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  • Tags: Diaries

Date: 1903
This manuscript is Ameen Rihani's early notebook. It contains his personal writings and notes beginning as early as 1903. PDF.pdf

Date: 1981
Angele Ellis' diary of the year 1981. It is a Khalil Gibran Diary For 1981 with a selection for each week from The Prophet and his other writings. Within the diary is also a letter to Angele Ellis from Badia Yara.

A note with a recipe for baking soda biscuits on side A, undated. A journal entry written by Angele Ellis on side B, dated 26 March-29 March 1983. Written on paper with 'The Velvet Cloak Inn' letterhead. See KEllis2018-358 for the rest of Angele…

Tags: ; ;

Date: 2006 July 06
A diary written by Kail Ellis during the Israeli Hezbollah war of 2006 in Lebanon from 6 July 2006 to 25 July 2006.

Date: 1905-1915
Handwritten diary entries of Maron Domit Barkett providing an account of the early years following immigration of to America, arranged chronologically by date. Subjects include the birth of his children, health of his family, and his search for work.

Date: 1984 June 22
A journal entry by Mary Mokarzel including her thoughts and memories.

Date: 1955
A journal kept by Mary Mokarzel during her trip to Lebanon to repatriate her father's remains. She writes about gifts received, cities visited, and conversations had with people such as President Camille Chamoun and a Patriarch.

Isabel Oussani's Diary in two parts. The first part covers August-October 1923 with the second part picking up in November 1923 and ending in March 1924. Isabel writes about her and her family's travels around Europe. There are newspaper clippings…
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