Date: circa 1920s
A photograph of Toufic Ellis taken in Utica, New York circa 1920s.

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A copy of a photograph of Angele Ellis and a travel companion on the R.M.S. (incorrectly spelled MHS) Homeric, which departed from Cherbourg, France on 15 September 1926 and arrived in New York on 22 September 1926.

Date: 1926
A copy of a photograph of the White Star Line S.S. Homeric on its voyage from Southampton to New York via Cherbourg, France. Angele took this ship from Cherbourg, France when she emigrated from Lebanon in 1926.

Date: 1946
A photograph of Marie Theresa Ellis at Augustinian Academy graduation, dated 1946.

A photograph of Sister Marie Angele Ellis (Marie Theresa Ellis) and her cousin Marie Hobeiche at Niagara Falls, dated 21 October 1995.

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Date: circa 1920s
A photograph portrait of Toufic Ellis, Yousef Younis and Khalil Kmeid taken in Carthage, New York circa 1920s.

Date: 1918
A photograph of Toufic Ellis chopping ice in Utica, New York, dated 1918.

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Date: circa 1950s
A photograph of Alfred Ellis sitting in a home in Carthage, New York circa 1950s.

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Date: circa 1950s
A photograph of Angele Ellis sitting in a home in Carthage, New York circa 1950s.

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Date: circa 1950s
A photograph of Father Peter Abbass sitting in a home in Carthage, New York circa 1950s.

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Date: circa 1920s
A photograph portrait of Toufic Ellis posing in a studio in Utica, New York circa 1920s. Inscription reads, 'This pictures belongs to Saeed Hanna Kemaide from Baatuta Village, Keserwan, Lebanon.'

A photograph of Toufic Ellis, Delor Ellis, and Rafic Ellis taken at Sisters of St. Joseph convent in Watertown, New York for Alfreda Ellis's final vows, dated February 1957.

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Date: 1974
A photograph of (back row left to right) Alfred Ellis, Rafic Ellis, Delor Ellis, (front row left to right) Angele Ellis, and Toufic Ellis in front of their home in Carthage, New York, dated 1974.

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A photograph of Sister Marie Angele Ellis (Marie Theresa Ellis) circa 1979.

Date: circa 1970s
A photograph of Sister Marie Angele Ellis (Marie Theresa Ellis) in Carthage, New York with tomatoes circa 1970s.

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Date: circa 1970s
A photograph of Sister Marie Angele Ellis (Marie Theresa Ellis) with neighbor Wanda Burns at Ellis home in Carthage, New York circa 1970s.

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