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  • Tags: Politics

L.L. Mason Jr. forwards a North Carolina Republican Party confidential memo about patronage to Joe El-Khouri.

Date: 1973 March 9
An article published by The Christian Science Monitor concerning events in the Middle East and the reaction of the United States.

Tags: ;

Date: 1972 July 27
John T. Church of the North Carolina State Democratic Executive Committee writes to Joseph El-Khouri expressing his pleasure over attending the Democratic National Convention with him.

Two articles found in the same issue of the Asheville Citizen-Times. One is a photo of the El-Khouri family meeting Vice President Hubert Humphrey and the other is an article concerning Joseph El-Khouri's appointment as Chairman of a State Lions…

A letter thanking Rose and Joe El-Khouri for their support and reminding them of Humphrey's upcoming visit to North Carolina.

A letter from Hubert Humphrey to the Khouris thanking them for their contribution to his campaign.

Date: 1961 July 19
A letter from Hubert Humphrey thanking Joe El-Khouri and replying to a previous letter.
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