Browse Items (133 total)

Wedding portrait of Peter Oussani and Regina Bahlawan. Arabic along the bottom translates to "A memory of love, from Butros Oussani and his wife Regina Bahlawan to brother Yacoub, November 30, 1899." The photo was taken by F.G. Donatosian.

Wedding portrait of Peter Oussani and Regina Bahlawan. Arabic along the bottom translates to "A memory of love, from Butros Oussani and his wife Regina Bahlawan to brother Yacoub, November 30, 1899." The photo was taken by F.G. Donatosian.

Date: 1896 May 23
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y."

Date: 1896 May 23
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y." The back side of the photograph reads, "The frame ordered 12x16 send to…

An issue of New York Times Illustrated Magazine from August 20,1899, which includes an article (pages 4-5) on the Syrian Quarter in New York. The article includes seven photographs.

The Illustrated American, Vol. XIV, No. 15 October 14, 1893. “A Plague of Men” (page 453) includes images of Syrians on the street in 1893.

Date: undated
This letter, handwritten in both Arabic and English, certifies Taraf's, son of Faris Aown, birthdate as July 21, 1896, and baptism on November 26, 1896. His hometown is listed as Saghbeen, Syria. It lists his father as Faris Nekowla Elias Aown and…

Date: undated
This manuscript is a collection of various writings by Ameen Rihani. These articles cover everything from law, theatre, to Rihani's writings on specific literature. Further there are articles that discuss historic figures and events, as well as a few…

Date: undated
An identification certificate in Turkish (Ottoman). Year of birth was 1896.

A shipping bill to Father Tobia Attallah, dated January 31, 1899. The company is Cammionage de Chemin de Fer de Paris et Lyon et la Méditerranée. The communication informs Attallah that a shipment for him will be leaving Marseilles on February 2.

Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of characters from Shakespeare

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of a character from Shakespeare

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of Macbeth

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of Lady Macbeth

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of Wilson Barret as Hamlet

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Date: 1899
Sketches of "the man with the pipe" and "the strong woman"

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Date: 1898
A sketch of a hair study and of a 20th Century Cop.

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Date: 1890s
A copy of a portrait of the Dekash and Hatch family. The image includes Sitty Ramza, Aunt Habuba Roumain, Grandmother Mardshi, and Uncle Lewis Hatch. Portrait is dated around 1890s.

Date: 1890s
A copy of a portrait of the Zaytoun and Hatch family. The image includes John, Lewis, Fred, Kelly, Marie, Sitty Nasima, and Aunt Rose. This item also includes a letter from John and Idele to Agnes Zaytoun who made this print of the portrait. Portrait…

Date: 1890s
Portrait of a sister of Margaret Shea Oussani.

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Date: circa 1894
Portrait of Margaret Agnes Shea by J.K. Cole, 174 Sixth Ave., New York City.

Date: circa 1899
Portrait of Margaret Shea Oussani cut for an oval frame.

Date: 1890s
Portrait of Margaret Shea Oussani. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway, cor. 12th Street, N.Y."

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Date: circa 1896
Portrait of Joseph Oussani cut for an oval frame.

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Date: circa 1896
Portrait of Joseph Oussani.

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Date: 1893
Portrait of Joseph Oussani wearing a Fez. Printed in Chicago.

Date: circa 1899
Portrait of John T. Oussani cut for an oval frame.

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Date: circa 1898
A copy of a portrait of baby Isabelle Dekash sitting in a chair. Dated around 1898. The back reads, "For Christmas gift from Brother Henry."

Date: circa 1890s
Portrait of a woman, most likely taken in the late 1800s or early 1900s. She is likely a member of the Shea or Lynch family.

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Date: circa 1890s
Portrait of a woman, most likely taken in the late 1800s or early 1900s. She is likely one of the step-sisters of Margaret Shea Oussani.

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Date: circa 1890s
Portrait of a woman, most likely taken in the late 1800s or early 1900s. She is likely one of the step-sisters of Margaret Shea Oussani.

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Date: 1898
A portrait of Ameen Rihani, far left, with six members of his family, taken in New York in 1898.

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Date: 1899
Blueprint map of land deeded to Joseph Oussani, formerly of W.C. Church, Mary E. Church, and Willard Church, in Pocantico Hills, New York, showing 32 acres, dated 28 April 1899.

Date: 1899
Document describing premises in Pocantico Hills, sold to Joseph Oussani, formerly of the old "Collender" farm, and latterly the property of Colonel William C. Church, dated 1899.

Date: 1896
A photograph of a peddling Syrian woman in New York and an accompanying caption. These pages are from the book "Street Types of Great American Cities" by Sigmund Krausz, published in 1896.

Date: undated
A photograph of a reproduction of a Damascus Merchant’s house at the Turkish Village in the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, IL. On the back of the print is a photograph of a model of St. Peter's Cathedral.


Date: circa 1990s
A photocopy of the first printing of the Al-Hoda newspaper, which was eventually reprinted for Al-Hoda's Centennial in 1998. Included are stories about President William McKinley, local news, etc.

Date: 1893
This is old Ottoman Turkish. It is likely an acknowledgment by a man called "Abdulraheem the son of (name not clear) Hassan Asfahani from the state of Iran and a resident in Najaf" to "Joseph Oussani from Ottoman state who resides in Baghdad." It…

Date: 1893
This is old Ottoman Turkish. A receipt of money paid by Joseph Oussani to [first name not clear] Rustum.

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Date: 1893
Ottoman Passport in old Ottoman Turkish and French. Holder's name is Joseph Thomas, born in Baghdad and resident therein. Addressed to officials and military members in friend states to the Ottoman Empire to allow him "lesser passer" and provide help…

Date: undated
An identification certificate in Turkish. Lists year of birth as 1895.

Date: 1899 June 29
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1899 June 15
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1899 June 15
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1899 Apr 22
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1899 Jan 12
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1897
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1897 June 18
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.
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