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  • Tags: Argentina

Date: 1872-1905
Diary of Hanna Gaith (Juan Gait) who was from the town of Yabroud, Syria. The diary has 176 pages. In its first 24 pages Hanna wrote about the history of Yabroud and its "Christian inhabitants." (Although at the time he wrote this, two-thirds of the…

A letter written by Elias Nassif sending his greetings to Father Tobia Attallah and family, and asking him about a newspaper the latter was to issue, and requesting a copy of the newspaper. Locations mentioned: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Buenos Aires.…

Date: 1919 May 17
A letter to Father Tobia Attallah from Elias Nassif. Elias asks father Tobia about the situation in Lebanon following the end of WWI, and specially the situation in Beit Chabeb, and to write him the names and number of those who died in Beit Chabeb.…

A letter from Elias Etala asking Father Tobia about his newspaper 'alHaq', and waiting for his copy to send him the list of subscribers. Also mentions that Lebanese abroad were happy to know that the Lebanese flag was placed in [Saraya Baabda]. Elias…

Date: 1923-1930s
Diary of Elias Nakhleh (Najle in Spanish, and father of María Najle) who was from the town of Yabroud in Syria. It starts with his immigration to La Cumbre, Argentina in December 1923, and then goes on to detail his life there including the passing…

A letter from Joseph Moussi, listed as 'Negociant,' who sends 100 francs donation of masses. He informs Father Tobia that his son, As'ad, traveled to Argentina to visit his brothers and his health is not very well. He reassures him about the rest of…

A letter from Krouger Attallah to Nadim Tobia. Krouger still worries about the non delivery of the 5000 francs sent earlier. He advises Nadim not to come at present as businesses are not very well, and sends As'ad new address in Argentina and informs…

A letter to Michael Melhim Ayoub from Masud Musaber which refers to the preparation of documents for passports. Names included: Na'if alSous, Warde alKhouri, Syrian Lebanese Association in Buenos Aires, Halim alMajdalani, Zalve Nahidh, Fadlo…

Date: 1930s-1950s
Diary of Elias Nakhleh (Najle in Spanish, and father of María Najle) who was from the town of Yabroud in Syria. This is supplemental to the first part of his diary. Here he lists letters, sent, includes a poem, details his daily life between the…

A letter from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 4 April 1940.
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