Browse Items (133 total)

Date: 1859-1920
A bound volume containing emergency passport lists spanning from 1859 to 1920.

Date: 1859-1920
A bound volume containing emergency passport lists spanning from 1859 to 1920.

Date: 1890s
A copy of a portrait of the Dekash and Hatch family. The image includes Sitty Ramza, Aunt Habuba Roumain, Grandmother Mardshi, and Uncle Lewis Hatch. Portrait is dated around 1890s.

Date: 1890s
A copy of a portrait of the Zaytoun and Hatch family. The image includes John, Lewis, Fred, Kelly, Marie, Sitty Nasima, and Aunt Rose. This item also includes a letter from John and Idele to Agnes Zaytoun who made this print of the portrait. Portrait…

Date: 1890s
A framed portrait of Marta Sawaya and Dr. Habib Sawaya in formal attire. Caption on the back reads, "Marta died 1901 or 2 and Dr Habib Saway died before Marta. Betegrine, Lebanon Late 1800s. George A. Kahdy's grandparents in Lebanon maternal side.…

Date: 1890s
Portrait of Margaret Shea Oussani. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway, cor. 12th Street, N.Y."

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Date: 1890s
Portrait of a sister of Margaret Shea Oussani.

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A letter from Khalil to his father, Youssuf Raad. He sends his greetings and asks about the family and his father. Khalil asks his father to collect a notice of repayment (bill) from Khawaja Asaad Ibrahim, who will arrive in Lebanon soon. He includes…

Date: 1893
Ottoman Passport in old Ottoman Turkish and French. Holder's name is Joseph Thomas, born in Baghdad and resident therein. Addressed to officials and military members in friend states to the Ottoman Empire to allow him "lesser passer" and provide help…

Date: 1893
An Arabic travel journal written by Joseph Oussani detailing his journey from Baghdad, Iraq, to the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exposition in Illinois. A translation by Leon Bushara is also included.

Date: 1893
A document written in Ottoman dated August 18, 1893.

Date: 1893
A document written in Ottoman dated March 6, 1893. A photocopy of this document is also in the folder.

Date: 1893
A statement from William B. Hess, the United States Consul General at Constantinople, certifying that Joseph "Yousoph" Oussani and 12 others are "engaged in business in the Ottoman Section of the World's Columbian Exposition of Chicago," dated 1st…

Date: 1893
An Arabic letter from Joseph Oussani in Baghdad, Iraq, to Chicago, Illinois, dated April 20, 1893. A photocopy of the letter is also in the folder.

Date: 1893
A letter to Joseph Oussani from his brother dated March 16, 1893 in Baghdad. Two handwritten English translations and a photocopy of the letter are included in the folder.

Date: 1893
The last paragraph of an Arabic letter from Thomas Oussani to his sons, Joseph and Yak. Another paragraph features a letter from John Oussani to brothers Joseph and Yak probably from the same letter, dated September 14, 1893, in Baghdad, Iraq. Two…

Date: 1893
This is old Ottoman Turkish. It is likely an acknowledgment by a man called "Abdulraheem the son of (name not clear) Hassan Asfahani from the state of Iran and a resident in Najaf" to "Joseph Oussani from Ottoman state who resides in Baghdad." It…

Date: 1893
This is old Ottoman Turkish. A receipt of money paid by Joseph Oussani to [first name not clear] Rustum.

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Date: 1893
"Yousef" (Joseph) Oussani's ticket booklet to the Chicago World's Fair, 1893. Given to him as an employee for the Turkish Village.

Date: 1893
An envelope with F.D. Maghak, Bagdad, across the top, addressed to "Messieurs Joseph + Jacob Oussani," labeled "In the Persian Section of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago." Stamps on the envelope indicate it was posted in 1893.

Date: 1893
Portrait of Joseph Oussani wearing a Fez. Printed in Chicago.

A letter from Daniel J. Faour in New York, dated December 4, 1893, to the N.N. Brass Company about rattles that were ordered and had yet to arrive. The letterhead is of "Danial J. Faour &

Date: 1893 Feb 15
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1893 July 31
A letter from W. Hobeien to Ameen Rihani, dated July 31, 1893.

The Illustrated American, Vol. XIV, No. 15 October 14, 1893. “A Plague of Men” (page 453) includes images of Syrians on the street in 1893.

Date: 1894
An envelope with F.D. Maghak, Bagdad, across the top, addressed to the "Oussani Bro's" 16 East, 23rd Street, New York (U.S.A.)." The envelope is dated May 20, 1894.

Date: 1894
A photograph of Ameen Rihani and his father, Ferris, taken in New York in 1894.


Date: 1894 Dec 14
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1894 Dec 5
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1894 Dec 6
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

An issue of Harper’s Weekly from Saturday, August 10, 1895. Includes an article titled, “The Foreign Element in New York: The Syrian Colony," on page 746. The article includes a depiction of the Syian colony on Washington Street.

Date: 1895 July 16
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1895 Oct 13
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1895 Sept 10
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1895 Sept 10
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1896
A photograph of a peddling Syrian woman in New York and an accompanying caption. These pages are from the book "Street Types of Great American Cities" by Sigmund Krausz, published in 1896.

Date: 1896
A letter written by Joseph Oussani dated 5 May 1896. Joseph announces his upcoming marriage to a young Irish Catholic American girl to his parents in Baghdad, begging their blessing since they could not be there. He mentions that his brothers, Yak…

Date: 1896
Half of a marriage certificate for John Oussani, dated May 1896.

Date: 1896
A letter in Arabic from Joseph Oussani in New York to his parents in Baghdad, Iraq, telling them of his marriage to Irish-American Margaret Shea, dated 5 May 1896. Two photocopies of the original, a handwritten English translation by Leon Bushara,…

Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of characters from Shakespeare

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of a character from Shakespeare

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of Wilson Barret as Hamlet

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of Macbeth

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Date: 1896
A sketch done by Ameen Rihani of Lady Macbeth

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Date: 1896
A portrait of Ameen Rihani taken in New York in 1896.

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Date: 1896 Apr 7
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1896 Dec 18
Content Warning: Materials in this collection may contain harmful content, including racist language and graphic depictions of historical events.

Date: 1896 May 23
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y." The back side of the photograph reads, "The frame ordered 12x16 send to…

Date: 1896 May 23
Wedding portrait of Joseph Oussani and Margaret Shea, who were married on May 23rd 1896, in New York City. The photograph is labeled, "DeYoungs' Broadway COR, 12th Street, N.Y."

Date: 1896 Nov 15
An English and Arabic dictionary with a teal cover. The title reads Al-Bakoorat Al-Gharbeyat Fee Taleem Al-Lughat Al-Englezeyat. In the front cover is a short note written in Arabic. The book is dated 15 November 1896.
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