Browse Items (1176 total)

A letter from Adib [no surname given] who misses his daughter and sends her some sweet words. Dated January 7, 1946.

A letter from Adib [no surname given] who asks about his daughter's previous letters, her health, and the type of life she chose. He writes about the Bible and the path he suggests she follows. Dated February 1, 1946, Marjeyoun, Lebanon.

Date: 1946 May 11
A letter from Adib [no surname given] who replies to a previous letter from his daughter about weekend visits, advises her about life, and shares news from Marjeyoun with her. Dated May 11,1946, Marjeyoun, Lebanon.

Date: 1946
A letter from Adib [no surname given] who sends greetings to his daughter then advises her to study and work hard and be patient with whatever life brings her. Undated.

Date: 1940 June 15
An envelope from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 15 June 1940. Addressed to 120 Parham Street, Carthage, New York, U.S.A. Envelope contains one Lebanese stamp and was sent from Ghazir, Lebanon. The Khayrallah Center does not hold the original…

Date: 1940 June 11
A letter from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 11 June 1940.

A letter from Adla Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 4 April 1940.

A newspaper article written by Angele Ellis (spelled Angele Hbaishe Kemaide) published by Al-Hoda titled, 'A Maronite Mass in a Latin Church,', dated 7 January 1947.

Date: 1947 Dec 9
A Christmas card featuring four children, listed as Amin, Ferad, Lanie, and Nadir, with a note from them to their grandfather, Daoud or David.

Date: 1946
A program for Anis Fuleihan's performance at Carnegie Hall. Featuring information on Fuleihan, advertisements, and his performance.

Date: 1946
The first page of a program for Anis Fuleihan at Carnegie Hall. The back has an advertisement for Encore.

A letter from Alia (no surname), wife of Yousef Francis, to Angele Ellis, dated 11 January 1947.

A membership card for Alpha Iota International Honorary Business Sorority for Theresa Ellis, dated 1 October 1947

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Date: 1939
يرمي الريحاني في كتابه "نور الاندلس" تعريف القارئ العربي بجانب اخر من تاريخه. فبعد رحلة مع "ملوك العرب" الى "قلب العراق" و"قلب لبنان" من اجل صنع حالة من التألف والوحدة بين ابناء المشرق العربي والمغرب العربي، يحملنا الريحاني الى الاندلس، "فنطالع [في…

Date: undated
اجمعت العديد من المصادر "يمكن القول بأن "قلب لبنان" قدم الريحاني لا كأديب فحسب بل كمؤرخ وكفنان وشاعر إلى جانب الريحاني الفيلسوف والاجتماعي والعالم بالنفس". يصف الريحاني في هذ الكتاب تسع رحلات قام بها في اطار وطنه لبنان. "فإذا قرأت قصائد الريحاني التي… PDF.pdf

Date: 1939
الكتاب كغيره من كتب ريحاني التي كتبها شارحا فيها اسفاره الى البلاد العربية ومشاهداته السياسية والجغرافية فيها، بالاضافة الى نفحات تاريخية عن المنطقة واهلها. وكان يرمي الريحاني بسلسلة كتبه هذه التعريف والتقريب بين ابناء الامة العربية الواحدة - كما كان… Part 1 PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript is an unpublished collection of poems and songs. It is split into two parts, the first featuring Arabic songs and poems and the second a collection of poems by Ameen Rihani titled "Waves of My Life." Posthumously published in 2009 as…

Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Dames"

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Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Beauties"

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Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Mr. Mirfenderesky, dated August 19, (no year). Date suggested by third party, 1940.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Mr. Henderson, dated August 19, (no year). Date suggested by third party, 1940.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Mr. Palmer, dated August 19, (no year). Date suggested by third party, 1940.

Date: 1940 June 29
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Colonel Don Juan Beigbeder, dated June 29, 1940.

A letter from Ameen Rihani addressed to unknown, dated April 20, 1940. It is noted by a third party that this may be to Don Juan Beigbeder.

A foreign money order receipt from Angele Ellis to Sister Marguerite Louvet and the Orphanage of St. Charles in Beirut (spelled Beyrouth), Lebanon, dated 15 December 1945 for $130.00.

Date: 1943 June 07
A foreign money order receipt from Angele Ellis (spelled Mrs. Toufee Ellis) to Lieutenant Yousef (spelled Joseph) Hobeiche. Sent from Carthage, New York to Qattine (spelled Kattine) Keserwan (spelled Kasrouan) Ghazir, Beirut (spelled Beyrouth) Syria,…

A foreign money order receipt from Angele Ellis (spelled Mrs. Toufee Ellis) to Lieutenant Yousef (spelled Joseph) Hobeiche. Sent from Carthage, New York to Qattine (spelled Kattine) Keserwan (spelled Kasrouan) Ghazir, Beirut (spelled Beyrouth) Syria,…

Date: 1942 July 14
A foreign money order receipt from Angele Ellis (spelled Mrs. Toufee Ellis) to Lieutenant Yousef (spelled Joseph) Hobeiche. Sent from Carthage, New York to Qattine (spelled Kattine) Keserwan (spelled Kasrouan) Ghazir, Beirut (spelled Beyrouth) Syria,…

Date: 1942 June 11
A foreign money order receipt from Angele Ellis (spelled Mrs. Toufee Ellis) to Lieutenant Yousef (spelled Joseph) Hobeiche. Sent from Carthage, New York to Qattine (spelled Kattine) Keserwan (spelled Kasrouan) Ghazir, Beirut (spelled Beyrouth) Syria,…

Date: 1942 May 25
A foreign money order receipt from Angele Ellis (spelled Mrs. Toufee Ellis) to Adla Hobeiche. Sent from Carthage, New York to Qattine (spelled Kattine) Keserwan (spelled Kasrouan) Syria, dated 25 May 1942 for $25.00.

A letter and copy of 's report of death from the American Consulate General to Albert Rihani. It lists Rihani's cause of death as multiple sustained sceptic and infected wounds following a bicycle accident. His place of death is listed as Freike,…

Date: circa 1940s
An American War Dads card that belonged to Philip Shehdan, son of Beshara Shehdan. Philip enlisted in the Coast Guard in 1945, as soon as he turned 18 and graduated from high school.

A letter from Angele Ellis to Alfred Ellis, dated 6 August 1949. Sent on letterhead from The Khedivial Mail Line S. A. E, S.S. Mohamed Ali el Kebir.


Date: circa 1940
A translated note from Angele Ellis about Khalil Hobeiche circa 1940.


A photocopy of a letter attesting to the transfer of the Power of Attorney from Angele Ellis to Yousef Hobeiche, dated 5 September 1949.

Date: 1948
A photograph of St. Anthony of Padua Church where Namtallah Hobeiche's cousin was the pastor, dated 1948.

A letter from Anis Fuleihan at Indiana University to Dorothy 'Dot' Fuleihan in Bronx, NY, postmarked 1 November 1949.

A letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

A photocopy of a letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

A letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

A letter from from Badiha Moukarzel who requests her marriage and birth certificate because she wants to divorce her husband. Dated August 6, 1948, Cote d'Ivoire [Ivory Coast]

A receipt of transaction from Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie, Afrique addressed to Najla Toubia Attallah of 5882 francs. Dated March 5, 1947.

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Date: 1947 June 07
A receipt of transaction from Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie, Afrique addressed to Najla Toubia Attalah of 2941 francs. Dated June 7, 1947.

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Date: 1947 July 11
A receipt of transaction from Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie, Afrique addressed to Najla Toubia Attalah of 2941 francs. Dated July 11, 1947.

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Date: 1947 July 11
A receipt of transaction from Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie, Afrique addressed to Najla Toubia Attalah of 2941 francs. Dated July 11, 1947.

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A receipt of transaction from Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie, Afrique addressed to Najla Toubia Attallah of 5882 francs. Dated December 15, 1947.

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A receipt of transaction from Banque Nationale pour le Commerce et l'Industrie, Afrique addressed to Najla Toubia Attallah of 5882 francs. Dated January 28, 1948.

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Date: circa 1940
A portrait of Evelyn Farris with short hair wearing a dark-colored outfit. Dated around 1940.

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Date: 1946
"Fifteen Short Pieces for Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, signed to and marked by John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha, and marked by Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois. Copyright 1946 by Carl Fischer, Inc., New York.

Date: 1945 May
A selection of articles and clippings on the occasion of Philip Shehdan's graduation from the Cathedral Latin High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. These clippings were taken from The Cathedralite, the school's publication, and include a brief…
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