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  • Tags: Kahlil Gibran

Volume 6 Issue 06 of The Syrian World published February 1932. The issue opens with an article by Rev. W. A. Mansur that discusses the racial pride Syrian and Lebanese people should have as a result of the historical accomplishments of their…

Date: 1932 April
Volume 6 Issue 07 of the Syrian World published April 1932. The issue opens with an apology for the absence of a March issue, and an explanation that as a result the April issue is longer. The first article featured is by H. I. Katibah in which he…

Date: 1971
Reproduction of a prayer written out by Kahlil Gibran reading, "We all pray. Some of us pray with -- and others pray without --- for this human heart though seemingly silent, is -- quivering with songs (is ever singing its holy song before the holy…

Date: 1971
Folder titled "The World of Kahlil Gibran." created by the National Committee of Gibran in 1971. The folder was filled with reproductions of Gibran's drawing and personal writings, photographs of his New York bedroom, and photographs of his…

Date: 1971
Poem, "The Blind Poet," handwritten by Kahlil Gibran.

The Blind Poet - Kahlil
I have been blinded by light,
the very sun that gave -- -- day
Gave me my night - how dream
And yet I am a --
While you -- sit Where
life gave you birth
-- dearest…

Date: 1971
Draft of a poem written by Kahlil Gibran

Date: 1971
A photograph of Kahlil Gibran's studio in New York with his art framed and displayed around the room. Art is hung on the walls and displayed on an easel.

Date: 1971
A photograph of Kahlil Gibran's desk. The desk is extended open, with books and a candlestick resting on its top, and paper, an inkwell, and books on its writing surface. A wooden and leather chair is pushed away from the desk and a leather carrying…

Date: 1971
A photograph of inside a house in Bisharri, Lebanon, described by the National Council of Gibran as his "birthplace." Featured in the center of the photograph is a damaged rattan rocking chair. A metal four pole bed frame is in the right corner, and…

Date: 1971
A photograph of inside a house in Bisharri, Lebanon, described by the National Council of Gibran as his "birthplace." The walls of the inside of the home are bare and supporting columns, which meet in arches near the ceiling, cut through the room.

Date: 1971
A photograph of Kahlil Gibran's bedroom in New York. A large tapestry of Jesus hangs on the wall along with a crucifix and some art. An armour with mirrors is in the left corner and his bed, covered in multiple pillows, is positioned near the center.…

Date: 1971
A photograph of Bisharri, Lebanon, described by the National Committee of Gibran as "Gibran's village."

Date: 1921
Handwritten letter from Kahlil Gibran in Arabic.

Date: 1916 May 16
Handwritten letter from Kahlil Gibran in English to Mary Haskel.

Date: 1971 Aug 13
Letter from the National Committee of Gibran that gives context to the organization and the work, "The World of Kahlil Gibran" (a folder filled with reproductions of Gibran's art, personal writings, and photographs of his space and hometown), in…

Date: 1971 Aug 13
Letter from the National Committee of Gibran that gives context to the organization and the work, "The World of Kahlil Gibran" (a folder filled with reproductions of Gibran's art, personal writings, and photographs of his space and hometown), in…

Date: 1971
Reproduction of various drawings of faces done by Kahlil Gibran. This was included with the other reproductions in the folder titled "The World of Kahlil Gibran" created by the National Committee of Gibran.

Date: 1971
Reproduction of drawings by Kahlil Gibran featuring various nude figures. This was included with the other reproductions in the folder titled "The World of Kahlil Gibran" created by the National Committee of Gibran.

Date: 1973
Brochure pamphlet created by the National Committee of Gibran in 1973 on Kahlil Gibran's hometown, Bcharre. This was included with other reproductions of Gibran's work and photographs of Gibran's living spaces in the folder titled "The World of…

Date: 1976 Dec 8
Prayer for the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Lebanon-American Daughters Club.

Date: 1981
Angele Ellis' diary of the year 1981. It is a Khalil Gibran Diary For 1981 with a selection for each week from The Prophet and his other writings. Within the diary is also a letter to Angele Ellis from Badia Yara.
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