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  • Tags: New York

Date: 1994 Jan 23
Newspaper clippings featuring information about current political events and the Hudson River Dance Festival.

Date: 1991 Jun 15
Program for the 1991 New York Belly Dance Festival.

Date: 1991 Jun 15
Flyer and informational material for the 1991 New York Belly Dance Festival, including biography of the dancer, Bedia, and descriptions of instructional and performance videos.

Date: 1993 Jun
Notice for an upcoming performance titled "Caravans and Desert Sands" by the Yallah Dance Ensemble.

Date: 1993 Dec 29
Newspaper article about the Albany First Night festival, in which the Yallah Dance Ensemble performed.

Date: 1972 Dec 19
Notice in a newspaper of Sam Norman's funeral at Darrow Funeral Home.

Date: circa 1959
Newspaper article featuring the attendees of the Poughkeepsie High School Class of 1944 15 year reunion.

Date: undated
Newspaper article announcing the engagement of Beatrice Ann Joseph to Frank Duda. Includes brief biographies of them both.

Date: undated
Flyer for "Living the Dance: The Dancers Speak" event for teens and families with handwritten notes on front and back of dance choreography.

Date: 1907
Caption from Trey Matthews: "Passenger list for the S.S. Majestic, departing Chergourg, [sic] France, arriving in New York 21 Aug 1907. Listed are George and Soosan (Susie) Safy."

Date: 1904
From Trey Matthews: "Passport Application for George Joseph Safy dated 6 Aug 1904. Birth date listed as 4 Jan 1877 in Syria. Year of arrival listed as 1894. Witnessed by Salim B. Nofal."

Date: circa 1962
A photograph of Trudy and Mitchell Rabil at a New York fundraiser for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, which was founded by Lebanese-American entertainer Danny Thomas in 1962.

Date: circa 1962
A photograph of Mitchell G. and Trudy Rabil with Lebanese American entertainer and philanthropist Danny Thomas. The photograph was taken at the fundraiser for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in New York City.

Date: 1952
Photograph of Rose Nasby and Ed Tanoury on a dirt path in Utica, New York.

Tags: ;

Date: 1944 May 28
Photograph of Rose Nasby and Ed Tanoury in Utica, New York.

Date: 1973
A photograph of three people, Joe Mody, Shirley, and Ed, on New Year's Eve at St. Louis Gonzaga in Utica, NY

Date: 1944 May 28
Photograph of a man in a Navy uniform sitting in the grass.

Date: circa 1953
Fannie Johns Moses (left) with Norman Kim Moses (infant) and godfather Alphonso DeSalvio at Kim's baptism circa 1953 in Rome, New York.

رسالة من امين الغريب الى امين الريحاني بتاريخ 1 كانون الاول 1908. فيها يسلم الغريب على الريحاني قبل سفر الاول الى نيويورك، ويعلم الغريب الريحاني بقدوم نعوم لبكي الى بيروت. ويطلب الغريب من الريحاني مكاتبته على نيويورك.

Date: آب 1906
نسخة رسالة من امين الريحاني الى صهره* في 8 آب 1906. فيها كان الريحاني يعبر عن مواقف واحداث في حياته مثل الصحة والعلاقات الاجتماعية و العمل. كما اشار في الرسالة الى زيارة ايلياس ابي شديد، وكيل صحيفة النصر ومراسل المهاجر، وانهما تناقشا في امور تخص…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى جرجي باز في 24 ايار 1909*. يبعث الريحاني فيها تحياته واطيب تمنياته الى باز وعائلته. كما انه يعبر عن حالة السوريين في المهجر، اميركا، ويصف "انقسامهم" ليس الحزبي (السياسي) فقط ولكن الديني ايضا - او كما دعاه الرجوع الى…

نسخة رسالة من امين الريحاني الى صهره يوسف صادر بتاريخ 9 نيسان 1921. وفيها يعبر الريحاني عن ارائه السياسية مبادئه، ويسأل يوسف ان كان وجوده، اي الريحاني، في لبنان "الوطن" سيفيد لبنان بشيء. كما بين الريحاني رأيه في فصل الدين عن السياسة و"ضد تدخل رجال…

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز ابن سعود في 18 ايلول 1923 (7 صفر 1342). يبعث فيها الريحاني بتحياته وتمنياته للملك عبد العزيز ويبلغه باستلام شجرة آل سعود ويعده باكمال "العمل" الذي بدأ فيه - قد يقصد هنا كتابه تاريخ نجد والسيرة الذاتية للملك…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت بتاريخ 12 كانون الاول 1928. يساله فيها الريحاني عن احواله وصحته. ويخبره انه سيغادر لندن متجها الى نيويورك بعد يومين تاريخ الرسالة، ويعلمه ان الخيل* بخير وانه سيحاول بيعها في نيويورك، وانه سينزل في نادي…

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت الريحاني بتاريخ 17 ايلول 1928. يسأل فيها الريحاني البرت عن اخباره بعد انقطاعها عنهم مدة خمسة اشهر. ويخبره الريحاني ايضا انه مسافر الى لندن مع خيوله العربية ومن هناك الى نيويورك، وزوده بعنوانه في لندن.

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى نعوم مكرزل بتاريخ 12 نيسان 1929. يشكر فيها الريحاني نعوم على رسالة الاخير للاطمئنان عليه وعلى المقال الذي كتبه نعوم في الهدى "بمناسبة الحفلة التكريمية التي اقامتها الجالية السورية في [نيويورك]".

نسخة من رسالة امين الريحاني الى شقيقه البرت بتاريخ 24 كانون الثاني 1929. فيها يخبر ويشكو الريحاني الى البرت انه لم يستطع بيع الخيول وانه موضوعها اتعبه، وانه سيعهد بها الى اشخاص مهتمين بالعناية بالخيل - لم يسمهم الريحاني.

رسالة امين الريحاني الى الملك عبد العزيز بتاريخ 12 شباط 1930 (12 رمضان 1348). فيها يخبر الريحاني الملك عبد العزيز ان قد وصله ان الملك ابدى امتعاضا من مقال للريحاني في احدى الجرائد المصرية ويؤكد للملك عبد العزيز انه لم يكتب الا ما "يدعو للاعجاب…

Date: 1945 June 12
An envelope addressed to Mrs. Angele Ellis, 514 West Street, Carthage, New York, U.S.A., dated 12 June 1945.

An envelope addressed to Mrs. Angele Ellis, 514 West Street, Carthage, New York, U.S.A., dated 15 September 1945.

Date: 1946 July 03
An envelope addressed to Mrs. Angele Ellis, 415 West Street, Carthage, New York, U.S.A., dated 3 July 1946.

A letter from Yousef Hobeiche to Angele Ellis, dated 2 October 1946.

An envelope and letter addressed to Kail Ellis and Angele, dated 1979 December 21. Yousef assures Kail about family in Lebanon during war, and mentioning that due to harsh bombing in Beirut Namtallah and three other families fled to mountain and they…

Date: 1934 June 05
Newspaper article from Yonkers Statesman June 5, 1934, titled "Funeral Rites Held for Father Oussani."

Date: 1996 Aug 18
Pamphlet for the Yallah Dance Ensemble's performance at Olana State Historic Site. Includes program and biographies.

Date: 1993 Jun 5
Program for an event titled "Caravans and Desert Sands" in Albany, New York, sponsored by Yallah Dance Ensemble.

Date: 1993 Jun 5
Flyer for an event titled "Caravans and Desert Sands" in Albany, New York, sponsored by Yallah Dance Ensemble.

Date: undated
Includes photocopied images of a notebook with choreography and dance instructions as well as correspondence regarding a public service announcement for the Yallah Dance Ensemble's performance at eba Center for Dance and Movement.

Date: 1901
A cigarette ad for Yak Oussani's Egyptian King Cigarettes.

Date: 1976 Aug 31
Certificate for membership in the World Golf Hall of Fame Hole-In-One Club belonging to Charles M. Joseph, Sr. Joseph scored a 220 yard hole-in-one on August 31, 1976, at the College Hill Golf Club in Poughkeepsie, New York. Includes a brief…

Date: 1937 June 5
An audio recording of Ameen Rihani's speech on Zionism that he gave at the Town Hall in New York City on June 5, 1937. The speech was broadcasted on WNYC radio.

Date: 1937 June 5
An audio recording of the prelude to Ameen Rihani's speech at the Town Hall in New York City on June 5, 1937. Rihani's speech on Zionism was preceded by brief introductory speeches given by others who were present. The speeches were broadcasted on…

Date: circa 1905
Portrait of Margaret Oussani holding a ball, circa 1904-1906. The back of the photograph is labeled, "Edsall Studio, Wm. G. Diekmann Proprietor, Portraits, 246 & 248 West 125th Street, New York." This is the first of two copies of this photograph in…

Date: circa 1905
Portrait of Margaret Oussani holding a ball, circa 1904-1906. The back of the photograph is labeled, "Edsall Studio, Wm. G. Diekmann Proprietor, Portraits, 246 & 248 West 125th Street, New York." This is the second of two copies of this photograph in…

Date: 1940s
A professional portrait of Dorothy Fuleihan. Note on the side reads, "Lots and lots of love and luck to the best mom and dad in the world."

Date: 1941 June 08
A telegram, in its original envelope, from the quartermaster general of the US Army to Nasri Fuleihan requesting if he would accept a possible indefinite appointment as associate structural engineer, dated 8 June 1941, and another slip of paper…
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