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نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى نعوم مكرزل بتاريخ 12 نيسان 1929. يشكر فيها الريحاني نعوم على رسالة الاخير للاطمئنان عليه وعلى المقال الذي كتبه نعوم في الهدى "بمناسبة الحفلة التكريمية التي اقامتها الجالية السورية في [نيويورك]".

نسخة رسالة من امين الريحاني الى صهره يوسف صادر بتاريخ 9 نيسان 1921. وفيها يعبر الريحاني عن ارائه السياسية مبادئه، ويسأل يوسف ان كان وجوده، اي الريحاني، في لبنان "الوطن" سيفيد لبنان بشيء. كما بين الريحاني رأيه في فصل الدين عن السياسة و"ضد تدخل رجال…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت بتاريخ 24 كانون الثاني 1929. فيها يخبر ويشكو الريحاني الى البرت انه لم يستطع بيع الخيول وانه موضوعها اتعبه، وانه سيعهد بها الى اشخاص مهتمين بالعناية بالخيل - لم يسمهم الريحاني.

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت بتاريخ 12 كانون الاول 1928. يساله فيها الريحاني عن احواله وصحته. ويخبره انه سيغادر لندن متجها الى نيويورك بعد يومين تاريخ الرسالة، ويعلمه ان الخيل* بخير وانه سيحاول بيعها في نيويورك، وانه سينزل في نادي…

رسالة من امين الغريب الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 1 كانون الاول 1908. فيها يسلم الغريب على الريحاني قبل سفر الاول الى نيويورك، ويعلم الغريب الريحاني بقدوم نعوم لبكي الى بيروت. ويطلب الغريب من الريحاني مكاتبته على نيويورك.

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بتاريخ 12 شباط 1930 (12 رمضان 1348). فيها يخبر الريحاني الملك عبد العزيز ان قد وصله ان الملك ابدى امتعاضا من مقال للريحاني في احدى الجرائد المصرية ويؤكد للملك عبد العزيز انه لم يكتب الا ما "يدعو للاعجاب…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت الريحاني بتاريخ 17 ايلول 1928. يسأل فيها الريحاني البرت عن اخباره بعد انقطاعها عنهم مدة خمسة اشهر. ويخبره الريحاني ايضا انه مسافر الى لندن مع خيوله العربية ومن هناك الى نيويورك، وزوده بعنوانه في لندن.

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز ابن سعود في 18 ايلول 1923 (7 صفر 1342). يبعث فيها الريحاني بتحياته وتمنياته للملك عبد العزيز ويبلغه باستلام شجرة آل سعود ويعده باكمال "العمل" الذي بدأ فيه - قد يقصد هنا كتابه تاريخ نجد والسيرة الذاتية للملك…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى جرجي باز في 24 ايار 1909*. يبعث الريحاني فيها تحياته واطيب تمنياته الى باز وعائلته. كما انه يعبر عن حالة السوريين في المهجر، اميركا، ويصف "انقسامهم" ليس الحزبي (السياسي) فقط ولكن الديني ايضا - او كما دعاه الرجوع الى…

Date: آب 1906
نسخة رسالة من امين الريحاني الى صهره* في 8 آب 1906. فيها كان الريحاني يعبر عن مواقف واحداث في حياته مثل الصحة والعلاقات الاجتماعية و العمل. كما اشار في الرسالة الى زيارة ايلياس ابي شديد، وكيل صحيفة النصر ومراسل المهاجر، وانهما تناقشا في امور تخص…

Date: undated
A photo of the Corealy family in Brooklyn. Michel Corealy (far right) was Salloum Mokarzel's long time linotypist.

Date: undated
A copy of a letter from Emile Mattar (ambassador to Lebanon) to the Lebanese Consul General in NY concerning the issuing of a medal of honor from the National Cedars (Wisam al-Arz al-Watani) for Fouad Khoury in the degree of Knight.

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Date: undated
A press pass for Yemna Mokarzel signed by Mary Mokarzel.


Date: undated
A photo of people gathered in the Mokarzel apartment. The caption on the back reads "Catered dinner party for Lebanese diplomats in our apt in [Brooklyn]." Family and friends of the Mokarzels also attended.

Date: undated
Newsletter from the Syria-Mount Lebanon League of Liberation for the consideration of the Hon. Secretary of War. It is an appeal to the Secretary of War to have drafted Syrians transferred to the Legion d'Orient (a volunteer army prepared by the…

Date: undated
A photograph of Sister Mariam, Angele Ellis's sister, standing in her black habit. Next to her is an individual who is out of the frame of the photograph and behind her are a variety of plants. Caption on the back of the photograph reads, "Mrs.…

Date: undated
An envelope addressed from Angele Ellis to Kail Ellis

Date: undated
A port of arrival spreadsheet for Ellis Island, a highlighted row on this copy mentions Carthage, NY. At the bottom it looks like a search was done for Toufic Ellis. The sheet does not have a year only 'July 29'

Date: undated
An English poem, titled 'Psalms of New York'. Names mentioned Mario Cuomo.

Date: undated
A group of seven adults, including Margaret Oussani and Dodo Shea, sitting in front of a porch.

Date: undated
A photograph of Reverend Gabriel Oussani's grave marker in the Oussani mausoleum, listing him as Professor at St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, NY, and his life as 1875-1934.

Date: undated
A photograph of the Oussani Mausoleum in Calvary Cemetery.

Date: undated
Small portion of a blue print marking "Parcel K" of Pine Crest on the Hudson in Hastings, NY.

Date: undated
A cemetery key engraved with the name "Oussani."

Date: undated
A cemetery key marked "Calvary."

Date: undated
A pamphlet titled "Trustees of St. Patrick's Cathedral" with information about cemeteries and memorials operated by St. Patrick's Cathedral, including Calvary Cemetery.

Date: undated
A receipt for perpetual care payment at Calvary Cemetery, "monumental regulations" listed on back. In name of Josephine G. Harrington.

Date: undated
A program, published by Southern Music Publishing Company, describing Fuleihan's work.

Date: undated
A copy of a program, published by Southern Music Publishing Company describing Fuleihan's work. One page also includes newspaper clippings about Anis and his work.

Date: undated
Rev. Gabriel Oussani's business card, listing his name and place of work, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, Yonkers, NY.

Date: undated
Newspaper clipping discussing the Lebanon-American Club's clambake. Mentions Charles Joseph as chairman of the club.

Date: undated
Newspaper clipping about Lebanon-American Club dinner featuring mention of Charles Joseph in his capacity as club president.

Date: undated
Newspaper clipping announcing that Charles Joseph was installed as president of the Lebanon-American Club.

Date: undated
Postcard featuring a photograph of the Eiffel Tower sent to Sam Norman in Poughkeepsie, New York, from a niece or nephew.

Date: undated
Photograph of Beatrice Joseph sitting on a couch and smiling at the camera.


Date: undated
Photograph of Beatrice Joseph leaning against a convertible car.


Date: undated
Sam Norman, father of Genevieve Norman, standing in a yard with a priest and an unknown woman.


Date: undated
Sam Norman, father of Genevieve Norman, standing in a yard with a priest and an unknown woman.


Date: undated
Color postcard with illustration of a dress parade at the U.S. Military Academy.

Date: undated
Postcard featuring a photograph of a streetcar enroute to Wappinger Falls, New York.

Date: undated
Photograph of Genevieve Norman Joseph and Lorice Louty Bolde together outside. Caption notes that the two women were best friends.


Date: undated
Photograph of Genevieve Norman standing outside near a stairway leading underground.


Date: undated
Photograph of Lorice (Louty) and Bill Bolde at Vassar College.


Date: undated
Portrait of Beatrice Joseph as a young child.

Date: undated
Studio portrait of a woman standing next to a table in a long black dress. Caption on another copy of this photo identifies the woman as Aunt Susi, sister of Rose Norman.

Date: undated
Newspaper article in the Daily Gazette of Schenectady about the Hudson River Dance Festival.
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