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  • Tags: New York

Date: 1910s
A photograph of Yousef Younis and Toufic Ellis from Carthage NY

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Date: 1911
A postcard depicting the Whitehall Building on Washington St. in Battery Place. There was a store in the bottom corner of the buildling run by a Syrian man by the name of Kato or Kado. This view of the building shows what the Arabs saw when they were…

Date: 1911
A photo of Naoum Mokarzel with his wife and brother in law. Left to Right: Naoum Mokarzel, Rose Abillama Mokarzel, and Asad Abillama.

Date: 1912
Duplicate document of Oussani and Jenkins Contract of Sale. Pencil note written above the words "Contract of Sale" on side a.

Date: 1912
Duplicate copy of Oussani and Jenkins contract deed. Signed by Joseph Oussani, Gladys Oussani, H.W. Nichols, and J. Alva Jenkins. Stamped with three red star stickers on bottom of page next to signatures. Writing in black ink on bottom of side b.

Date: 1912
An unsigned Contract of Sale Agreement detailing the transaction of Oussani (the seller) and Jenkins (the buyer). Pencil notes written in the margins. Dated for July 20th, 1912.

Date: 1912
A contract signed by Joseph Oussani, Gladys Oussani, H.W. Nichols, and J. Alva Jenkins detailing the payment of $68,000 from Jenkins to Oussani. Stamped with three red star stickers on bottom of page by signatures. Stamped on sides of sections with…

Date: 1912
A letter from Joseph Oussani providing proof of his purchase of land from J. Alva Jenkins to Equitable Trust Co. Four pages.

Date: 1912
A deed certifying Joseph and Gladys Oussani's sale of several pieces of land in Pocantico Hills to J. Alva Jenkins for the price of $68,000, signed 18 September 1912.

Date: 1912
A bond from the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, Inc., to Joseph Oussani for the sum of $30,000, dated July 1912.

Date: 1912
A tax receipt dated 1912 marking that Joseph Oussani paid taxes on certain parcels of land.

Date: 1912
A letter from Margaret Oussani to her Grandma, dated 12 February 1912 written from Egypt.

Date: 1912
A document referring to Pocantico Hills, dated July 12, 1912

Date: 1912 Dec 14
An immigration record issued by the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, Immigration Service, on December 14, 1912. It was produced at Ellis Island, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by…

Date: 1912 May
Contract for transportation by sea for Nicola Nazria (16) and her sister Nabeha Nazria (11). They were going to New York and were departing on June 1, 1912. The back of the document states that Nicola was Syrian, was travelling to Dover, New…

Date: 1912 May 12
Passport for Sailem Assid, written in French and Arabic. This passport was given to Sailem in Lebanon (then Ottoman Empire territory). The information portion of the document states that he was 19 years old and was born in El Chamis, Yemen. His…

This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on August 15, 1913, sent to Fred G. Ghusn at 369 Elm St., Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It confirms Nahil Akel's arrival in the United States on February 19, 1913 on…

Date: 1913 Dec
Contract for transport by sea for Murad Razouk [45] and his family. His family consisted of two sons, Hami [25] and Navrah [16], a child named Malaheh [3], and a baby named Razouk [2]. The back of the document states that he was Syrian, was…

Date: 1913 July 21
An immigration record issued by the United States Department of Labor, Immigration Service on July 21, 1913. It was was produced at Ellis Island, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting…

Date: 1913 June 16
This letter, dated June 16, 1913, was handwritten by Father Georges Kallass. It confirms Najeeb Assad's birthdate as October, 1896 and states that the Father performed his baptism at the St. Shalitah Church on October 23, 1896. It lists his father as…

Date: 1914 April 4
Contract for transportation by sea by the Transatlantic General Company out of Marseille, France, issued on April 4, 1914. Sabooha F. Hatem was a 33 year old Syrian woman traveling to New York with three children, Habib (17), Elase (10), and Najle…

Date: 1914 March
An immigration record issued in Naples, Italy, on March 27, 1914, for a journey to New York. The record, likely a ticket, was issued to Saud [?] [Saa?].

Date: 1915
A photograph of the basketball candidates at Dobbs Ferry High School, taken on school grounds on Thursday 7 October 1915. Property of Thomas Oussani.

A photograph of the English I Class at Dobbs Ferry High School, taken at the English and French Room. Dated Monday, 19 April 1915. Property of Thomas Oussani.

A photograph of a large group of students, including Thomas Oussani, sitting in the study hall at Dobbs Ferry High School, dated 19 April 1915.

A photograph postcard of Principal B. M. Sheppard of Dobbs Ferry High School in his office seated at a desk. Labeled, "Property of Thomas Oussani," and dated 19 April 1915.

Twilight Club 690th Dinner Invite, held at Hotel McAlpin on February 10, 1915. was a speaker - and he discussed "The Effect of the War on the Orient".

A letter to Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State, from Don C. Seitz, dated January 15, 1929. The letter introduces and describes that he has a matter concerning horses to discuss with Kellogg.

Date: 1915-1917
A bound photo book belonging to Margaret Oussani containing photographs of various Oussani family members in California and New York, hiking, swimming, and at the beach.

Date: 1917
A photograph of the Dobbs Ferry High School Basketball Team featuring Thomas Oussani.

Date: 1917
A photograph of the Dobbs Ferry High School Basketball Team featuring Thomas Oussani.

Date: 1917
A photograph of the Dobbs Ferry High School Basketball Team featuring Thomas Oussani.

Date: 1917 Oct 7
A photograph of the basketball candidates at Dobbs Ferry High School, taken on school grounds on Thursday 7 October 1915. Property of Thomas Oussani.

Date: 1918
A photograph of Toufic Ellis chopping ice in Utica, New York, dated 1918.

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Date: 1918 June 01
A letter to A.E. Baermann from The World's Work magazine, dated June 1, 1918. The letter addresses 's articles, and their unfortunate incompatibility with the writing typically featured in the World's Work magazine.

Date: 1919
A newspaper article titled "Pianist Makes Debut," describing Anis Fuleihan's debut in New York.

Date: 1919
Copy of a newspaper article, "Anis Fuleihan Plays," from the New York Times advertising Anis Fuleihan's debut at 19 years old.

Date: 1919
Two articles from the New York Times labeled as November 20, 1919. The first is titled "Anis Fuleihan Plays" and the second, "Le Concert de Mr. Fuleihan." The first in English the second in French.

A letter to H.W. Francis from The New York Evening Post, dated March 18, 1919. The letter addresses an article that wrote about Princes' Island, and asks for an article on another subject since they already have one on the subject.

Date: 1920
An immigration record for Elias Shakkal showing his transport from Marseille, France, to New York. It shows he was to depart for New York on July 16, 1920. It lists his nationality as Syrian and his profession as being a day laborer [journalier]. He…

Date: 1920s
A large bound photo book belonging to Margaret Oussani and containing images from her school years, of travels with her family to Europe and Africa, of family and friends, and from the beach.

A postcard depicting Dreamland Circus and Side Show on Surf Avenue at Coney Island, NY. The postcard contains writing from Job Walker to F. Brittenboker from August 6, 1922.

Date: 1922 June 30
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1923
A memorial card dedicated to Reverend John Talbot Smith, late Pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Dobbs Ferry, NY. Born 1855, died 24 September 1923.

A certificate of naturalization for Toufic Ellis (spelled Toufee Tarrad Ellis) in the United States of America, dated 22 November 1924.

Date: 1925
Joseph Oussani's home from the front with porte cochère. The home is a four-story riverfront structure in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. This photo is a duplicate.

Date: 1925
Joseph Oussani's home from the front and driveway with porte cochère. The home is a four-story riverfront structure in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York.

Date: 1925
Hudson River Bluffs outside the Oussani's home in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York.

Date: 1925
Flowers in an arch over a wedding altar inside Joseph Oussani's home in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. This photo is a duplicate.

Date: 1925
The Joseph Oussani home from the front with porte cochère. The home is a four-story riverfront structure at 114 Pinecrest Drive in Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. This photo is a duplicate.
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