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  • Subject is exactly "Mass cards"

Date: circa 1937
A holy card from Badia Assaf to Angele Ellis circa 1937.

Date: circa 1920s
A prayer card from Mother Marie Rose to Angele Ellis with a print of St. Therese circa 1920s.

Date: circa 1940s
A holy card with a depiction of Jesus made in France circa 1940s.

Tags: ;

Date: 1914
A holy card titled, 'L' Archange Saint Michel' depicting Saint Michael with a prayer to Saint Michael on the back, dated 1914.

Date: undated
A holy card with a depiction of Mary and Jesus.

Date: circa 1930s
A holy card with a depiction of Mary and Jesus and a prayer from the Maronite Mass. Signed by John A Duffy, Bishop of Buffalo, New York circa 1930s.
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