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  • Tags: Fashion

Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of a Lebanese villager. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of a Lebanese farmer. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of two men and mountain scenery in Lebanon. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of a Bedouin person and their tent. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

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Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of a member of the Maronite patriarch. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of a Lebanese gentleman. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: circa 1950s
A photo taken by Rev. Al Maloof of a Lebanese village woman. The photos in this folder were intended for publication by Salloum Mokarzel.

Date: undated
A book made up of color drawings featuring different clothing worn in Lebanon and Syria.

Date: undated
A one ounce S.G. Hayeck “Syrian Violet” perfume bottle. The label reads "Badru Naam Cologne Syrian Violet" and the top label reads "Lilac."


Date: 1925
Studio portrait of Helen Saleeby in a fur coat.

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Date: undated
A photograph of Margaret and Isabel Oussani dressed in fur coats standing outside a townhouse in a city.

Date: circa 1920s
A large album of the Mokarzel family's photos and other memorabilia. The majority of the photos were taken in the 1920's.

Date: circa 1940
A photo of Lila and Yemna Mokarzel as young women.


Date: circa 1920
A photo of a young Yemna Mokarzel (front) with other girls, likely her sisters.

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Date: circa 1916
A photo of the three oldest Mokarzel sisters with their friends . The children are outdoors, in the background are small trees and several houses. Left to right: Mary Mokarzel, Alice Mokarzel, four unidentified children, and Rose Mokarzel.

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Date: circa 1916
A photo of the three oldest Mokarzel sisters. The caption states that they are "wearing outfits sent from Paris." Left to right: Mary Mokarzel, Rose Mokarzel, and Alice Mokarzel.
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