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A radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1949 October 3.

A radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1949 October 5.

A radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1949 October 15.

A radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1949 October 28.

A radiogram from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali dated 1941 February 6.

Date: 1941 July 28
A radiogram from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali dated 1941 July 28.

Date: 1941 July 29
A radiogram from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali dated 1941 July 29.

A radiogram from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali dated 1944 August 28.

Date: 1948 April 7
A radiogram from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali dated 1948 April 7.

Date: 1943
A photograph of Joseph El-Khouri (center) at 19 years of age, sitting between two unidentified young men, likely his brothers or friends.

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Date: 1945
Joseph El-Khouri posing in front of a large cedar in Lebanon.

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Date: 1948
Passport photograph for Joseph El-Khouri.

Date: 1949
A photograph of Joseph El-Khouri leaning against a wall shortly after his immigration to the United St.ates.

Date: circa 1940s
Joseph El-Khouri's driver's license from Lebanon.

Date: circa 1940s
A photograph of Butros Maroun El-Khouri, relative of Joseph El-Khouri. Though undated, the photograph was likely taken circa 1940s.


Date: circa 1945
A photograph of Rev. Joseph Michael Maroun El-Khouri, father of Joe El-Khouri, seated in front of his house. Two unidentified men crouch at the bottom right of the photograph.

Date: circa 1945
Unidentified friends or relatives of Joseph El-Khouri pose in front of a cedar tree. Also in the background are a bus and other vehicles. Though location is unidentified, the photograph was perhaps taken during a trip to Ba'albek that Joseph went on…

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Date: circa 1945
Caption: "Joseph El-Khouri (second from left) with Father (Rev. Maroun El-Khouri) & Brothers & Sisters in front of their home in Kour, Batroun Lebanon (1945?)." Sister Victorine El-Khouri stands on the far right, but Joe and Sr. Victorine's other…

Date: circa 1945
A group of men posed outside in Kour, Batroun, Lebanon, identified only as brothers and friends of Joseph El-Khouri.

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Date: circa 1945
An unidentified young man, likely a friend or relative of Joseph El-Khouri, stands in front of columns at Ba'albek. Ba'albek is a significant archaeological site in Lebanon containing Phoenician ruins.

Date: circa 1945
Sister Victorine El-Khouri and cousin in Lebanon.

Date: undated
A damaged photograph of the cedars of Lebanon. The date of the photograph is unknown, but it was likely taken prior to Joseph El-Khouri's immigration to the United States in 1949.

A letter from Ameen Rihani addressed to unknown, dated April 20, 1940. It is noted by a third party that this may be to Don Juan Beigbeder.

Date: 1940 June 29
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Colonel Don Juan Beigbeder, dated June 29, 1940.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Mr. Palmer, dated August 19, (no year). Date suggested by third party, 1940.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Mr. Henderson, dated August 19, (no year). Date suggested by third party, 1940.

Date: undated
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Mr. Mirfenderesky, dated August 19, (no year). Date suggested by third party, 1940.

A letter and copy of 's report of death from the American Consulate General to Albert Rihani. It lists Rihani's cause of death as multiple sustained sceptic and infected wounds following a bicycle accident. His place of death is listed as Freike,…

Date: اب 1940
نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى رشيد باشا ناصر (قنصل السعودية في دمشق) بتاريخ 19 اب 1940. فيها يوجه الريحاني لـ ناصر دعوة للغداء في منزل الاول، مع كل من الشيخ عجيل الياور (شيخ عشائر شمر) وناجي السويدي (رئيس وزراء العراق في العشرينات). وقد دون…

Date: اب 1940
نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى تحسين بك قدري (قنصل العراق في لبنان) بتاريخ 19 اب 1940. فيها يوجه الريحاني لـ قدري دعوة للغداء في منزل الاول، مع كل من الشيخ عجيل الياور (شيخ عشائر شمر) وعلي بك جودت (وزير عراقي)، وناجي السويدي (رئيس وزراء العراق في…

Date: اب 1940
نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى ناجي باشا السويدي (رئيس وزراء العراق في العشرينات) بتاريخ 19 اب 1940. فيها يوجه الريحاني للسويدي دعوة للغداء في منزل الاول، مع كل من الشيخ عجيل الياور (شيخ عشائر شمر) وعلي بك جودت (وزير عراقي)، وتحسين بك قدري (قنصل…

رسالة من عبد العزيز بن سعود الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 3 اذار 1940. يؤكد الملك استلامه رسالة الريحاني التي يطرح فيها الريحاني رغبته بزيارة السعودية عن طريق العراق.

رسالة من محمد سعيد السيد منصور الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 2 ايلول 1940. يطمئن منصور الى الريحاني بعد قراءة خبر "الحادث السيء" - لم يذكر تفاصيل

Date: 1940
A photograph of Ameen Rihani in coat and tie, taken in Beirut 1940. It is noted that this was his last photograph before his death.


Date: 1945
A marble relief sculpture of Ameen Rihani done by Lebanese artist, Haleem El-Hage in 1945

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Date: 1945
An oil painting done by Mustapha Farroukh of Ameen Rihani in 1945.

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Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Beauties"

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Date: 1940
A sketch of "The Three Dames"

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Date: 1931-1951
A scrapbook created by the Ameen Rihani Museum that contains materials written by or about Ameen Rihani from around the world. This includes, but is not limited to newspaper articles, magazine articles, book reviews, poems, pamphlets, programs, and…

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Date: 1940-1962
A scrapbook created by the Ameen Rihani Museum that contains materials written by or about Ameen Rihani from around the world. This book has many articles and obituaries from Ameen Rihani's death in 1940. This includes, but is not limited to… PDF.pdf

Date: undated
This manuscript is an unpublished collection of poems and songs. It is split into two parts, the first featuring Arabic songs and poems and the second a collection of poems by Ameen Rihani titled "Waves of My Life." Posthumously published in 2009 as…

Date: 1939
الكتاب كغيره من كتب ريحاني التي كتبها شارحا فيها اسفاره الى البلاد العربية ومشاهداته السياسية والجغرافية فيها، بالاضافة الى نفحات تاريخية عن المنطقة واهلها. وكان يرمي الريحاني بسلسلة كتبه هذه التعريف والتقريب بين ابناء الامة العربية الواحدة - كما كان… Part 1 PDF.pdf

Date: undated
اجمعت العديد من المصادر "يمكن القول بأن "قلب لبنان" قدم الريحاني لا كأديب فحسب بل كمؤرخ وكفنان وشاعر إلى جانب الريحاني الفيلسوف والاجتماعي والعالم بالنفس". يصف الريحاني في هذ الكتاب تسع رحلات قام بها في اطار وطنه لبنان. "فإذا قرأت قصائد الريحاني التي… PDF.pdf

Date: 1939
يرمي الريحاني في كتابه "نور الاندلس" تعريف القارئ العربي بجانب اخر من تاريخه. فبعد رحلة مع "ملوك العرب" الى "قلب العراق" و"قلب لبنان" من اجل صنع حالة من التألف والوحدة بين ابناء المشرق العربي والمغرب العربي، يحملنا الريحاني الى الاندلس، "فنطالع [في…

Date: 1947
Election materials to promote M.C. Zanaty's bid for president of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1947.


A letter from Olga Hykil, the Secretary of the Syrian Lebanese American Society of South Carolina, to Minteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, dated February 17, 1942.

Telegram from JM Hykil to Harry Joseph on April 15, 1942.

A letter addressed to Minteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs, from J.M. Abraham, a member of the Executive Board, enclosed with a signed resolution on April 16, 1942.

Date: 1942 May 17
A letter from Mitchell Tibshrany, Chairman of the Executive Board, to Miteha Hesni, the Secretary of the Treasury, on May 17, 1942.

A letter addressed to Minteha Hesni, Secretary of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanon-American Clubs, and dated August 5, 1942.
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