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  • Tags: Correspondence

A letter written to Joseph El-Khouri regarding a request for copies of the 1964 Educational Act and other goverment assistance information.

Letters concerning Joseph El-Khouri's business related to the St. John's Church.

A variety of documents written in Arabic.

Date: circa 1971
An incomplete message (most likely meant for Joseph El-Khouri) from an unknown person giving encouragement and advice for the Lions Club District Governor address.

Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1932 June
Content Warning: Materials in this collection contain harmful content, including racist and white supremacist language, graphic descriptions of lynching, and other forms of violence.

Date: 1912
A letter from Joseph Oussani providing proof of his purchase of land from J. Alva Jenkins to Equitable Trust Co. Four pages.

Date: 2012
A chain of emails that refers to Mettrie Lari's diagnosis of breast cancer and her subsequent double mastectomy. Another chain of emails from three months earlier between Mettrie Lari and her mother Barbara Estes goes into detail about how their…

Date: 1999
An email exchange between Mettrie Lari and her mother Barbara Estes in which they discuss Mettrie's friend who recently had her first child, Mettrie's adjustment to life in New York, and her vacation to California.

Date: 1999
Materials related to the activities of the Triangle Lebanese Association.

Date: 1944 Nov 4
Envelope and correspondence sent from to Rose Norman for support on Election Day.

Date: 1941 Sep 23
Envelope and card sent from the White House to Rose Norman thanking her for her condolences.

Date: 1942 Nov 23
Envelope and letter sent from the White House to Rose Norman thanking her for her kind words. Signed by Eleanor Roosevelt's secretary.

Date: 1946 Jan 10
Selective Service Classification Notice for Charles Joseph in Wake County, North Carolina.

Date: undated
An unfinished letter draft to the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Division in response to a request to fill out a questionaire regarding the Fair Labor Standards Act and the writer's brief association with the Good Humor…

Date: undated
Draft of a letter responding to a job posting for a writer in the L.A. Sunday Times from Feburary 4, 1962.

رسالة من داود (الاسم الاخير غير مذكور) الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 17 كانون الثاني 1936. يناقش فيها دعوى مقامة ضد الريحاني. الاسماء المذكورة: قسطنطين (الاسم الاخير غير مذكور)، السفير لدكتور غروبا، الشيخ عزيز الهاشم، دكتور جوردان، دكتور نولريك،

رسالة من الملك عبد العزيز الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 7 ايار 1924. في الرسالة القصيرة: الملك يعلم الريحاني باستلام رسالة الاخير فقط. الرسالة الطويلة: يناقش فيها الملك سياسته تجاه حكومة العراق والعلاقة بين البلدين المتجاورين. ويشكر الريحاني على "حذف بعض…

رسالة من عبد العزيز بن سعود الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 10 كانون الاول 1937 - قد تكون 1936 ولكن خطأ في الطباعة الاصلية. يؤكد الملك للريحاني استلامه رسالة سابقة.
AR56_04_064 "ملحق" للرسالة اعلاه، يرد الملك على الريحاني بشأن نشر ما يتم تحقيقه في قضية…

Date: undated
Includes photocopied images of a notebook with choreography and dance instructions as well as correspondence regarding a public service announcement for the Yallah Dance Ensemble's performance at eba Center for Dance and Movement.

Letter from William L. Woolard requesting Joseph El-Khouri to speak favorably about his candidacy for International Director.

Telegram to from Frances Pratt, dated March 15 (no year). The telegram contains information related to locations, potentially of lectures.

A letter to Joseph Zaytoun from Vernon Malone of the Wake County Board of Commissioners thanking him for his participation on the Wake County Historic Preservation Commission.

Date: 1938 October
A letter of condolence from Smith-Holland Brokerage to Chas. F. Cates & Sons regarding the death of Shukri Baddour.

Date: 1965 March 9
A letter from the Bishop of Raleigh, Vincent Waters, to Joseph El-Khouri about his position.

A letter from Vernon Malone, Wake County Board of Commissioners to Joseph Zaytoun thanking him for his service as a member of the Wake County Historic Preservation Commission.

Scanned copy of the formal surrender of Japan during World War II signed by various officers in the US military given to Charles Joseph to commemorate the end of the war.

Date: 1942 Apr 20
Letter and corresponding memo promoting Charles Joseph from Private to Private First Class in the Marine Corps Reserve.

Date: 1912 May 18
A letter from Byron Hall, acting Commissioner of the United States Immigration Service, to Bernard M. Sheridan, Superintendent of Schools in Lawrence, MA, sent on May 18, 1912. It states that his office was unable to verify that Joseph Schickrie was…

Date: 1967 June 22
Letter from Talmadge S. Baggett asking Joe El-Khouri for more information about the arrival of the Godwin Lions Club's (Fayetteville, NC) incoming exchange student from Sweden.

Booklet for the 25th anniversary celebration of St. John the Evangelist Orthodox Church in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. The booklet includes a program for the event and letters of congratulations from other parishes. The church was founded in 1988

A letter from J. K. David of Jacksonville, Florida rejecting J. J. Nosser's, the Secretary of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, invitation to the San Antonio Convention in 1938.

Date: undated
Documents pertaining to the National Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, including meeting minutes and list of officers.

Date: 1985 April
Documents pertaining to the Middle Georgia Cedar Club, including the Constitution and By-laws of the Club chartered in April 1985, news clippings, and correspondants.

Date: 1976 May 1
A letter to classmates from Leonard Walton, Chairman of the Reunion, in regards to the upcoming 50th Reunion dated May 1, 1976.

Date: 1976 May 10
A letter from Bill Anawaty to the Port Arthur Class of 1926 dated May 10, 1976.

Date: 1976 May 22
A letter to classmates from the organizers of the Port Arthur High School 50th Reunion dated May 22, 1976.

A Goals for the 90s Task Force Meeting Agenda and Recommendations for the Club President's Program for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs' Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana on November 6, 1993.

A letter from the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs' President Mike McKool to all Officers, Members of the Board, and Chairmen of Committees dated September 23-24, 1964.

A National Federation and Kahlil Gibran Memorial Foundation Joint Meeting Agenda dated March 1, 2013 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. National Federation Meeting Minutes for the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs on August 3, 2012 in Omaha, Nebraska. National…

A letter from the National Federation of Syrian Lebanon Societies of the United States to the Honorable Cordell Hull, the United States Secretary of State, and addresses the impaired rights of American citizens of Syrian and Lebanese descent.

Date: 1938 July 25
A letter from Mr. Malouf to J.J. Nasser in regards to the formation of the National Federation of Associated Syrian and Lebanon Societies of the United States on July 25, 1938.

A letter from Olga Hykil, the Secretary of the Syrian Lebanese American Society of South Carolina, to Minteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, dated February 17, 1942.

A letter addressed to Minteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, from J.M. Abraham, a member of the Executive Board, enclosed with a signed resolution on April 16, 1942.

A letter addressed to Minteha Hesni, Secretary of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanon-American Clubs, and dated August 5, 1942.

A letter addressed to Mrs. Robert Knuckley to Mitchell S. Tibshrany dated November 5, 1942.

A letter addressed to the members of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs' Executive Board on January 2, 1962.

A report of the Mid-Winter Conference of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated April 11, 1962.

Letter written to Mr. and Mrs. Huffignton from Sharon M. Benson, the Secretary of Treasury of the Houston Chapter, in regards to the Kahlil Gibran Centennial Foundation Dinner.
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