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  • Tags: Medical

Date: undated
Miscellaneous news about medicine, the invention of the telegraph, and a statement issued by the Druze in Lebanon warning against publishing any work about the Druze before obtaining its approval.

An article about Anthony El-Khouri's visit to the States for an operation.

Date: 1967 March 2
A follow-up article about Anthony El -Khouri's surgery and visit to the United States.

Meeting Minutes from the Glenmary Sisters Home Nursing Agency Board of Trustees.

Date: 1983 May 6
A statement showing the amount paid by Afaf Tanios El-Khouri for the treatment of Lina Botorus El-Khouri at Memorial Mission Hospital.

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رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز ابن سعود في 2 اذار 1924 (26 رجب 1342). فيها يعبر الريحاني عن راحته وسعادته لسلامة الملك عبد العزيز وتعافيه، خاصة بعد انتشار خبر وفاته. كما يؤكد الريحاني للملك عن اجرائه التعديلات (الحذف) التي امر بها الملك عبد…

رسالة من احمد زكي الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 12 حزيران 1925. فيها يثني زكي على كتاب الريحاني ملوك العرب بجزئية. ويخبره بمرض زوجته وسفره الى فرنسا لغرض العلاج.

رسالة من امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز ابن سعود بتاريخ 14 شباط 1926 (1 شعبان). فيها يطمئن الريحاني على صحة الملك عبد العزيز بعد علمه بوصول اطباء الى جدة.

A photograph of Sister Marie Angele Ellis (Marie Theresa Ellis) circa 1979.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 12 January 1930.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated October 1947.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 29 October 1947.

A doctor's note from Docteur S. Najm in Beirut, Lebanon. The note is addressed to Kail Kmeid and lists the dates that he has previously visited the doctor, totaling five visits since 5 November 1957.

Date: circa 1950s
A newspaper article of Sister Marie Ancilla Ellis (Alfreda Ellis) at the American Red Cross Blood Clinic with nurse circa 1950s.

Date: circa 2006
A brochure from the New Jersey Department of Human Services Division of Mental Health Services Disaster and Terrorism Branch titled, 'Coping with the Stress of Emergency Evacuation' circa 2006.

Date: 1974 June 13
A newspaper clipping with a photograph of Delor Ellis receiving a check from Robert S. McDonnell for the Carthage Area Hospital, Inc., dated 13 June 1974.

Date: circa 1967
A newspaper clipping titled 'Red Cross Officers' with a photograph of Dugal C. Peck, Delor (spelled Delore) J. Ellis, Mrs. U. Grant LeFevre and William F. Nicol circa 1967.

A birthday card addressed from Angele Ellis to Kail Ellis, 12 September 1989

A letter and envelope addressed to Kail Ellis from Victor T. Curtin at Florida Lions Eye Bank, dated 1994 March 2

Envelope and Letter from Kail Ellis to Angele Ellis and Toufic Ellis, 1966 February 07

Date: 1923-1930s
Diary of Elias Nakhleh (Najle in Spanish, and father of María Najle) who was from the town of Yabroud in Syria. It starts with his immigration to La Cumbre, Argentina in December 1923, and then goes on to detail his life there including the passing…

Date: 1930s-1950s
Diary of Elias Nakhleh (Najle in Spanish, and father of María Najle) who was from the town of Yabroud in Syria. This is supplemental to the first part of his diary. Here he lists letters, sent, includes a poem, details his daily life between the…

A letter, written 30 Jan 1934, from Harlem Hospital in New York, certifying that Joseph Oussani, 54 years of age, was admitted on January 19, diagnosed with a fractured skull and diabetes, and died on 21 January 1934.

Date: 2012
A chain of emails that refers to Mettrie Lari's diagnosis of breast cancer and her subsequent double mastectomy. Another chain of emails from three months earlier between Mettrie Lari and her mother Barbara Estes goes into detail about how their…

Barbara Kahdy Estes's passport before changing her last name to Estes. This document also contains a vaccination record.

Date: 2010s
Photograph of a sign for Dr. Anis N. Sawaya Dermatology and Cosmetology Business located in Bteghrine, Lebanon. They are the first cousins of George Kahdy.

A letter from Nadim Attallah who tells Krouger about his accident, his truck fell into the river and two people were killed. He will send him the money when this case is over. Dated August 18, 1949, Kouroussa, Guinea.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who advises his father on sending secure letters. He also wishes his uncle good health after hearing he is sick. Dated October 1, 1938, Conakry, Guinea.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who shares family updates and writes to his father to ask about the health of George and Yakoub (Jacob). Krouger advises his father not to reconcile with Ibrahim Naja. Dated November 13, 1937, Conakry, Guinea.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who assures his father about their health, but informs him that businesses are not very well and therefore asks him not to cancel the purchase of any properties. As'ad Gantous returned them to Corossa, when he comes…

A letter from Nadim Attallah to his father who writes that he and Krouger are worried because they have not received a letter from the family. Nadim updates them about As'ad. Nadim also asks about Emili's health. Dated October 15, 1931, Conakry,…

A letter from Krouger Attallah who asks his father about Emili's health, refers to a health problem. He also explains that he has money left with his cousins, but unable to pay him as businesses are not very well. He updates his father about As'ad.…

Date: 1929 May 04
A letter from Krouger Attallah who tells his father that he stayed in hospital for 20 days, but he feels good at present. He updated his father about As'ad, his brother, he broke up with As'ad, their son in law, and apologizes for not supporting the…

A letter from Krouger Attallah who thanks Nadim for his letter and he is happy that they recovered from Dengue Fever. Krouger updates Nadim about As'ad, as he hasn't sent a letter for 3 months. Krouger asks Nadim not to travel and focus on learning,…

A medical prescription written by a Docteur Tewfik Koureichi for Ms. Emily. Dated October 14, 1926, Damascus, Syria.

A medical prescription written by a Docteur Tewfik Koureichi for Ms. Emily. Dated September 8, 1926, Damascus, Syria.

A letter from As'ad Attallah who informs his father, Father Tobia, that he is sending a check of 500 francs through bank transfer as gift for his siblings and asks his father to pray for him to maintain good health and succeeds at work, so he can…

A letter to Father Tobia Attallah from Mansour Elias AlBitar. Mansour informs Father Tobia of the birth of his son but with a medical/physical condition, he was born without [anus], and underwent several operations. Mansour asks Father Tobia if he…

Date: circa 1940s
Two name tags with pins belonging to "Mrs. G. Joseph." One is for her position as a Ward Clerk and the other as a Nursing Aide.

Tags: ;

Date: undated
An empty glass bottle embossed with the name "Haddad." Note from the donor: Ameen F. Haddad had two MDs, one from Protestant College and one from New York University. He had offices at 89 Broad St. and worked to develop face creams, which is likely…

Date: 1954
"Memoirs" by Wadea Kassab recounts Wadea's life from his childhood in Damascus and Bloudan, to his immigration to America in 1889, and through his pursuit of education and a career in dentistry.

Date: circa 1958
This manuscript by Aelyas Kassab is a history of the Kassab family and a biography of Aelyas's own life. It begins with Aelyas's grandfather Elyas Kassab, born in 1814, and traces the family through the 19th century

Medical document for Yussif Boua Krouche [very hard to read] indicating the treatment of trachoma infection. The document also states that while it was given on board a ship it did not guarantee acceptance at either a boarding or landing port. It was…

This record certifies Fred Aoun's employment as a stripping bobbin at Pacific Worsted Mill. It was filled out on September 5, 1916, and signed by M. J. Delaney, his employer. On the back is a Physician's Certificate of Health, signed by an M.…

This record identifies Alice Assaf's address at 397 Elm St. and certifies that she has been vaccinated.

Date: 1906 March 5
This record, created at the Cross St. School in Lawrence, MA, on March 5, 1906, details the health of Alice Assaf. It provides other information, including address, 397 Elm St., names of parents, Celia and Wadia, and occupations of parents, "jewelry"…

Date: 1913 Jan 30
A school record produced by the Special School in Lawrence, Massachusetts, on January 30, 1913, written by Rachel Haddad's step-mother, Annie Haddad, certifying her date of birth as December 25, 1897. The record provides other necessary information…

Date: 1913 Sept
A record created on September 29, 1913, confirming Rachel Haddad's promise of employment at Pacific Mills, at #10 mill, doing the job of doffing. It is signed by the mill's manager, H.H. Prompton. On the back is a physician's certificate of health,…

Date: circa 1917
A certificate of age for Mary Hadid, signed by a physician, confirming her date of birth as February 28, 1900, residence as 182 Maple St., and age as at least 16.

Date: circa 1913
A certificate of age, signed by a physician, certifying that Toufick Hajjar is at least 16 years of age. It lists his residence as Oak St.
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