Browse Items (1176 total)

A newspaper clipping of a photograph of Jane Courtland sitting at a piano, receiving instruction from pianists and composers Anis Fuleihan, Jacques de Menasce, and Otto Luenig. Dated 1943 based on the movie advertisement on the back.

Date: 1930s-1940s
A negative of Ellis Zaytoun, Isabelle Zaytoun, and an unknown man standing in front of the Zaytoun News Agency Wholesale. Ellis Zaytoun stands alone in a suit and smokes a cigar. Across from him stands Isabelle Zaytoun in a polka dot dress next to an…

Date: 1930s-1940s
A framed photograph of Ellis Zaytoun, Isabelle Zaytoun, and an unknown man standing in front of the Zaytoun News Agency Wholesale. Ellis Zaytoun stands alone in a suit and smokes a cigar. Across from him stands Isabelle Zaytoun in a polka dot dress…

Date: 1931-1951
A scrapbook created by the Ameen Rihani Museum that contains materials written by or about Ameen Rihani from around the world. This includes, but is not limited to newspaper articles, magazine articles, book reviews, poems, pamphlets, programs, and…

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Date: 1939
يرمي الريحاني في كتابه "نور الاندلس" تعريف القارئ العربي بجانب اخر من تاريخه. فبعد رحلة مع "ملوك العرب" الى "قلب العراق" و"قلب لبنان" من اجل صنع حالة من التألف والوحدة بين ابناء المشرق العربي والمغرب العربي، يحملنا الريحاني الى الاندلس، "فنطالع [في…

Date: 1939
الكتاب كغيره من كتب ريحاني التي كتبها شارحا فيها اسفاره الى البلاد العربية ومشاهداته السياسية والجغرافية فيها، بالاضافة الى نفحات تاريخية عن المنطقة واهلها. وكان يرمي الريحاني بسلسلة كتبه هذه التعريف والتقريب بين ابناء الامة العربية الواحدة - كما كان… Part 1 PDF.pdf

Date: 1940
A portrait of 17-year-old Agnes Zaytoun smiling in a white jacket and dark-colored bow in her hair. On the front of the photograph is written, "To Mother and Dad," dated 1940.

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Date: 1940
A census document containing information about George Richard (G.R.) Saleeby, his wife, Najaa, and the three of their eight children who were living at home in 1940: Sam, Joe, Samera, and Albert. Also living with them was "Joe," listed as a brother.

Date: 1940
Portrait of Genevieve Norman taken in Poughkeepsie when she was 15 years old.

Date: 1940
Photograph of Sam Norman in Poughkeepsie at College Hill.

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Date: 1940
Photo of Nell Kahdy, her old boyfriend Dr. Michael Bolus, Amelia Mettrey Salem, Salve Bolus, and a male friend as noted from the back of the photo. The five of them are dressed in casual summer clothing and standing next to a car. Caption on the back…


Date: 1940
Nellie Mettrey Kahdy and Amelia Mettrey Wehbie Salem walking down Fayetteville Street in Raleigh, North Carolina. They are both dressed in formal dresses and holding boxes.

Date: 1940
"Sonata No. 1 For the Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, marked as possession of J. E. Balamos. Copyright 1940 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: 1940
Picture of Dorothy Fuleihan standing in front of a fountain. Doodles drawn over the picture. Taken at the New York World's Fair of 1940. Another unaltered photograph is in the collection.

Date: 1940
A photograph of Nasri Fuleihan. Labeled as "Dad," taken in Yonkers, New York.

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Date: 1940
A photograph of a woman, most likely Isabel Oussani, standing outside. Labeled as "Mom," taken at Shippan Point in Stamford, Connecticut.

Date: 1940
A photograph of Isabel Oussani Fuleihan with Dorothy and Neville Fuleihan, labeled as "Mom, Me, and Nev."

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Date: 1940
A photograph of Dorothy Fuleihan posing in front of a fountain at the New York World's Fair in 1940.

Date: 1940
A photograph of Margaret Oussani with Dorothy and Neville Fuleihan standing beside a car in front of a path and trees.


Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Dames"

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Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Beauties"

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Date: 1940
A photograph of Ameen Rihani in coat and tie, taken in Beirut 1940. It is noted that this was his last photograph before his death.


A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 3 April 1940.

A letter from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 4 April 1940.

A photograph of an unknown man driving a dark-colored car with a monkey on the hood. Dated April 17, 1940.


A photograph of a dark-colored car which was used to go on the Glee Club trip to Greensboro, NC. On the hood is a monkey


A letter from Ameen Rihani addressed to unknown, dated April 20, 1940. It is noted by a third party that this may be to Don Juan Beigbeder.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who confirms not receiving any letters from Father Tobia or family and asks for reasons. He also asks that George writes to his family, Mary and Chadid, as they are worried about him. Dated August 16, 1940, Kouroussa,…

The official bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. X No. 3 dated December 1940.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who asks his father why he has not received one letter from them when he has sent eight so far. He shares that he has read his father's article in 'alElm' (or 'alAlam') newspaper, dated January 14. He asks them to write…

Lebanon-Syrian American Association Woman's Club Fourth Anniversary Flier, February 11, 1940. Nell Mettrey is listed as performing "Songs in Arabic."

A letter from Father Youhanna (John) Mallah who asks Father Tobia the reasons for not visiting Mazraat Yachoua following a mutual agreement to do so. Dated February 19, 1940, Mazraat Yachoua, Lebanon.

A Program Book for the Second Annual L'Entasar Basketball Tournament and Dinner-Dance in Houston, Texas on February 25, 1940.

Date: 1940 Jan 15
Letter from Goerges to his brother Michel. He expresses his concerns about Michel with the war going on. He tells him that he now has a fourth son and hopes that Michel will be his godfather.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who asks about his father's health and news. He informs him that no letters from his brother As'ad and his son in law. He also opened a shop. Dated January 1, 1940, Kouroussa, Guinea.

A letter from Krouger Attallah who updates his father that his Uncle's wife died at age 85. Dated January 8, 1940, Kouroussa, Guinea.

Date: 1940 July 1
An envelope with Marie Hatem's name and birthdate, June 19, 1907, written on the outside and a note that a passport was given to her on July 1, 1940.

Date: 1940 June 11
A letter from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 11 June 1940.

Date: 1940 June 15
An envelope from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 15 June 1940. Addressed to 120 Parham Street, Carthage, New York, U.S.A. Envelope contains one Lebanese stamp and was sent from Ghazir, Lebanon. The Khayrallah Center does not hold the original…

Date: 1940 June 29
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Colonel Don Juan Beigbeder, dated June 29, 1940.

Date: 1940 June 7
A radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1940 June 7.

Date: 1940 May 16
A telegraph from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1940 May 16.

Date: 1940 Nov 15
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that sending money through the post is very hard. This is why he is sending $150 with Mr. Antoun Ibrahim. He also asks Georges if he could tell him the situation in Greece.

The official bulletin of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Vol. II No. 2 dated November 1940.

A letter from Gadda Georges Nassar who asks Father Tobia to prepare her birth certificate, her father: Georges Nassar, her mother: Nour Habib. Dated October 22, 1940.

A letter and copy of 's report of death from the American Consulate General to Albert Rihani. It lists Rihani's cause of death as multiple sustained sceptic and infected wounds following a bicycle accident. His place of death is listed as Freike,…

Date: 1940-1945
A portrait of Agnes Zaytoun smiling in a light-colored sweater and white collared shirt. Dated between 1940 and 1945.

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Date: 1940-1962
A scrapbook created by the Ameen Rihani Museum that contains materials written by or about Ameen Rihani from around the world. This book has many articles and obituaries from Ameen Rihani's death in 1940. This includes, but is not limited to… PDF.pdf

Date: 1940s
A photo of Joseph Abdalla, Jr.

Date: 1940s
A photograph of a crashed truck being pulled off the side of the road by a tow truck while a crowd of people watch. Dated around the 1940s.

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