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  • Tags: Immigration

Date: 1968
This book was published in English to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Al-Hoda newspaper. It is a narrative history of the paper, its founders Naoum and Salloum Mokarzel, the independence movement and formation of Lebanon, and early 20th-century…
al hoda book_sm_wm.pdf

Date: 1930 October
Volume 5 Issue 02 of The Syrian World published October 1930. The issue begins with another piece by Rev. W. A. Mansur in which he discusses the important material and moral accomplishments of his ethnic peers in order to showcase their overall…

Date: 1930 May
Volume 4 Issue 09 of The Syrian World published May 1930. The issue opens with more of Ameen Rihani's experiences in Jeddah and his near-haj to Mecca. Salloum Mokarzel then recounts more of his travels, specifically to Tripoli and Latakia. Mokarzel…

Date: 1930 April
Volume 4 Issue 08 of The Syrian World published April 1930. The issue opens with an interview conducted by Salloum Mokarzel with El-Atassi, a Syrian Nationalist Leader and President of the Constituent assembly. This is followed by a quote by Kahlil…

Date: 1929 April
Volume 3 Issue 10 of The Syrian World published April 1929. The issue begins with an article by Rev. W. A. Mansur titled "Syrians' Loyalty to America" which discusses the nature of Syrians' dedication to the United States, the basis of their…

Volume 3 Issue 08 of The Syrian World published February 1929. The issue begins with an article by Joseph W. Ferris titled "Restriction of Immigration." This article relates to the National Origins Clause in the Immigration Act of 1924, which…

Volume 3 Issue 05 of The Syrian World published November 1928. The issue begins with an article Ameen Rihani wrote for The Syrian World titled "The Leper and the Bride of Galilee," a discussion of the cities Nazareth and Tiberias. Rev. W. A. Mansur's…

Volume 2 Issue 08 of The Syrian World published February 1928. The issue opens with an article about Syrian naturalization in the United States by Joseph W. Ferris (and footnotes by Dr. Philip K. Hitti). The next article discusses the issue of…

Date: 1927 June
Volume1 Issue 12 of The Syrian World published May 1927. The issue opens with an article by Alfred Ely Day on "Geology of Syria and Palestine." Following that is an article by Ameen Rihani that discusses how the East (Middle East) and West (Europe…

Date: 1921
Letter sent from the Maronite Patriarchate in Lebanon. This letter was sent by Alex Daye (Dayyeh) to the Patriarchate in response to their request for enumeration of Lebanese immigrants in various parts of the world.

Date: 1921
Letter sent from the Maronite Patriarchate in Lebanon. This letter was sent by Alex Daye (Dayyeh) to the Patriarchate in response to their request for enumeration of Lebanese immigrants in various parts of the world.

Date: 1921
A chart that includes information taken from a letter sent by Alex Daye (Dayyeh) to the Maronite Patriarchate in Lebanon. The original letter was sent in response to their request for enumeration of Lebanese immigrants in various parts of the world.

Date: 1918 June 14
United States of America certificate of naturalization, number 960022, for Peter Aledo Parker at age 23. Parker is described as 5' 5", "white" in "color," "dark" in complexion, and without any visible distinguishing marks. He is unmarried and has no…

Date: 1905-1915
Handwritten diary entries of Maron Domit Barkett providing an account of the early years following immigration of to America, arranged chronologically by date. Subjects include the birth of his children, health of his family, and his search for work.

Date: 1939
Handwritten autobiographical notes made by Maron Domit Barkett written in February of 1939. Some of the overlaps with the diary that Barkett kept between 1905-1915, focusing on his marriage, the birth of his children, and ending with the death of…

Shikrallah Doumit Farris's certificate of naturalization, issued in 1945, after his marriage to Alma Parker of Elizabethtown, North Carolina.

Date: 1945
A signed and sealed document verifying that Shikrallah Farris changed his name from Shikralla Farris Mouwannes as part of his naturalization process.

Original certificate of citizenship issued to Sam (Salim) Abdo Parker.

A letter from Jerry L. Cross, Researcher at the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources to Joseph Zaytoun regarding a research request on the Lebanese in New Bern. Included is a census list from 1910.

Date: 1921 Sept 19
An immigration record for Mansoar Zine produced on September 19, 1921, at Ellis Island, then sent to the Lawrence, Massachusetts Superintendent of Schools and signed by Chief Clerk A.F. Sherman. It certifies that Zine arrived in the United States on…

Date: 1911 Dec 30
An immigration record for Abdulla Woysouf issued on December 30, 1911, in Marseille, France. It lists his age as 16 and his destination as Lawrence, Massachusetts. Handwritten on the bottom is a pencil notation that reads "Card [ill.] 1-19-12 Joseph…

Date: 1912 Nov 25
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on November 25, 1912, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Nahas Wadik arrived in the United…

Date: 1911 Aug 10
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on August 10, 1911, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Amin Vagibey arrived in the United States…

Date: 1913 Jan 4
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on January 4, 1913, signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall, and sent to Abraham Tanous, c/o Bistany, at 39 Valley St., Lawrence, MA. It certifies that Ibraham Tonses arrived in the United States…

Date: 1912 Jan 6
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on January 6, 1912, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Malsina Tilfly arrived in the United…

Date: 1913 June 7
An inspection card for Efenkehi Bahia produced on June 7, 1913, in Marseille, France. It includes an indication of vaccination and a pink ticket for the S.S. Roma of the Fabre Line.

Date: 1913 Aug 23
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on August 23, 1913, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Mariam Tarabolski [Trabulsky] arrived in…

Date: 1913 Aug 23
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on August 23, 1913, signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall, and sent to Mary A. Trabulsky of 14 Norfolk St., Worcester, Massachusetts. The record certifies that Mary Tarabolsi arrived in the…

Date: 1912 Nov 12
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on November 12, 1912, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Mary Tannous arrived in the United…

Date: 1913 Jan 17
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on January 17, 1913, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Abraham Tanios arrived in the United…

Date: 1920
A French Republic passport from Beirut, Syria, for Emilie Soliman listing her age as 18 years. It states that she was born in Beirut, her nationality was Syrian, and that she was travelling to Lawrence, MA. She was not accompanied by anyone.

Date: 1921 Aug
A series of pink immigration records from the journey of Saabeh Sofeir and Deebey Sofeir, aged 13 and 15 at the time of their travel on August 17, 1921. The first document is a receipt or ticket for travel on the Fabre Line paid for by Sarah Sofeir…

Date: 1921 Sept
A passport for Deebey [Dibio] Sofeir (11 years old) and brother Saabeh Sofeir (9 years old) issued by The Department of Public Security in Egypt. Contains a photograph of the children. It also contains a number of stamps indicating that the children…

Date: 1912 Dec 14
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on December 14, 1912, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Catherine Siyoufi arrived in the United…

Date: 1920 May 10
French Republic passport for Elias Shakkal issued May 10, 1920. It states that he was born in Aleppo [Alep], lived in Beirut, and was travelling to the U.S. He was not accompanied by anyone else.

Date: 1920
An immigration record for Elias Shakkal showing his transport from Marseille, France, to New York. It shows he was to depart for New York on July 16, 1920. It lists his nationality as Syrian and his profession as being a day laborer [journalier]. He…

Date: 1912 May 18
A letter from Byron Hall, acting Commissioner of the United States Immigration Service, to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, sent on May 18, 1912. It states that his office was unable to verify that Joseph Schickrie was…

Date: 1913 Aug 29
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on August 29, 1913, by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall and sent to Aiz Abdo of 356 Elm St., Lawrence, MA. It certifies that Marie Scheinschany arrived in the United States on November 21, 1912,…

Date: 1914 March
An immigration record issued in Naples, Italy, on March 27, 1914, for a journey to New York. The record, likely a ticket, was issued to Saud [?] [Saa?].

Date: 1914 Feb 16
A prepaid ticket, good for one year, for Nazrah Samia created on February 16, 1914. It shows Nazra's passage from Beirut, Syria, to Lawrence, Massachusetts. The cost of the journey is listed as $44.54 for one adult in steerage. It lists Nazrah's age…

Date: 1914 Feb 16
A prepaid ticket, good for one year, for Gamelia Samia issued on February 16, 1914. It shows passage from Beirut, Syria, to Lawrence, Massachusetts. It lists Gamelia's age as 17. It was stamped by A.R. Saunders Insurance at 362 Essex St., Lawrence,…

Date: 1912
An immigration record for A[?] Selim indicating prepaid passage on the Austro-American line in 1912. On the back, handwritten in pencil, is "Arrived October 17, 1912 at New York."

Date: 1912 Oct 31
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on October 31, 1912, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Jousef Essad Sabibe arrived in the…

Date: 1913 Dec
Contract for transport by sea for Murad Razouk [45] and his family. His family consisted of two sons, Hami [25] and Navrah [16], a child named Malaheh [3], and a baby named Razouk [2]. The back of the document states that he was Syrian, was…

Date: 1912 June 29
This immigration record was produced at Ellis Island on June 29, 1912, sent to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, and signed by Acting Commissioner Byron Hall. It certifies that Bahia Rahmi arrived in the United States on…

Date: 1921 May 7
Passport for Saada Owen [Aoun] [50] who was accompanied by her two children, Afife [15] and Michael [14]. They were from Lebanon. The passport was issued on May 7, 1921, and was used to travel to the United States via France shortly thereafter.

Date: undated
A manifest sheet for Nohra Assad, or Assad Nohra Said, in Greek.

Date: 1914 April 4
Contract for transportation by sea for Abraham Nemir (18), issued on April 4, 1914. He was travelling to Lawrence, MA, on the Rochambeau. He was from Vadi Dayer, Syria, and was a farmer [cultivateur].

Date: 1912 May
Contract for transportation by sea for Nicola Nazria (16) and her sister Nabeha Nazria (11). They were going to New York and were departing on June 1, 1912. The back of the document states that Nicola was Syrian, was travelling to Dover, New…

Contract for transportation by sea for Youssef Nassif, who was travelling to New York on the Bretagne and was departing on April 29, 1911. He was travelling with his daughter, Hafya Nassif [17], and his other child, Shekri [11]. On the back of the…
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