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  • Collection: Ameen Fares Rihani Papers and Audio Recordings

Date: 1930 May 05
A letter from Reba H. Thompson to Ameen Rihani, dated May 5, 1930.

Date: 1930 May 13
A letter from S.M. Rashid to Ameen Rihani, dated May 13, 1930.

Date: 1930 May 13
A letter from Ameen Rihani to Constable and Company Limited, dated May 13, 1930.

Date: 1930 May 21
A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated May 21, 1930.

Date: 1930 May 25
A letter from unsigned to Ameen Rihani, dated May 25, 1930.

Date: 1930 May 29
A letter from Foreign Policy Association to Ameen Rihani, dated May 29, 1930.

A letter from William Griffith to Ameen Rihani, dated November 6, 1930.

Receipt from the Foreign Policy Association to , dated November 7, 1930. The receipt is for eight dollars towards membership and information services. The receipt acts as a membership card and is valid until November of 1931.

A letter from The National Arts Club to Ameen Rihani, dated November 7, 1930.

A letter from Press Photo Ges.m.b.h to Ameen Rihani, dated November 11, 1930.

A letter from W.F. Douthirt to Ameen Rihani, dated November 11, 1930.

A letter from A.K. Hitti to Ameen Rihani, dated November 17, 1930.

A letter from Donald M. Brodie to Ameen Rihani, dated November 17, 1930.

A letter from W.F. Douthirt to Ameen Rihani, dated November 19, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 24, 1930. The document lists as a speaker at the People's Forum on December 14, 1930. The subject is listed as "Palestine."

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated November 24, 1930. The documents states that was to be a speaker at the Woman's University Club on December 5, 1930. The topic of discussion is the "Poetry of the Near East."

A letter from Emily Rieder to Ameen Rihani, dated November 27, 1930.

A letter to from Frances J. Pratt, dated November 28, 1930. The letter starts by asking Ameen Rihani to confirm if his League of Political Education will take place on December 6. Pratt also states that he enclosed confirmations for the Providence…

A letter from Louise Burton Laidlaw to Ameen Rihani, dated November 28, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated October 2, 1930. The document lists as a speaker at the League for Political Education on December 6, 1930. The topic of the talk is unlisted on this document.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated October 3, 1930. is listed as a speaker at the Florida Forum, on February 8, 1931. The subject is listed as "Arab and Jew on the Battlefield of Zionism."

A letter from Randolph Ray to Ameen Rihani, dated October 3, 1930.

A letter from Pearl Freeman to Ameen Rihani, dated October 7, 1930.

A letter from Houghton Mifflin Company to Ameen Rihani, dated October 9, 1930.

A letter from Coburn Gilman of Travel Magazine to Ameen Rihani, dated October 10, 1930.

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated October 24, 1930. The document lists as a speaker at the Providence Branch of the Foreign Policy Association on December 13, 1930. The subject is listed at "Palestine."

Foreign Policy Association Confirmation of Engagement, dated October 24, 1930. The document lists as a speaker at the National Committee on the Cause & Cure of War on January 21, 1931. The subject is listed as "World Empires - in Relation to…

A letter from Foreign Policy Association to Ameen Rihani, dated October 24, 1930.

A letter from Henry Goddard Leach to Ameen Rihani, dated October 27, 1930.

A letter from James Dahir to Ameen Rihani, dated October 29, 1930.

A letter from Charles C. Crane's office to Ameen Rihani, dated September 4, 1930.

A letter from William Stevens to Ameen Rihani, dated September 9, 1930.

A letter from S.M. Rashid to Ameen Rihani, dated September 10, 1930.

A letter from Teresa Cerutti-Simmons to Ameen Rihani, dated September 14, 1930.

A letter from Emily P. Cape to Ameen Rihani, dated September 15, 1930.

A letter from Salloum Mokarzel to Ameen Rihani, dated September 19, 1930.

A letter from K.S. Twitchell to Ameen Rihani, dated September 22, 1930.

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Contable and Co., dated September 23, 1930.

A letter from Frank D. Halsey of the Princeton University Press to Ameen Rihani, dated September 24, 1930.

A letter from Najeeb H. Samra to Ameen Rihani, dated September 25, 1930.

A letter from Robert Gordon Canning to Ameen Rihani, dated September 25, 1930.

A letter from Emily P. Cape to Ameen Rihani, dated September 25, 1930.

A letter from James A. Montgomery to Ameen Rihani, dated September 28, 1930.

A letter from Louis Newman of the Congregation Rodeph Sholom to Ameen Rihani, dated September 29, 1930.

Date: 1931
كتبها الريحاني قبل وفاته بـ تسع سنوات - اي في العام 1931، وكان عمره كما جاء فيها اربع وخمسون عاما. سطر فيها الريحاني وصاياه الشخصية، ومواقفه القومية المعهوده في الوحدة والتحرر من الاستعمار، لاهله واصحابه وابناء وطنه لبنان والامة العربية. PDF.pdf

Date: 1931
A sketch of "The Three Graces"

Tags: ;

Date: 1931
A letter from Miss France J. Pratt to unknown group, undated. It seems like this letter may have been posted as an ad of sorts. It addresses 's lecture tour throughout the "Near East" and states he has been persuaded to take a few Americans with him.…

A letter from Ameen Rihani to Joseph Rihani, dated April 1, 1931.

A letter from Ethel Franklin Ellis of The Poets' Guild to Ameen Rihani, dated April 2, 1931.

A letter from the Department of State to Royal S. Copeland, dated April 6, 1931. The letter states that the letter of introduction requested for was mailed to the address indicated.
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