Browse Items (377 total)

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Lebanese men at work on a construction site, presumably working on one of Creighton's buildings.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of four men and one woman working on a construction site.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class. The two blonde children in the back are the younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class learning. The younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis, are in the class.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a home in Lebanon, probably the Creighton's home in Beirut.

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Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children that may include the Creighton siblings.

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Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children preparing to pose for a picture.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children posing for a picture. Roger Creighton can be seen third from the bottom.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children preparing to pose for a picture. Roger Creighton can be seen in the middle of the right side of the stoop.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a group of children posing for a picture. Roger Creighton can be seen third from the bottom.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of a kindergarten class. The younger Creighton siblings, Roger and Phyllis, are in the class, standing in the back.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Phyllis Creighton going around a garden pool, or 'birki,' with her Kindergarten class.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of Phyllis Creighton's Kindergarten class. Phyllis can be seen standing to the left of the teachers.

Date: circa 1928
A photo of people overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

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A letter from Alice to her father, Salloum Mokarzel, written in Beirut, Greater Syria (modern-day Lebanon). In this letter, dated February 27, 1926, Alice tells her father of new and exciting experiences. Alice's love for music is tremendous and she…

Date: circa 1926
A photo of Helen Mokarzel and some of her daughters during their stay in Beirut. In the back, left to right: Helen Kalil Mokarzel and her friend (unidentified). In the front, left to right: Yemna and Lila Mokarzel.

Date: circa 1920s
A large album of the Mokarzel family's photos and other memorabilia. The majority of the photos were taken in the 1920's.

Date: circa 1800s
Photograph of two men standing atop of a large rock along the sea in Beirut, with the coastline visible in the background. Located at the bottom of the photograph is the description, "317. Beyrouth."

Date: circa 1800s
Photograph of Lebanon that includes buildings, mountains, and sea. Located at the bottom of the photograph is the description, "Beyrouth 2."

Date: circa 1800s
Photograph of Beirut, Lebanon that includes buildings, mountains, and sea. Located at the bottom of the photograph is the description, "Beyrouth 326."

An article about Wael Abou-Chakra published by the Lebanese Arabic-language newspaper Al Mustaqbal in 2008.

Date: 2001 June 3
An Al-Hoda memorial paper that was distributed in Beirut in 2001. The paper has articles on the Mokarzel family, Al-Hoda's history, etc.

Date: 1990 Aug
A letter from Aida Marini to Mary Mokarzel concerning post war Lebanon and donations for the Oriental Library in Beirut.

Date: 1982 Jan 25
A letter from William Raftery of Jesuit Foreign Missions to Mary Mokarzel concerning her donation of the Mokarzel Library.

Date: 1973 Jan 10
A letter from John Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Mary Mokarzel concerning the arrival of the Mokarzel Library in Beirut.

A program booklet decribing the 25 Hour Club's function and members. It also contains multiple advertisements in varying languages.

Date: 1972 Feb 15
A letter from Linda Sadaka to Mary Mokarzel thanking her for her gift of Al-Hoda issues.

Date: 1972 Aug 19
A letter from John Williams of the University of St. Joseph to Ed Hellew concerning the shipping of Mary Mokarzel's books to Beirut.

Date: 1972 April 7
A copy of a letter from Nishan Basmadjian of the Haigazian College Library to Mary Mokarzel (the letter is addressed to the Gentlemen of Al-Hoda, but in 1972 Mary owned the paper and likely sent the books) concerning volumes of Al-Hoda.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him how the Fidayeen organizations with the help of the Syrian Army have occupied large sections of Lebanon and how these organizations are attacking the Lebanese Army sites. He…

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He commemorates it being the fiftieth year since Michel travelled to Colombia. He tells him that the situation in Lebanon has calmed after the retreat of the Syrian fighters and the…

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He discusses Israel's attack on Beirut's international airport, reviewing the positions of some countries towards it.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him about the problem of the existing Fidayeen in South Lebanon and about Israel's airstrikes against them and against the Lebanese population in the south. He also describes the…

Date: 1969 April 3
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him about the differences between the Palestinian Fedayeen and the people in South Lebanon and many other Lebanese regions. He describes how they do not respect any law or government…

Letter from Goerges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him about his trip with his wife Salwa in the Mediterranean.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He sends greetings on the occasion of St. Michael's day.

Date: 1968 May 4
Letter from Georges Saykali to his son Gilbert Saykali. He sends greetings.

Date: 1968 May 21
Letter from Georges Saykali to his son Gilbert Saykali. He sends greetings.

Date: 1968 June 30
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him some of the family news.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He thanks him for the check (25000 USD) he sent and tells him that he has distributed the money as requested by Michel.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He sends greetings for Christmas and the New Year and his hope to meet Michel very soon. He also tells him that Gilbert and his wife Denise had a little girl named Brigitte.

A radiogram from Salwa Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1968 August 31.

Letter from Georges Aykali to Alfred and Adel. He presents his condolences.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali informing him that his son Joe had a second son.

Date: 1967 June 12
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about the family. He tells him that the war between the Arabs and the Jews was shocking and that hostilities were stopped with the help of the United Nations. What matters…

Date: 1967 July 17
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him that the general situation in Lebanon is calm. He also tells him that the family is doing well.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He wants to check on Michel because of the earthquake news coming from Colombia.
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