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  • Tags: New York

Date: circa 1918
A photograph of Toufic Ellis sitting on or near the dam in Theresa, NY, c. 1918.

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A photograph of Theresa and Alfreda Ellis with their Aunt Christine, Toufic's sister, in Tupper Lake, NY, dated August 1960

Date: 1984 June
A photograph of Toufic and Alfred Ellis standing by the door of their Carthage, NY home, June 1984

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A photograph of Theresa Ellis and Alfreda Ellis by Niagara Falls, 21 October 1995

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A photograph of Theresa Ellis and Alfreda Ellis by Niagara Falls, 21 October 1995

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A photograph of Theresa Ellis with Raff Ellis at Ellis Island in September 2000 for Kail's 60th birthday

Date: undated
A photograph of Sister Mariam, Angele Ellis's sister, standing in her black habit. Next to her is an individual who is out of the frame of the photograph and behind her are a variety of plants. Caption on the back of the photograph reads, "Mrs.…

A letter sent from Carthage, New York describing Yousef Hobeiche [spelled Yousef Nema Ghalib Hobeich] as receiving Power of Attorney circa 1950s.

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An envelope addressed to Angel Ellis, 514 West Street, Carthage, N. Y., U. S. A., dated 10 December 1953. Sent from Ghazir, Lebanon by Airmail. Contains one Lebanese stamp.

Date: circa 1950s
A newspaper article of Sister Marie Ancilla Ellis (Alfreda Ellis) at the American Red Cross Blood Clinic with nurse circa 1950s.

Date: circa 1930s
A holy card with a depiction of Mary and Jesus and a prayer from the Maronite Mass. Signed by John A Duffy, Bishop of Buffalo, New York circa 1930s.

Date: 1974 June 13
A newspaper clipping with a photograph of Delor Ellis receiving a check from Robert S. McDonnell for the Carthage Area Hospital, Inc., dated 13 June 1974.

A stamped postcard from unknown to Angele Ellis, dated 29 August 1966. Postcard depicts the Federal Reserve Bank Building in Buffalo, New York.

An envelope addressed to Rev. Kail C. Ellis dated 1981 September 14.

Date: undated
A port of arrival spreadsheet for Ellis Island, a highlighted row on this copy mentions Carthage, NY. At the bottom it looks like a search was done for Toufic Ellis. The sheet does not have a year only 'July 29'

Date: undated
An English poem, titled 'Psalms of New York'. Names mentioned Mario Cuomo.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1896 May 23
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y."

Date: circa 1899
Portrait of Margaret Shea Oussani cut for an oval frame.

Date: 1900 July 22
Joseph Oussani with his two dogs by an outbuilding at his home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: 1900 July 22
Joseph Oussani with his two dogs by an outbuilding at his home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: 1900
Joseph Oussani with his two dogs likely around 1900 near his home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: 1901
Members of the Oussani and Shea families seated outdoors with tea. The back says, "from left, Joanna or Elizabeth Shea, Catherine Oussani, ?Man, Mrs. Shea, (Front Row) Margaret Oussani, Joseph Oussani, dog, Mrs. Balawan?, Regina Oussani, Peter…

Date: 1901
A photograph of the Oussani and Shea families seated outdoors, taken in Pocantico Hills, NY.

Date: 1901
A photograph of the Oussani and Shea families seated outdoors, taken in Pocantico Hills, NY.

Date: 1901
A photograph of the Oussani and Shea families seated outdoors, taken in Pocantico Hills, NY.

Date: 1901
Identified as Joanna Shea with baby John Peter Oussani at Joseph Oussani's home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: circa 1905
Six adults, possibly members of the Oussani family, standing near a small body of water in swimming clothes. A dog sits in front of them.

Date: circa 1905
Two women standing in swimming clothes with a large home behind them.

Date: circa 1905
Two women and a man standing on the shore of a pool or body of water near a fence and power lines. Another person or child is on the left bank with their hand in the water.

Date: circa 1905
Adults, possibly members of the Oussani family, swimming in a small pool or pond.

Date: circa 1905
Adults, possibly members of the Oussani family, swimming in a small pool or pond. Several buildings and houses are visible in the background.

Date: circa 1905
Two women, a man, and a child in two horse drawn carriages in front of Joseph Oussani's home in Pocantico Hills, New York. The man may be Joseph.

Date: circa 1905
Members of the Oussani family (Joseph far left) standing on the porch of Joseph's home in Pocantico Hills, New York. A woman is seated in a carriage pulled by one horse.

Date: circa 1905
Members of the Oussani family (Joseph far left) lounging in front of Joseph Oussani's home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: circa 1905
Members of the Oussani family (Joseph far left) lounging in front of Joseph Oussani's home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: circa 1905
Members of the Oussani family (Joseph fourth from left) standing by a pool or lake at Joseph Oussani's home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: circa 1905
Members of the Oussani family (Joseph fourth from left) standing by a lake at Joseph Oussani's home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: circa 1905
Joseph Oussani on a horse in front his home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: circa 1905
Joseph Oussani on a horse in front his home in Pocantico Hills, New York.

Date: circa 1905
Joseph Oussani on a horse in front of his home in Pocantico Hills, New York. A woman, likely Margaret Shea Oussani, and little girl are in the background.

Date: circa 1909
Brothers Joseph and Peter Oussani seated on a bench outside. A note on the back says, "Joseph and Peter (?) Oussani ca 1909."

Date: 1910s
A photograph of Isabel Oussani riding a pony in front of a house in Pocantico Hills, NY.

Date: 1910s
A photograph postcard of Margaret Oussani on a pony in front of a house in Pocantico Hills.

Date: 1910s
A photograph postcard of Margaret Oussani on a pony in front of a house in Pocantico Hills.

Date: 1923
A memorial card dedicated to Reverend John Talbot Smith, late Pastor of the Church of the Sacred Heart, Dobbs Ferry, NY. Born 1855, died 24 September 1923.

A photograph postcard of Principal B. M. Sheppard of Dobbs Ferry High School in his office seated at a desk. Labeled, "Property of Thomas Oussani," and dated 19 April 1915.

A photograph of a large group of students, including Thomas Oussani, sitting in the study hall at Dobbs Ferry High School, dated 19 April 1915.

Date: 1917
A photograph of the Dobbs Ferry High School Basketball Team featuring Thomas Oussani.

Date: 1917
A photograph of the Dobbs Ferry High School Basketball Team featuring Thomas Oussani.
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