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  • Tags: Education

Date: undated
Vera and Moise Khayrallah pose together for a photograph

Date: undated
A photograph of Vera Tayeh Khayrallah, dressed in graduate robes, cutting a cake. Three unidentified people are visible in the background. The photograph is part of a set labeled "87m Host Family."

Date: 1977
A snapshot of Sam and Betty on the occasion of Betty's graduation from high school in 1977.

Date: circa 1995
Raja Khalifah's business card from when he served as a research professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, circa 1990s.

Date: undated
A group photograph of Raja Khalifah's father's graduating class.

Date: 1962
A group photograph of Raja Khalifah's 1962 graduating class from the American University of Beirut.

Date: 1962
A photograph of Raja Khalifah before his 1962 graduation from the American University of Beirut.

Date: 1962
A photograph of Raja Khalifah (fourth from left) marching in his graduation from the American University of Beirut, from which he obtained a BS in Chemistry.

Date: 2010 May 04
A photograph of Tony Habit and copy of an oral transcript. The hearing was titled “ESEA Reauthorization: Improving America's Secondary Schools,” taking place before Senator Kennedy on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.…

Date: 2007 May
The obituary for Magdalen Parker Mileski, written and published after her death on May 11, 2007.

Date: 1983
A school portrait of Louise Quigly in 7th grade wearing a white collared shirt and patterned tie. Dated 1983.

Date: 1983
A school portrait of Patrick Quigly wearing a dark-plaid, collared shirt. Dated 1983.

Date: 1996 May
A photograph of Brenda graduating from Texas A&

رسالة من انيس الخوري المقدسي الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 19 شباط 1924. يدعو انيس الريحاني الى القدوم الى بيروت لالقاء بعض الخطب للطلبة حول تاريخ وجغرافية وعمران البلاد العربية وغيرها من المواضيع ذات الصلة، ويحدد له تاريخي 27 او 28 شباط. كما يدعوه لان…

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 4 January 1958.

Date: circa 1926
A school record for Rose Kanan listing her age as 17 and last grade completed as the 5th, at Wetherbee School.

Date: 1930 Sept 4
A school record for William Farris, created on September 4, 1930. It indicates that he was born March 29, 1916, listing William's residence as 592 Andover St., his father's name as Joseph Farris, and other information about his studies at Welherbee…

Date: 1919 Jan 17
A school record for M. J. Rizgalla created on January 17, 1919. It indicates that they were born October 15, 1904, and resided at 500 Common St. It lists information about their studies at Warren Street School in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

Date: undated
An announcement from Villanova University for the introduction of modern standard Arabic to the modern languages curriculum.

Letter to Rev. Kail dated Oct. 24, 2003 on the exhibition about Father Delore educational activities, by Tony Frem. Also clipping from Annahar Newspaper, dated Oct. 23, 2003, title 'Little Schools in Mount. Lebanon', Photographic Exhibition of Father…

Date: undated
A newspaper article published by the Villanovan titled 'Ellis New Dean'. The article is about Kail Ellis's achievements and qualifications that brought him to his new position as dean. Missing the first page.

Date: 1960s
Article from "This Week's Salute" in The Raleigh Times (Women's World section) about Nell Mettrey Kahdy's teaching career and style.

Date: undated
Article in The Raleigh Times, "Around the world in 80 ways," about Nell Kahdy's teaching career and how she began the annual European trip for students. Likely published in the 1970s or 1980s.

Article with photos from January 13, 1962, in The Raleigh Times about the trip and itinerary for the European school trip Nell Kahdy would be leading that summer. A small photograph of Nell is in the corner, likely a passport photo.

Date: circa 1960s
Article titled "Students Strike Out on Their Own" in The Raleigh Times. The article quotes Nell Kahdy regarding an independent study program. Most likely published in the 1960s.

Date: 1977 May 5
An article published in The Cherokee Scout about the North Carolina Secondary Roads Council's May meeting and Joseph El-Khouri's attendance.

Date: 1994
An article in The Charlotte Observer profiling UNC Charlotte's multiple-winning Model U.N. team, which Wael Abou-Chakra was a member of during his time as an undergraduate at the school.

Date: 1960s
A newspaper article published in the Carthage Republican Tribune titled 'For The First Time'. The article is about deacons from Augustinian College, including Kail Ellis

Date: 1966
Article from February 5, 1966, in The Atlanta Constitution titled "American Pupils Abroad Heard Just French

An article published in The Andrews Journal about Joseph El-Khouri's appointment to a vacated Cherokee County school board seat.

A photo published in The Andrews Journal showing Joseph El-Khouri being sworn in as a replacement School Board Member.

An article published in the Andrews Journal about School Board member Joseph El Khouri's stance on the consolidation of local schools.

A comic published in The Andrews Journal promiting Joseph El-Khouri for a seat on the Cherokee County Board of Education. The next comic in the series is not included in the El-Khouri collection.

This school record for James Arrajj lists his date of birth as October 5, 1908, and residence as 292 Oak St. It was signed by D. Callahan, principal of the Tarbox School in Lawrence, on September 10, 1924.

Date: 1918 Nov 13
A school record for James Dowaliby created on November 13, 1918. It states that he was born November 12, 1904. The record lists his residence as 53 White St., his parent as Ameen Dowaliby, and school as Tarbox School, and confirms his last grade…

Date: 1921 Sept 7
A school record for James Hassey issued on September 7, 1921, that lists his date of birth as February 7, 1907, and residence as 369 Chestnut St. It details his studies as a regular course at the Tarbox School with his last grade completed as the…

Date: undated
A school record for Thomas Khoury, born October 15, 1903, residence at 307 Oak St. It details information about Thomas's study at the Tarbox School in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It lists his father's name as E. George Khoury.

Date: 1934 May 14
A school record for Eva Mansour created on May 14, 1934. It indicates that she was born on March 9, 1920. The record lists information about her studies at the Tarbox School in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It lists her address as 379 Elm St. and her…

Date: 1935 Oct 10
A school record for Lillian Mansour created on October 10, 1935. It lists her date of birth as April 10, 1920, and her residence at 386 Elm St. The record lists information about her studies at the Tarbox School in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It lists…

Date: 1926 Oct 11
A school record for Louis Samaha issued on October 11, 1926. It indicates that he was born November 20, 1910, and resided at 143 Myrtle St. It lists information about Louis's studies at the Tarbox School and lists their parent as Sam.

Date: 1967 June 22
Note from Talmage S. Baggett, Secretary of the Godwin Lions Club, asks Joseph El-Khouri for more information regarding the exchange student assigned to their club.

Date: 1967 June 22
Letter from Talmadge S. Baggett asking Joe El-Khouri for more information about the arrival of the Godwin Lions Club's (Fayetteville, NC) incoming exchange student from Sweden.

Date: 1912 Oct 11
A certificate from the New Hampshire Department of Public Instruction, Manchester District, certifying that Rasheedy Shedeed was born in Syria on April 7, 1896. It was signed by Curtis N. Davis, Superintendent of Schools, on October 11, 1912.

Date: 1922
A school record for Faires Corey, detailing his admission and discharges from school. It shows his discharge in 1922 from his school in Caribou, Maine, at age 18. It also provides information about Faries, including date of birth, March 24, 1904,…

Booklet for the 41st annual Orthodox Education Day hosted by St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary of Yonkers, New York. Includes a schedule of events for Orthodox Education Day and three articles, "The Alaskan Experience," Our Liturgy," and…

Date: 1921 June 27
A school record for Bashir Simon, born November 1, 1906, and resident of 27 Pine St. It lists information about their studies at St. Mary's School and includes their father's name, George Simon. It was signed by the principle, Siter M. Teresa, on…

Date: 1921 June 29
A school record from the St. Charles Parochial School for issuance of an employment certificate for Victoria Hajjar, created on June 29, 1921. It lists her studies, date of birth, April 9, 1906, and name of parent, Charles Hajjar. It indicates that…

Date: 1914 May 13
A school record for Annie O'Hanian created on May 13, 1914. It indicates that she was born April 7, 1899, and that she resided at 57 Oak St. The record lists information about her studies at the Special School in Lawrence, Massachusetts. It lists her…

Date: undated
A handwritten letter from Anna Murphy of the Special School in Lawrence, Massachusetts, stating that George Salmi lost his passport and wants to go to work. She states that she saw his passport when he came to school and was born on October 25, 1906.…

Minutes from the meeting of the Waynesville Deanery (of which Joseph El-Khouri was chairman).
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