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Date: 1972 April 7
A copy of a letter from Nishan Basmadjian of the Haigazian College Library to Mary Mokarzel (the letter is addressed to the Gentlemen of Al-Hoda, but in 1972 Mary owned the paper and likely sent the books) concerning volumes of Al-Hoda.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class. The two blonde children in the back are the younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class learning. The younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis, are in the class.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class. The younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis, are in the class, standing in the back.

Date: undated
Envelope addressed to Father Tobia. Title: Les Fils de As'ad Toubia, Beyrouth

Date: undated
Envelope addressed to Rose Norman in Poughkeepsie, New York, from Beirut. Also includes stamp collection.

Date: undated
Envelope addressed to Genevieve [Norman] Joseph in Poughkeepsie, New York, from Beirut. Also includes stamp collection.

Date: circa 1926
A photo of Helen Mokarzel and some of her daughters during their stay in Beirut. In the back, left to right: Helen Kalil Mokarzel and her friend (unidentified). In the front, left to right: Yemna and Lila Mokarzel.

Date: undated
A holiday card from the directors of the Banque du Credit Hypothecaire Libanais in Beirut.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a home in Lebanon, probably the Creighton's home in Beirut.

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Date: 2001 June 3
An Al-Hoda memorial paper that was distributed in Beirut in 2001. The paper has articles on the Mokarzel family, Al-Hoda's history, etc.

Date: 1915 Oct 8
Letter from Abd al-Hajj to his parents. He sends his greetings to them and to his brothers and sisters. He tells them about his journey from Beirut to the region of Kesruawn in Mount-Lebanon

Date: 1990 Aug
A letter from Aida Marini to Mary Mokarzel concerning post war Lebanon and donations for the Oriental Library in Beirut.

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated February 27, 1926, Alice tells her father of new and exciting experiences. Alice's love for music is tremendous and she…

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated February 21, 1926, Alice finally received her father's letter and is glad to hear from him. She tells him about her and…

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated February 6, 1926, Alice mentions again how she is anxiously awaiting a letter from her father, and it is clear that she…

A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated January 30, 1926, Alice questions why she hasn't heard from her father in quite some time even though she hasn't failed…

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated January 18, 1926, Alice tells her father about a concert they went to at the American University of Beirut. A famous…

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Bayt Shabab, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated January 8. 1926, Alice writes to her father on his birthday and wishes him the happiest of days. The family went to…

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria. In this letter, dated January 4, 1926, Alice finally hears back from her father who writes to her from Cleveland. Alice is relieved to be back in school after a 10…

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated December 19, 1925, Alice wishes her father a peaceful and quiet holiday season. It doesn't seem like Christmas without…

A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated December 7, 1925, Alice tells her father about the eventful week she had. On Sunday, Alice, her mother, her siblings,…

Date: 1925 Aug 10
A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written after Alice and her family's arrival in Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated August 10, 1925, Alice describes her mixed emotions about living in Lebanon and even wishes…

Date: 1925 Aug 19
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated August 19, 1925, Alice explains that she and her sisters are looking to enroll in the Marie…

Date: 1925 Aug 26
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated August 26, 1925, Alice writes to her father after receiving his telegram and explains that her…

Date: 1925 Nov 22
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated November 22, 1925, Alice tells her father not to worry about her and the rest of the family because they are safe in…

Date: 1925 Nov 30
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated November 30, 1925, Alice reflects on a car ride with her mother and siblings. They saw a few tourist attractions…

Date: 1925 Nov 9
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated November 9, 1925, Alice explains that school is keeping her occupied but she is enjoying her time there. She continues to…

Date: 1925 Oct 17
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated October 17, 1925, Alice and her sisters are happy now that they have started school. Alice, Rose, and Mary play…

Date: 1925 Oct 24
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated October 24, 1925, Alice writes to her father in school during a weekly letter writing class activity. Time seems to pass…

Date: 1925 Sept 16
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 16, 1925, Alice writes to her father, as she has been doing so often, to make him…

Date: 1925 Sept 21
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 21, 1925, Alice writes to her father now that she and her family have finally arrived to Beirut. On their way…

Date: 1925 Sept 29
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 29, 1925, Alice and her family finally received Salloum's letter. Salloum misses his family dearly and his…

Date: 1925 Sept 7
A letter from Alice to her father Salloum Mokarzel, written in their mountain home in Machghara, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated September 7, 1925, Alice describes how happy she and her sisters, except Lila who is not yet…

Date: 1925 June 11
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Bayard Dodge, President of the American University of Beirut, dated June 11, 1925.

Letter from Georges Aykali to Alfred and Adel. He presents his condolences.

Date: 1968 May 21
Letter from Georges Saykali to his son Gilbert Saykali. He sends greetings.

Date: 1968 May 4
Letter from Georges Saykali to his son Gilbert Saykali. He sends greetings.

Date: 1959 July 10
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel and his son Joe. He tells them about the death of their cousin Salim Sursok and how his inheritance will be distributed among his family members.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him that his son Pierro has been hospitalized in the American Hospital in Beirut, and that the surgery, operated by Dr. Djedjian, was successful despite its difficulty.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him that he received all the letters sent from Paris, London, Cúcuta, New York, and Baranquilla. He also tells him that he was late in responding to him due to some health problems.…

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him that he did as Michel asked with the whiskey boxes he sent.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He thanks him for sending 300 US dollars. He conveys greetings from their mother and the family. He tells him that the last year was very bad.

Date: 1951 June 15
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about the health of their mother and asks him to take care of himself and his health.

Date: 1952 July 20
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel. He thanks him for his last letter and tells him that he has undergone some medical tests.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about the state of his sisters, especially Victoria who lost her husband.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about their mother's health condition and wishes that the war will end soon.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel. He tells him about his post and responsibilities at the state water company. He also tells him that Joe will stay in Beirut where he got involved in many projects. As for Gilbert, he is working with…

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He sends greetings. He tells him news about the family. He also asks him about the devaluation of the Colombian Riyal hoping that things will improve soon.

Date: 1963 July 4
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He sends greetings. He asks him about the business especially after the Colombian government issued new laws regarding the economy, taxes, and salaries. He also tells him that their nephew…
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