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  • Subject is exactly "Newspapers"

A newspaper clipping of a photograph of Jane Courtland sitting at a piano, receiving instruction from pianists and composers Anis Fuleihan, Jacques de Menasce, and Otto Luenig. Dated 1943 based on the movie advertisement on the back.

Date: 1910
Article titled, "Death Baffles Coroner: Peter Oussani Found on Rockefeller Estate Brother of Tobacconist." Notation on the article states that it is from N.Y. American March 8, 1910. The article describes the discovery of Peter Oussani's body…

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Date: 1913
A newspaper article titled "To-Day Reality to One Woman: Gives Her Story."

Date: 1913
A newspaper article advertising a new book from Dr. Hall titled Sexual Knowledge.

Date: 1913
A newspaper article titled "How to Destroy the Dandruff Germ."

Date: 1913
A large newspaper clipping featuring a newspaper article about women's roles in marriage.

Date: 1919
A newspaper article titled "Pianist Makes Debut," describing Anis Fuleihan's debut in New York.

Date: 1919
Copy of a newspaper article, "Anis Fuleihan Plays," from the New York Times advertising Anis Fuleihan's debut at 19 years old.

Date: 1919
Two articles from the New York Times labeled as November 20, 1919. The first is titled "Anis Fuleihan Plays" and the second, "Le Concert de Mr. Fuleihan." The first in English the second in French.

Date: 1934
Newspaper article titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1934
Newspaper article titled "Solemn Mass Held for Rev. Oussani."

Date: 1934
Newspaper article titled "Requiem Mass Offered" about St. Patrick's Cathedral hosting a requiem mass for the late Rev. Dr. Gabriel Oussani.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Rev. Dr. Gabriel Oussani" describing his death.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Westchester Clergyman Dies After Operation" referring to Rev. Gabriel Oussani.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani."

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani."

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Dr. Oussani, Noted Scholar, Laid to Rest" referring to Gabriel.

Date: 1934
A newspaper article titled "Rites Monday for Oussani, Churchman, 59."

Date: 1934
A newspaper article, "Houston to be Host Today to Syrian-Americans of 13 States

A newspaper article titled "Hastings Man Hit By Trolley Dies of Injuries" about Joseph Oussani's death, dated 1934.

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Article titled "Hastings Man Hit By Trolley Dies of Injuries" detailing the death and obituary of Joseph Oussani who died in 1934.

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from The New York Times 3rd June 1934 titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from The New York Times, 3rd June 1934, titled "Dr. Oussani Dies

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from June 3, 1934 titled "Rites Monday for Oussani, Churchman, 59."

Date: 1934 June 03
A newspaper article from the New York American June 3, 1934 titled "Rites Monday for Oussani, Churchman, 59."

Date: 1934 June 03
Newspaper article from New York Herald-Tribune from June 3, 1934, titled "Westchester Clergyman Dies After Operation," referring to Rev. Gabriel Oussani.

Date: 1934 June 05
Newspaper article from Yonkers Statesman June 5, 1934, titled "Funeral Rites Held for Father Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 06
Small picture of Gabriel Oussani, his business card for St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers, NY, and two newspaper articles, one from the New York Times June 6, 1934, titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani," and one from the New York Herald June 6,…

Date: 1934 June 06
Newspaper article from New York Times, June 6, 1934, titled "Church Notables Mourn Dr. Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 06
A newspaper article from New York Tribune, June 6, 1934, titled "100 Priests at Services for Dr. Gabriel Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 06
A newspaper article from the New York Herald-Tribune, June 6th, 1934, titled "100 Priests at Services for Dr. Gabriel Oussani."

Date: 1934 June 08
A newspaper article from Dobbs Ferry Register, June 8, 1934, titled "Dr. Oussani, One of Few Priests of Chaldean Rite in US, Dies Here."

Date: 1934 June 09
Newspaper article from The Catholic News, 9 June 1934, titled "Eminent Priest of the Childean Rite Passes at 59."

Date: 1934 June 09
Newspaper article from The Catholic News, 9 June 1934, titled "Eminent Priest of the Childean Rite Passes at 59."

A newspaper article from the New York Daily Mirror, 1937, titled "Music", describing the New Year's Eve performance of the Philharmonic playing a new symphony by Anis Fuleihan.

Date: 1938 October
A piece of an unknown newspaper stating the good deeds of Shukri Baddour as a person and the President of the Lebanese Syrian American Association in North Carolina. Written by Shukri Beshareh Murad in Wilson, North Carolina.

A newspaper article announcing the death of Shukri Baddour and listing his accomplishments from throughout his life, including his immigration to the United States.

Date: 1940s
Newspaper clipping describing Neville Fuleihan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nasri Fuleihan of Meadow Ave., one of 22 airmen recently graduated from ambulance driver class at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas.

Newspaper clipping with several articles, including one titled "Scholarly Fans," regarding Gabriel Oussani a few years after his death. From The Tablet, 4 January 1941.

Newspaper clipping with several articles, including one titled "Scholarly Fans," regarding Gabriel Oussani a few years after his death. From The Tablet, 4 January 1941.

Date: 1946
A newspaper article titled "Fuleihan Heard in Carnegie Hall."

A newspaper article titled "Philharmonic Plays Novelty by Fuleihan," written by Grena Bennett, dated at top in pencil 25 April 1946.

A group of articles of alHuda newspaper in Arabic. P.1: title 'Reader's Letters', P.2: titles 'Emile Bustani believes in Arab Union', 'Churchill Birthday'.

Date: 1957
A newspaper article titled 'Kail C. Ellis Graduated From Lemoyne College'. The article dated 1957 is about Kail's graduation with Political Science, BS.

A newspaper article titled 'Kail Ellis Studies Languages in Parents' Native Lebanon' written by HVK. The article dated 12 December 1957 is about Kail's connection to Lebanon.

Date: 1958
A newspaper article titled 'Message From The U.S.'. The article is about leaflets that were dropped over Beirut by U.S. Air Force planes. This is likely dated around 1958.

Date: 1958
A newspaper article published in The Republican Tribune titled ''Kail Ellis Witnesses Rebellion In Parents' Native Lebanon'. The article is about Kails recounting of the strife in Lebanon, and his impressions of Lebanon. The article is likely from…

Date: 1958
A newspaper article titled ''The Marines Have Landed! Kail Ellis' Letter Exclaims'. The article is about a letter from Kail Ellis detailing the Marines presence in Lebanon. The article is likely from 1958

A newspaper article, "Convention Planned," published January 6, 1958.

Date: 1960 July 11
An Al-Hoda publication, "So. Federation Convention A Great, Smashing Success," on July 11, 1960.
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