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  • Tags: Cartoons

Date: 1969 June 25
A 1969 political cartoon printed in the Raleigh News and Observer.

A comic published in The Andrews Journal promiting Joseph El-Khouri for a seat on the Cherokee County Board of Education. The next comic in the series is not included in the El-Khouri collection.

Date: 1984 Jan
Article titled "Cruel and Unusual: Negative Images of Arabs in Popular American Culture" in ADC Issues No. 19 from the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. Split into sections about songs, jokes, television, cartoons, movies, and comics, the…

Date: circa 1980s
Article titled "The Other Anti-Semitism: The Arab as Scapegoat" in ADC Issues No. 3 from the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee. The article discusses the development of anti-Semitism in Germany and compares it to the rise of anti-Arab…

Date: undated
In this Pickles cartoon, Opal accidentally joins a belly dancing class.

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