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Date: circa 1940s
A photograph of Butros Maroun El-Khouri, relative of Joseph El-Khouri. Though undated, the photograph was likely taken circa 1940s.


Date: 1946 Jan 13
Photograph of a family of four standing outside of a house. On the back is written, "Compliments of the Jowdy's."

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Date: 1946
A newspaper article titled "Fuleihan Heard in Carnegie Hall."

Date: 1940s
Newspaper clipping describing Neville Fuleihan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nasri Fuleihan of Meadow Ave., one of 22 airmen recently graduated from ambulance driver class at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Date: circa 1940
A newspaper article titled "New York Symphony to play Seldom-Heard Music This Week."

A newspaper article titled "Philharmonic Plays Novelty by Fuleihan," written by Grena Bennett, dated at top in pencil 25 April 1946.

Date: 1946 April
Autobiography of Fred A. Kadane, titled "The Story of My Life."

Adma Kahdy and a group of three other unknown women stand together outside in what appears to be a forest as a man seems to sneak into the photo from behind a tree. Behind them is a commingling group of people.

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Date: 1940s
Adma Sawaya Kahdy George Kahdy's mother, smiling in a formal dress. Caption on the back reads, "Adma Sawaya (Kahdy) from Bteghrine taken either in NC or Ga. George N. Kahdy's mother."

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Date: 1947 Sept 22
An agreement between Sol Osipow and Al-Hoda to discontinue the lawsuit against Al-Hoda (likely related to the Mokarzels' New York real estate).

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From Trey Matthews: "Wedding announcement for Alice Eugene Safy - Kingsport Times-News, 4 Aug 1946, p. 4B. Alice is the daughter of Joseph and Susie Safy." Safy married Frank Milton Lewis.

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Date: 1931-1951
A scrapbook created by the Ameen Rihani Museum that contains materials written by or about Ameen Rihani from around the world. This includes, but is not limited to newspaper articles, magazine articles, book reviews, poems, pamphlets, programs, and…

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Date: 1940-1962
A scrapbook created by the Ameen Rihani Museum that contains materials written by or about Ameen Rihani from around the world. This book has many articles and obituaries from Ameen Rihani's death in 1940. This includes, but is not limited to… PDF.pdf

Date: 1940
A photograph of Ameen Rihani in coat and tie, taken in Beirut 1940. It is noted that this was his last photograph before his death.


Date: circa 1942
A photograph of Amelia and Joseph Salem outdoors in front of flowering trees. An unidentified woman is in the left distance. Amelia is dressed in a ruffled polka-dotted dress with a hat and gloves

Date: undated
A photograph of Amelia standing on a sidewalk in her Red Cross uniform. Ron Salem notes that this was taken in Arlington, Virginia while Joseph was stationed in Washington, D.C. with Army Intelligence.

Date: 1940s
Amelia Mettrey Salem, Salve Bolus, Nellie Mettrey Kahdy, and an unknown woman sit together and form a pyramid. They are on the beach in swimwear and a man with his hands on his hips stands in the background. The back of the photo provides a diagram…


A Program Book for the American Syrian Lebanon Association's Annual Labor Day Convention in Austin, Texas on September 3-5, 1949.

A Program Book for the 12th Annual Syrian-Lebanon Day, hosted by the Amesyr Fraternity, in San Antonio, Texas on July 2-4, 1949.

A Program Book for the 11th Annual Syrian-Lebanon Day, hosted by the Amesyr Fraternity, in San Antonio, Texas on July 3-5, 1948.

Date: 1947 July 6
A Program Book for the 10th Annual Syrian-Lebanon Day, hosted by the Amesyr Fraternity, in San Antonio, Texas on July 6, 1947.

Date: 1946 July 7
A Program Book for the Annual Syrian-Lebanon Day, hosted by the Amesyr Fraternity, in San Antonio, Texas on July 7, 1946.

Date: 1947
An unknown man rides a bike down a dirt road in Dhour Choueir, Lebanon. Caption on the back reads, "General view of Dhour-Choueir."

Date: 1940
"Sonata No. 1 For the Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, marked as possession of J. E. Balamos. Copyright 1940 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: 1940s
A photograph of Anis Fuleihan standing beside a camera.


Date: 1940s
A photograph of Anis Fuleihan standing beside a camera.


Date: 1943
"Compositions For The Piano: Air and Fugue on White Keys" by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1943 by G. Schirmer, Inc, New York. Signed by Anis Fuleihan, Elizabeth Travis, and [illegible] to John Balamos.

Date: 1943
"Cypriana" Five Pieces for Piano, Movement 4 Serenade by Anis Fuleihan, marked John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha. Copyright 1943 by G. Schirmer, Inc., New York, New York.

Date: 1942
"Epithalamium Variations for Piano and String Orchestra" by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1942 by G. Schirmer, Inc., New York, New York. Stamped from Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois.

Date: 1946
"Fifteen Short Pieces for Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, signed to and marked by John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha, and marked by Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois. Copyright 1946 by Carl Fischer, Inc., New York.

Date: 1944
"Harvest Chant" for Piano by Anis Fuleihan, marked Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois on bottom and John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha on top. Copyright 1944 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: 1946
Sonatina No. 2 Piano Solo by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1946 by Delkas Music Publishing Company, Los Angeles, California.

Date: circa 1940s
A photo of a boy in an Arab refugee camp.

Date: 1949
A copy of an article (obituary) titled "Final Rites Held for Ellis Moses". Ellis died in 1949. Surviving relatives listed include his children, his nieces and nephews and the Romey children.

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An article from the society section of the Bladen Journal detailing the wedding ceremony for the marriage of Alma Parker and Shikrallah Farris. The article describes the decor of the Our Lady of the Snows Church, the ceremony, the members of the…

Assif George Kahdy Certificate of Naturalization. Assif was naturalized in Sherman, Texas, on September 12, 1906, but this certificate was issued on April 8, 1947.

A photograph of Victoria Alkazin Baddour (center) with her children, Mitchell Baddour (bottom, seated), Philip Baddour (seated beside Victoria), Isabelle Baddour Dixon, Lorraine Baddour Corbett, Evelyn Baddour Mauro, and Mary Baddour Walker (seating…

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Date: 1945
Photograph of Barbara Kahdy and Jay Salem as babies in a wooden crib together outside.


Date: circa 1947
Baby book for Beatrice Ann Joseph, tracking information about her birth.

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Date: 1947 Apr
Photograph of a young Beatrice Ann Joseph asleep.

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Date: 1947 Apr
Photograph of a young Beatrice Ann Joseph.

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Date: 1948 Apr
Photograph of young Beatrice Ann outside with a clothesline in the background.

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Date: circa 1945
A group of men posed outside in Kour, Batroun, Lebanon, identified only as brothers and friends of Joseph El-Khouri.

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Date: 1942
Wallet card featuring calendar for 1942 and an image of St. Jude Thaddeus.

Date: circa 1949
A card containing a photograph of Angele, Alfreda, and Kail Ellis. The photograph was taken for a passport around 1949.

Date: 1948
A handmade greeting card from Kail Ellis to Angele Ellis, dated 1948. The card includes a photograph of Kail Ellis pasted to the front and is decorated with hand drawn flowers.

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Date: 1946
A program for Anis Fuleihan's performance at Carnegie Hall. Featuring information on Fuleihan, advertisements, and his performance.

Date: 1946 Mar
Photograph of a Catholic Orphanage taken by Genevieve Norman and Charlie Joseph on their honeymoon somewhere between Virginia and North Carolina.

Date: circa 1940
A photograph of young Cecilia Domit (right) with her mother Jamili Yousef (Khoury) Jreige (left). Though undated, the image was taken in the 1940s.


Date: undated
A damaged photograph of the cedars of Lebanon. The date of the photograph is unknown, but it was likely taken prior to Joseph El-Khouri's immigration to the United States in 1949.
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