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  • Tags: Marriage Certificates

Date: 1896
Half of a marriage certificate for John Oussani, dated May 1896.

Father Tobia is asked to prepare certificates of marriage and baptism for: Nakhle (Yahia?) and Melekeh (marriage & baptism), and Victoria, Elias, Mansour and Melvina (baptism). years and locations of birth, and names of churches are listed. Dated…

A marriage certificate for Nasri Fuleihan and Isabel Oussani, married 12 September 1925, in New York by Rev. Thomas O'Keefe and with witnesses George Fuleihan and Margaret Oussani, dated 1968.

A marriage certificate and birth certificate from Mayor Khouri Elias al Zammar of Keserwan District for Angele Ellis.

A handwritten marriage certificate from Vicariat Apostolique de la Guinee Francaise, Mission de Kouroussa of As'ad Gantous and Nazha Anaissi, married on February 22, 1936. Also includes years and places of birth and baptism. Dated March 1, 1936,…

The marriage certificate of Charles Murman and Agnes Zaytoun signed in New Bern, NC. Dated October 21, 1945.

A letter from from Badiha Moukarzel who requests her marriage and birth certificate because she wants to divorce her husband. Dated August 6, 1948, Cote d'Ivoire [Ivory Coast]

Date: 1948 Nov 23
Certificate of Marriage from St. Mary's Church of Poughkeepsie, New York, certifying the marriage of Sam Norman and Beatrice [illegible] on October 7th, 1923. Beatrice was a legal name of Rose Nader. Certificate dated from 1948. Also included in an…

A marriage certificate signed by Patriarch of Antioch Antonio Aredo, dated 5 December 1953.

A marriage Certificate signed by Father Peter Tohmey for Angele Ellis and Toufic Ellis, dated 2 November 1953.

A marriage certificate for Angele Ellis from Qattine (spelled Angela, daughter of Cheikh Nehme Ghaleb Hobeish from El-katteen) and Toufic Ellis from Bqaatouta (spelled Toofic Elias Kmayd from Bekahtoota). This certificate is signed by Father Botros…

Date: 1983
Moise Khayrallah and Vera Tayeh's marriage certificate, issued in Lebanon in 1983.
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