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Date: 2007 July 7
A program book for the Officers Breakfast in Houston, Texas on July 7, 2007.

A program book for the Grand Banquet at the Mid-Winter Convention in Mobile, Alabama on February 19, 2011.

A schedule for the Annual Convention in Houston, Texas on July 10-13, 2014.

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Date: 2016
A program book for the Grand Banquet in Dallas, Texas in 2016.

A schedule for the Annual Convention in Dallas, Texas on July 1-4, 2016.

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Date: 2017 July 19
A program book for a testimonial dinner honoring President Jeremy D. Frank of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 19, 2017.

Date: 2017 July 22
A program book for the Grand Banquet at the 85th Annual Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana on July 22, 2017.

A program book for the Mardi Gras Ball in Mobile, Alabama on February 16, 2019.

Date: 1990s
A letter of thanks to the donors of the Cultural and Historical committees of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated 1990s.

A flyer for the upcoming 1991 Mid-Winter Conference on a Dolphin Cruise Line dated February 1-4, 1991.


A letter from Bryan Stone from Govenor Richards' office to Salah E. Diab of the Amaleb Club and Bey Aleph Club dated April 23, 1992.

A letter of greeting from Governor Ann W. Richards to the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated April 24, 1992.

A letter of greeting from Mayor Nelson W. Wolff to Salah E. Diab and the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated April 29, 1992.

Date: 1992 May 11
Correspondants between Mayor Nelson Wolff and Ralphie Joseph Karem requesting a revised letter of greeting for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs upcoming convention dated May 11, 1992.

Date: 1992 May 11
Correspondants between Governor Richards' Office and Ralphie Joseph Karem requesting a revised letter of greeting for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs upcoming convention dated May 11, 1992.

Date: 1992 June 2
A letter to the President and Chairman of the Board of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs from the Grand Banquet Committee of San Antonio containing the Grand Banquet Agenda and registration information for the 1992 Convention…

Date: 1992 June 4
The schedule for the Grand Banquet of the 1992 Annual Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated June 4, 1992

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Date: 1995
Dr. Jake Jorishie's biography and Vice Presidential platform for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs.


Date: 1996
A letter to members of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs from President George A Hayek in regards to ongoing initiatives.

Date: 1997 May 28
A letter from George B. Mowad to Richard J. Karam in regards to the Save the Federation Endowment Fund dated May 28, 1997.

Date: 1997 June 20
A letter from Richard J. Karam to George B. Mowad in regards to the Save the Federation Endowment Fund dated June 20, 1997.

Date: 1997 July 25
A letter to George B. Mowad from Henry J. Ackels dated July 25, 1997.

Date: 1997 July 27
A letter to all past presidents of the Southern Federation of the Syrian Lebanese American Clubs from William E. Frank dated July 27, 1997.

Date: 1997 July 28
A letter from George B. Mowad to the Preserve the Federation Committee dated July 28, 1997.

A letter to William E. Frank and George Mowad from Richard J. Karam in regards to the Preserve our Heritage Campaign dated August 5, 1997.

A letter from George B. Mowad to Members of the Executive Board and Past Presidents of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs dated August 8, 1997.

A letter to George B. Mowad from Fayes F. Thomas, Jr. in regards to the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Fund Raising Project dated August 18, 1997.

A letter from Karen Kassouf to Ralph Abercia, George Korkmas, Dr. J.W. Jorishie, Jr., Dr. George Mowad, Peggy Karam, Richard Karam, Henry Ackels, Robbie Matook, Bill Frank, and Sharon Benson dated August 28, 1997.

A letter from Karen Kassouf to Ralph Abercia, George Korkmas, Dr. J.W. Jorishie, Jr., Dr. George Mowad, Peggy Karam, Richard Karam, Henry Ackels, Robbie Matook, Bill Frank, and Sharon Benson dated September 8, 1997.

A letter to the Preserve Our Heritage Committee from George B. Mowad dated September 16, 1997.

A letter from Richard J. Karam to George B. Mowad dated September 25, 1997.

Date: undated
The guidelines for the George B. Mowad Guardian Angel Fund.

Date: undated
A pamphlet for the Save the Federation Endowment Fund of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs.

A letter from Richard J. Karam to Karen Kassouf with the Articles of Incorporation, Texas Charter, and IRS Determination Letter dated October 21, 1997.

Date: 1998
A list of scholarship donors from the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1998.

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Date: 1999 July 16
A pamphlet for the Scholarship Brunch of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in New Orleans, Louisiana dated July 16, 1999.

Date: 2002 July 5
A program for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Scholarship Awards in Jacksonville, Florida dated July 5, 2002.

Date: 2003 July 4
A program for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Scholarship Awards in Atlanta, Georgia dated July 4, 2003.

Date: 2006 July 2
A program for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Scholarship and Charity Awards Brunch at the 75th Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas dated July 2, 2006.

Date: 2007 July 6
A program for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Scholarship and Charity Awards Brunch at the 76th Annual Convention in Houston, Texas dated July 6, 2007.

Date: 2008 July 4
A program for the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs Scholarship and Charity Awards Brunch at the 77th Annual Convention in Jacksonville, Florida dated July 4, 2008.

A Resolution in Memory of Habeeb A. Amuny written by Al Zwan, President, and Eileen Cook, Secretary Treasurer, of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Lafayette, Louisiana on February 2, 1964.

Papers pertaining to the 1966 Mid-Winter Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs originally awarded to Jacksonville, Florida, including the correspondants between Kamal E. Antone and J.H. Campbell, Executive Board…

A letter to Affiliate Clubs from the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs President, Ernest A. Saba, dated August 2, 1965.

The correspondants between Judge A.A. Semaan and Kamal E. Antone pertaining to Judge Semaan's speech at the upcoming Mid-Winter Conference dated January 12, 1966.

A letter to members of the Executive Board from Kamal E. Antone in regards to the 1969 Convention site dated August 26, 1968. The Mid-East Resolution passed by the Executive Board in response to the Six-Day War in Israel-Palestine dated February 3,…

Date: 1975-1976
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the fiscal year 1975-1976.

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Date: 1976-1977
The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in the year 1976-1977.

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Date: 1934
A notice to Affiliate Clubs from the Secretary Treasurer of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in 1934.


The membership of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs as of August 1, 1956.

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