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  • Tags: Lebanon

Date: 1998 Dec 3
A draft of a speech (likely given at the Al-Hoda Centennial) written by Mary Mokarzel.

Date: 1987 July 1
Letters from Mary Mokarzel's Lebanese cousins thanking her for the money she sent and discussing the situation in Lebanon.

Date: 1990 Aug
A letter from Aida Marini to Mary Mokarzel concerning post war Lebanon and donations for the Oriental Library in Beirut.

Date: 1959 July 15
A letter from Eva Malik to Mary Mokarzel concerning the tea party given for her at Mary's New York apartment. Photos of the tea party are linked below.

Date: undated
A holiday card from the directors of the Banque du Credit Hypothecaire Libanais in Beirut.

Date: 1988 Aug 2
A letter from an unidentified J. O. to Mary Mokarzel concerning personal news.

Date: 1990 Apr 20
A letter from Aida Marini to Mary Mokarzel updating her on personal and local news, detailing aspects of her career and hardships in post war Lebanon.

Date: 1971 Jan 6
A holiday letter from Charles and Habib Malik to Mary Mokarzel concerning personal news and news of Lebanon.

Date: undated
An photo of a museum exhibit image of Lebanese immigrants from Machghara, Lebanon. The caption on the back of the photo reads "most settled in Methuen, MA."

Date: 1977 Mar 24
A letter from Chebli Boustany to Mary Mokarzel concerning personal and local news.

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Date: circa 1994
A copy of a letter from Mary Mokarzel to Helen Samhan concerning the Mokarzel tomb and property in Freike, Lebanon and the donation of Al-Hoda microfilm to the NY public library.

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Date: 1926
A photo of Mokarzels in Beirut, Lebanon. Left to right: Lila Mokarzel, Helen Kalil Mokarzel, and Mary Mokarzel. The caption on the back of the photo states "Nadi Al-Sayaddy."

Date: 1926 Apr
A photo of Mokarzels in Beirut, Lebanon. Left to right: Lila Mokarzel and Helen Kalil Mokarzel. The caption on the back of the photo states "Nadi Al-Sayaddy."

Date: 1926
A photo of the Mokarzel ladies with other unidentified women in Lebanon. Helen Kalil Mokarzel stands in the back row, second from the left.

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Date: undated
A portrait of Salloum Mokarzel (right) with his relative, taken in Freike, Lebanon.

Date: undated
A portrait of Yemna Mokarzel.

Date: 1965 Jan 3
Yemna Mokarzel's library card for the U. S. I. S. library in Beirut, Lebanon. The card was put in care of Dr. Eugene Szegoe, relative of the Mokarzels.

Date: 1965 July 7
Yemna Mokarzel's old passport, in which she obtained a visa to visit Lebanon.

Date: 1955 June
A photo of Mary Mokarzel (left) with Albert Rihani (center) and an unidentified man in front of Salloum Mokarzel's coffin. Mary made this trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains.

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Date: 1955
This photo was taken during Mary Mokarzel's trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. Mary sits in the front row in the dark dress and sunglasses. The other individuals in the photograph are unidentified, but may be relations.

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Date: 1955
A journal kept by Mary Mokarzel during her trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. She writes about gifts received, cities visited, and conversations had with people such as President Camille Chamoun and a Patriarch.

Date: circa 1900
A portrait of young Salloum Mokarzel (left) with an unknown relative, taken in Freike, Lebanon. Both are dressed in traditional clothing.

Date: circa 1926
A photo of Helen Mokarzel and some of her daughters during their stay in Beirut. In the back, left to right: Helen Kalil Mokarzel and her friend (unidentified). In the front, left to right: Yemna and Lila Mokarzel.

Date: 1925-1927
A photo of Lila Mokarzel, standing outside in a white dress, taken during her stay in Beirut, Lebanon.

Date: undated
A photo of Mokarzel relations in Freike "picking the figs before cooking." On the left is Im Nasri Lebbos and second from the right is Yousuf.

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Date: undated
A photo of three unidentified women looking out of a window in Lebanon.


Date: 1925-1927
A photo of Mokarzels in Beirut, Lebanon. In front is Helen Mokarzel and behind her are Mary (left) and Lila Mokarzel.

Date: undated
A photo of a mountainous landscape in Lebanon. The caption on the back reads "The road to Saint Charbel."

Date: undated
A photo of Lily Trabulsi Szegoe (right) with her husband in Rabieh, Lebanon.


Date: circa 1973
A photo of Yemna Mokarzel with an unidentified relation in Freike, Lebanon.

A photo of unidentified Mokarzel relations in Lebanon. The woman second from the left is Yemna Mokarzel.

Date: 1973
A photo of Mokarzel relations in Freike, Lebanon. The woman second from the left (in green pants) is Lily Trabulsi Szegoe.

Date: circa 1970s
A photo of "Imm Nasri" Libbous, Lebanon.

Date: circa 1920s
A large album of the Mokarzel family's photos and other memorabilia. The majority of the photos were taken in the 1920's.

Date: undated
A copy of a holiday letter from Nasri Lebbos Bejjani to Mary Mokarzel wishing her happy holidays.

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Date: 1987 May 27
A letter from Helen Samhan to Mary Mokarzel concerning a letter from Save Lebanon and the new priest in Freike, Lebanon.

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Date: undated
A draft of a narrative about the beginning of Salloum Mokarzel and his family's journey to America.

Date: 1925 Aug 10
A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written after Alice and her family's arrival in Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated August 10, 1925, Alice describes her mixed emotions about living in Lebanon and even wishes…

Date: 1925 Aug 19
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated August 19, 1925, Alice explains that she and her sisters are looking to enroll in the Marie…

Date: 1925 Aug 26
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated August 26, 1925, Alice writes to her father after receiving his telegram and explains that her…

Date: 1925 Aug 31
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written from their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated August 31, 1925, Alice explains that two days after her mother Helen sent a telegram to the…

Date: 1925 Sept 7
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 7, 1925, Alice describes how happy she and her sisters, except Lila who is not yet…

Date: 1925 Sept 16
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 16, 1925, Alice writes to her father, as she has been doing so often, to make him…

Date: 1925 Sept 21
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 21, 1925, Alice writes to her father now that she and her family have finally arrived to Beirut. On their way…

Date: 1925 Sept 29
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 29, 1925, Alice and her family finally received Salloum's letter. Salloum misses his family dearly and his…

Date: 1925 Oct 17
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated October 17, 1925, Alice and her sisters are happy now that they have started school. Alice, Rose, and Mary play…

Date: 1925 Oct 24
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated October 24, 1925, Alice writes to her father in school during a weekly letter writing class activity. Time seems to pass…

Date: 1925 Nov 9
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated November 9, 1925, Alice explains that school is keeping her occupied but she is enjoying her time there. She continues to…

Date: 1925 Nov 22
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated November 22, 1925, Alice tells her father not to worry about her and the rest of the family because they are safe in…

Date: 1925 Nov 30
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated November 30, 1925, Alice reflects on a car ride with her mother and siblings. They saw a few tourist attractions…
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