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رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز ابن سعود بتاريخ 22 كانون الاول 1924 (26 جمادى الاولى 1343). يخبر فيها الريحاني الملك عبد العزيز بانه ارسل له بيد صديقه حسين العويني "كتابا من وجهاء المسلمين في بيروت"، وبعض اقسام الجزء الخامس من كتاب "ملوك…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى كلنور شميل في 21 شباط 1921. فيها يرحب الريحاني بشدة ويشكر شميل على رسالة سابقة قد بعثها الاخير، يخبر فيها الريحاني عن فكرة انشاء نشاط ادبي في "نادي العائلة".

Date: undated
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him that he was hospitalized, but now he is getting better. He informs him that he is now in Panama where he is the agent of a German Airline called Leadta.

Date: undated
Letter from the Philately Union to an unknown person offering to sell a stamp collection.

Date: undated
An undated radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali.

Date: undated
An undated radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali.

Date: undated
An undated radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali.

Date: undated
An undated radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali.

Date: undated
An undated radiogram from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali.

Date: undated
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali most likely sent from Beirut. He tells him about the cost of educating his children.

Date: undated
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali most likely sent from Beirut. He tells him some news about the family.

Date: undated
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali most likely sent from Beirut. He tells him about his son's wedding.

Date: undated
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He asks him for news about Beirut and Syria.

Date: undated
Letter most likely from Michel Saykali to his sister Zakiyya Saykali. He congratulates them on their marriage.

Date: undated
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He sends greetings to the family and explains to Georges why he cannot come to Lebanon for Georges's wedding.

Date: undated
An undated radiogram from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali.

Date: undated
An undated telegraph from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali.

Date: undated
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He sends greetings.

Date: undated
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He sends greetings to the family.

Date: October 26
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He expresses his concerns about what is happening in Beirut and Tripoli.

Date: circa 1967
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about the family. He also tells him about the death of their brother-in-law Toufic in October 1967.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him how the Fidayeen organizations with the help of the Syrian Army have occupied large sections of Lebanon and how these organizations are attacking the Lebanese Army sites. He…

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He commemorates it being the fiftieth year since Michel travelled to Colombia. He tells him that the situation in Lebanon has calmed after the retreat of the Syrian fighters and the…

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him about the problem of the existing Fidayeen in South Lebanon and about Israel's airstrikes against them and against the Lebanese population in the south. He also describes the…

Date: 1969 April 3
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him about the differences between the Palestinian Fedayeen and the people in South Lebanon and many other Lebanese regions. He describes how they do not respect any law or government…

Letter from Goerges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him about his trip with his wife Salwa in the Mediterranean.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He sends greetings on the occasion of St. Michael's day.

Date: 1968 May 4
Letter from Georges Saykali to his son Gilbert Saykali. He sends greetings.

Date: 1968 May 21
Letter from Georges Saykali to his son Gilbert Saykali. He sends greetings.

Date: 1968 June 30
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He tells him some of the family news.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He thanks him for the check (25000 USD) he sent and tells him that he has distributed the money as requested by Michel.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He sends greetings for Christmas and the New Year and his hope to meet Michel very soon. He also tells him that Gilbert and his wife Denise had a little girl named Brigitte.

A radiogram from Salwa Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali dated 1968 August 31.

Letter from Georges Aykali to Alfred and Adel. He presents his condolences.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali informing him that his son Joe had a second son.

Date: 1967 June 12
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him about the family. He tells him that the war between the Arabs and the Jews was shocking and that hostilities were stopped with the help of the United Nations. What matters…

Date: 1967 July 17
Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He reassures him that the general situation in Lebanon is calm. He also tells him that the family is doing well.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He wants to check on Michel because of the earthquake news coming from Colombia.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Michel Saykali. He wishes him all the best in his business and asks him to find a way to end his work in America and return to his family. He also tells him about Roger's marriage.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges Saykali. He thanks him for his letter full of beautiful family news.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his brother Saykali. He tells him that it is time to return to his homeland, Lebanon, and tells him news about the family.

Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He tells him that Toufic Khalil passed by him in Cucuta and didn't tell him about his travel to Beirut.

Date: 1966 June 9
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He tells him that he received letters from all family members.

Letter from Georges Saykali to his nephew Michel Rbeiz and his wife Simone. He sends him new year's greetings
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