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  • Tags: Funerals

Date: 1905 Nov 2
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1906 Aug 1
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1906 July 31
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1907
A funeral card dedicated to Margaret Shea Oussani, who died 7 March 1907, at 29 years of age.

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Date: 1907
A funeral card dedicated to Margaret Shea Oussani, who died 7 March 1907, at 29 years of age.

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Date: 1907
A funeral card dedicated to Margaret Shea Oussani, who died 7 March 1907, at 29 years of age.

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Date: 1907 Jan 15
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1909 July 29
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1920s
A photograph of a family gathered around a coffin.

Date: 1920s
Church service, likely a funeral, in a cemetery surrounding the monument to Catherine Oussani, featuring a priest and a large group of well-dressed people of all ages.

A letter from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 17 April 1929.

Date: 1929 May 20
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1929 May 20
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

A letter from Father Toubia Turk to Angele Ellis, dated 6 February 1930.

Date: 1930 July 01
A letter from Yousef Barakat to Toufic Ellis, dated 1 July 1930.

Date: 1931 April
Volume 5 Issue 08 of The Syrian World published April 1931. The issue is especially long as it was published the same month famed poet and frequent contributor to the Syrian World, Kahlil Gibran, passed away. There are only just a few inclusions in…

Date: 1934
Photograph, with identification of attendees, of the funeral of Eeyoud at St. Anthony's Maronite Church, in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, circa 1934. Rose Isaac El-Khouri was originally from Wilkes-Barre.

Date: 1937
Photograph of a large group of men taken at David Abraham Saliba's funeral held at the Lafayette Street Methodist Church in Dothan, AL, in 1937. Most of the men have been identified on another document and most belong to the Saliba and Saloom…

Date: 1938
A copy of a photograph of the burial of Khalil Hobeiche in Hamedan, Iran, dated 1938.

Date: 1941 Oct 3
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1946 May 15
A document produced by Joseph T. Kennedy Funeral Chapel listing the funeral expenses for the funeral of Miss Mary Lynch, interred at Calvary Cemetery on 13 May 1946, document dated 15 May 1946.

Date: 1955
Collection of newspaper clippings featuring details of the death of Rose Norman as well as the acquisition of a marriage license by Charlie Joseph and Genevieve Norman.

Date: 1955 Jan 16
Letter and envelope addressed to Genevieve [Norman] Joseph in the weeks following Rose Norman's death. Includes prayer cards.

Date: 1962 June 03
A funeral notice for Yousef el Khazen, dated 3 June 1962.

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Newspaper article from August 27, 1964, concerning the death and funeral of Shikrallah Farris. Farris died from a sudden heart attack on August 21, 1964. The article provides a photograph of Farris, a brief biography of Farris, an account of his…

Date: 1969
A card with a religious figure on the front and a simple prayer on the back dedicated to the memory of Margaret Oussani (1915-1969) produced by Dorney and Farlinger Chapel, Monterey, California.

A funeral notice for Habeeb Nicola el Khazen, dated 21 April 1972.

Date: 1972 Dec 19
Notice in a newspaper of Sam Norman's funeral at Darrow Funeral Home.

Date: 1974
A card memorializing Leonard Oussani, born 1917 and died 1974, printed by Seaside Mortuary, Seaside, California.

A photocopy of a funeral notice for Zod Nicola Ghazin el Khazen, dated 29 February 1976.

Date: 1989
A photograph of Isabel Fuleihan walking out of the Oussani family mausoleum.

Date: 1989
A photograph of Margaret Oussani's casket being lifted and placed in the Oussani family mausoleum.

Date: 1991 Dec
A memorial card for Sadie Karam.

Mass of a Christian Burial' for Toufic Ellis by Alfred Ellis, dated 15 April 1992

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A pamphlet for the 'Mass of the Resurrection' for Toufic Ellis, dated 15 April 1992

A letter from Kail Ellis to John E. Rotelle about Toufic Ellis's funeral, dated 16 April 1992

Date: 1994
A newspaper article titled 'Funeral Here Saturday for Angele Ellis, Widow of Former Carthage Businessman'. The article is about Angele Ellis' death and funeral.

Date: 1994
A newspaper article titled 'Angele Ellis, 88, Dies'. The article is about Angele Ellis' death.

Date: 1994
A newspaper article titled 'Rites Are Saturday for Angele H. Ellis'. The article is about Angele Ellis' life.

Date: 1994
Two cards addressed to Louise from Kail Ellis, unknown date but Kail refers to Angele's funeral, which would have been in 1994.

Date: 1994 April
A memorial card for Alice Awad.

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Newspaper Written in Arabic, dated April 08, 1994, page 8, alAnwar newspaper. Article by Michel Murad, mourning the death of Angele and her return to Lebanon.

A pamphlet and prayer cards for the Mass of Christian Burial for Angele Ellis, dated 13 February 1994

An address by Kail Ellis for the funeral of Angele Ellis, dated 14 February 1994

A 'Homily for the Mass of Christian Burial for Angele Hobeiche Ellis' by Kail Ellis, dated 19 February 1994

A newspaper article published in The Carthage Republican Tribune titled 'Tribute to Angele Ellis Recalls Days of Early Lebanese Community'. The article dated 23 February 1994 is about Angele Ellis and her impact on the community.

Letters Between Kail Ellis and Alain Joseph about the passing of Angele Ellis and plans to place her ashes in Lebanon, dated 1 March 1994

Date: 2003
A photograph of Gail O'Keefe Edson and Caroline Fuleihan inside doorway of mausoleum.

Date: 2003
A photograph of several framed photos on a table in front of an alter at Isabel Oussani's funeral. The images all include Isabel.

Date: 2003
A photograph of Neville Fuleihan and Sam O'Keefe standing outside of the Oussani family mausoleum.
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