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  • Subject is exactly "Music"

Date: undated
Performer: Yūsuf Ḥātim, vocals; Fīlīb Sulaymān, kamanja; Yūsuf Badawī, ʻud.

Date: undated
Performer: Karakand, Naʻīm

Date: undated
Performer: Fatāh al-Fiḥāʼ

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer:Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Najīb Sirāj, vocals

Date: undated
Performer: Halīm al-Rūmī

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Simʻān, tenor ; Toufic Moubaid, oud ; Sam Romey, violin

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with Turkish string instrumental accompaniment

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with oud and zither

Date: undated
Performer: Naʻīm Samʻān, tenor; with kanoun, violin, and oud

Date: 1904
The record label for Alexander Maloof's America Ya Hilwa.
America Ya Hilwa label.pdf

Date: undated
Performer: Alexander Maloof
Maloof 34 America Ya Hilwa.mp3

Date: undated
The record label for Alexander Maloof's M't Lebanon March.
Mt Lebanon March label.pdf

Date: undated
Performer: Alexander Maloof
Maloof 4 Mt Lebanon March.mp3

Date: 2012
Performer: Naji Hilal (Andrew Shanikovsky)
Naji Hilal Andrew Shanikovsky America Ya Hilweh.mp3

Date: 1984
A photograph of Moise Khayrallah (center) with two unidentified friends who were members of a band together. The accompanying caption reads, "The band, started in 1984. (MK in middle). Started getting together with other Lebanese in chapel…

Date: undated
A photograph of Moise Khayrallah and an unidentified friend at a party playing the oud and the tablah together. Moise joined a group of students and professors who formed a band together in 1984.


Date: undated
A copy of a program, published by Southern Music Publishing Company describing Fuleihan's work. One page also includes newspaper clippings about Anis and his work.

Date: undated
A letter written by Anis's niece, Dorothy Fuleihan O'Keefe, regarding a search for one of his pieces of music.

Date: undated
A program, published by Southern Music Publishing Company, describing Fuleihan's work.

Date: 1996 July 07
Newspaper article titled "An Old Instrument Made for Cybertimes," about the Theremin, written by Barbara Jepson, published in the New York Times 7 July 1996.

Date: 1929
An emergency program for Stadium Programs, Season of 1929, the Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra, August 6, 7, 8, Anis Fuleihan as Guest Conductor.

Date: 1970 October
Anis Fuleihan's Obituary in the New York Times. "Anis Fuleihan, 70, Musician, Is Dead," includes an image of Anis.

Date: 1970 October
Anis Fuleihan's Obituary in the New York Times. "Anis Fuleihan, 70, Musician, Is Dead," includes an image of Anis.

Date: 1970
"Not for Squares," a piano solo by Anis Fuleihan, Copyright 1970 by Boston Music Co. of Boston, Massachusetts.

Date: 1970
"A Foot in the Door," piano solo by Anis Fuleihan, copyright 1970 by Boston Music Co., Boston, Massachusetts.

Date: 1970
Sonata No. 11 by Anis Fuleihan, Piano Music, Copyright 1970 by Boosey & Hawkes, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: 1970
Sonata No. 9 for Piano by Anis Fuleihan, copyright 1970 by Southern Music Publishing Co., Inc. Advertisement for "Unique Piano Music" on the back.

Date: 1953
Sonata No. 2 for Piano by Anis Fuleihan, copyright 1953 by Southern Music Publishing Co.

Date: 1950
"From the Aegean" for Piano by Anis Fuleihan featuring movements Serenade, Tango, Sicilienne, Greek Dance, marked Spicer Music Box Decatur, Illinois. Copyright 1950 by Southern Music Publishing Co., New York, New York.

Date: 1946
A program for Anis Fuleihan's performance at Carnegie Hall. Featuring information on Fuleihan, advertisements, and his performance.

Date: 1946
The first page of a program for Anis Fuleihan at Carnegie Hall. The back has an advertisement for Encore.

Date: 1946
A newspaper article titled "Fuleihan Heard in Carnegie Hall."

Date: 1946
"Fifteen Short Pieces for Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, signed to and marked by John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha, and marked by Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois. Copyright 1946 by Carl Fischer, Inc., New York.

Date: 1946
Sonatina No. 2 Piano Solo by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1946 by Delkas Music Publishing Company, Los Angeles, California.

Date: 1944
"Harvest Chant" for Piano by Anis Fuleihan, marked Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois on bottom and John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha on top. Copyright 1944 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

A newspaper clipping of a photograph of Jane Courtland sitting at a piano, receiving instruction from pianists and composers Anis Fuleihan, Jacques de Menasce, and Otto Luenig. Dated 1943 based on the movie advertisement on the back.

Date: 1943
"Compositions For The Piano: Air and Fugue on White Keys" by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1943 by G. Schirmer, Inc, New York. Signed by Anis Fuleihan, Elizabeth Travis, and [illegible] to John Balamos.

Date: 1943
"Cypriana" Five Pieces for Piano, Movement 4 Serenade by Anis Fuleihan, marked John E. Balamos, Phi Mu Alpha. Copyright 1943 by G. Schirmer, Inc., New York, New York.

A letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

A photocopy of a letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

A letter to Mr. Moe from Anis Fuleihan regarding a fellowship in music composition, dated 12 Jan 1943.

Date: 1942
"Epithalamium Variations for Piano and String Orchestra" by Anis Fuleihan. Copyright 1942 by G. Schirmer, Inc., New York, New York. Stamped from Spicer Music Box, Decatur, Illinois.

Date: 1940
"Sonata No. 1 For the Piano" by Anis Fuleihan, marked as possession of J. E. Balamos. Copyright 1940 by G. Schirmer, Inc. of New York, New York.

Date: circa 1940
A newspaper article titled "New York Symphony to play Seldom-Heard Music This Week."

A newspaper article from the New York Daily Mirror, 1937, titled "Music", describing the New Year's Eve performance of the Philharmonic playing a new symphony by Anis Fuleihan.

Date: 1919
Copy of a newspaper article, "Anis Fuleihan Plays," from the New York Times advertising Anis Fuleihan's debut at 19 years old.

Date: 1919
Two articles from the New York Times labeled as November 20, 1919. The first is titled "Anis Fuleihan Plays" and the second, "Le Concert de Mr. Fuleihan." The first in English the second in French.
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