Browse Items (19 total)

  • Subject is exactly "Portrait photographs"

Date: Unknown
Caption: "a brother of Helen Kalil (Mokarzel)"

A photo of Gabriel Kalil, brother of Helen Kalil Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-1-5)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-5 Helen Brother_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
A portrait of Gabriel Kalil, brother of Helen Kalil Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-1-7)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-7 Helen Brother_WM.jpg

Date: 1911
A photo of Naoum Mokarzel with his wife and brother in law. Left to Right: Naoum Mokarzel, Rose Abillama Mokarzel, and Asad Abillama, (Folder 2-1-1-9)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-9 Group Portrait_WM.jpg

Date: Circa 1910s
A photo of the Mokarzel sisters in their early childhood. Left to right: Rose Mokarzel, Alice Mokarzel, and Mary Mokarzel. The caption on the back reads "The three musketeers in their childhood...Rose and Mary fought for pink ribbon." (Folder…
Mokarzel 2-1-1-19 Mokarzel Sisters_WM.jpg

Date: c. 1935
Studio portrait of Salloum Mokarzel, c. 1935.
Salloum Mokarzel c 1935-wm.jpg

Date: c. 1940
Studio portrait of Salloum Mokarzel, c. 1940.
Salloum Mokarzel c 1940-wm.jpg

Date: 1908
A photo of Salloum and Helen Mokarzel on their wedding day. The caption on the back reads "mother and dad." (Folder 2-1-1-1)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-1 Wedding_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
Gabriel (brother of Helen Kalil Mokarzel) and his wife Mary Kalil holding their baby, Gabriel Kalil Jr.
(Folder 2-1-1-8)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-8 Gabriel and Mary Khalil_WM.jpg

Date: circa 1935
Two portraits of Salloum Mokarzel, taken at the same time. (Folder 2-1-1-11)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-11 Salloum Portrait_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
A portrait of Salloum Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-1-13)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-13 Salloum Portrait_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
A photo of Mary Mokarzel, inscribed to a "dear brother Joe." (Folder 2-1-1-20)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-20 Mary_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
A hand-tinted photograph of Mary Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-1-21)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-21 Mary_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
A portrait of Barbara Akl Mokarzel, mother of Naoum and Salloum Mokarzel.
Mokarzel 2-1-1-24 Barbara_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
A photo of Elizabeth "Liza" Mokarzel Rahid, sister of Naoum and Salloum Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-1-25)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-25 Liza_WM.jpg

Date: 1910-1932
A photo of Rose Abillama Mokarzel, wife of Naoum Mokarzel. (Folder 2-1-1-28)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-28 Rose_WM.jpg

Date: Unknown
A portrait of Salloum Mokarzel (right) with his relative, taken in Freike, Lebanon. (Folder 2-1-1-31)
Mokarzel 2-1-1-31 Men_WM.jpg

Date: undated
Studio portrait of unidentified members of a Lebanese family, ancestors of either Rose Isaac El-Khouri or Joseph Maroun El-Khouri. The photograph was taken in Lebanon, and likely dates from around 1870 to 1910.

Date: circa 1945
A photograph of Rev. Joseph Michael Maroun El-Khouri, father of Joe El-Khouri, seated in front of his house. Two unidentified men crouch at the bottom right of the photograph.

Date: circa 1917
Studio portrait of Moura Lawandos Isaac and Thanios Isaac, parents of Rose El-Khouri. Though the photograph is undated, it was likely taken between 1910 and 1920, perhaps around the time of their marriage in 1917.

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