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  • Source is exactly "Jihad Bannout"

A letter to Father Tobia Attallah from Mansour Elias AlBitar. Mansour informs Father Tobia of the birth of his son but with a medical/physical condition, he was born without [anus], and underwent several operations. Mansour asks Father Tobia if he…

Date: 1912 Dec 3
A letter from Jerji Nicola Khattar al-Chuayri to Jerji Yunan Saykali. He sends his greetings and asks about his parents. He asks him if he has been conscripted into military service. He also informs him about the difficulty of learning a new language…

Date: 1912 July 15
A letter from Aziz who asks about a piece of land for sale and how much it costs. Then he shares that he is sending clothes with a friend who is visiting Lebanon.

Date: 1912 May 10
A post card sent to "Beyrouth, Syria" with information about the RMS Titanic on it.

Date: 1913 May 24
A letter to Father Tobia from Father Tobia al-Issa. Issa thanks Father Tobia for sending three books, including the Quran. Also mentioned: Father Bolus, check of 200 francs, Mr. Haleem Abi Karam in Beirut. Dated May 24, 1913 sent from Livorno, Italy.…

A letter from [illegible name] informing Father Tobia that some subscriptions are not paid, and enlisting those paid. Dated September 6, 1913, French Guinea.

A letter from Father Emmanuel who sends his greetings and best wishes to Father Tobia, and apologizes for a late reply due to unavailability of a trustworthy messenger, but not mentioning what it is or what for. Dated September 16, 1913.

A letter to Father Tobia from his cousin Raul Attallah. Raul informs Father Tobia that he found 3700 [rials] in the French bank, but all banks are closed. The news/situation where Raul is is very bad due to war and no travel is allowed. For those…

Date: 1914 May 06
A letter from Sassine Asaad Butrus, who reassures his father about his life and discusses the wait for his sister's arrival. He sends greetings to his family and friends.

Date: 1915 June 12
A letter from Aziz who reassures his father about business and shares news of friends and family in diaspora.

Date: 1915 Oct 8
Letter from Abd al-Hajj to his parents. He sends his greetings to them and to his brothers and sisters. He tells them about his journey from Beirut to the region of Kesruawn in Mount-Lebanon

A letter from Laila Mahmoud who informs Asaad Butrus she received money from Youssuf Jirjis for water and firewood.

A letter from Father Bassil who thanks Father Tobia for his letters about Lebanon, and includes in the letter donations of 300 francs and informs Father Tobia that he will send more soon. Dated December 18, 1919, Carcassonne, France.

A letter from Father Bassil who sends his greetings and best wishes, and thanks Father Tobia for his welcome when Bassil was in Beit Chabeb. Bassil informs Father Tobia that he arrived in Carcassonne and started working in the school. He also…

Date: 1919 July 22
A letter from Father Bassil who sends his greetings and wishes, and attach herewith 285 francs donations for 285 masses. Dated July 22, 1919, Carcassonne, France.

Date: 1919 May 17
A letter to Father Tobia Attallah from Elias Nassif. Elias asks father Tobia about the situation in Lebanon following the end of WWI, and specially the situation in Beit Chabeb, and to write him the names and number of those who died in Beit Chabeb.…

A letter from Father Bassil who asks about confirmation of receipt of 285 francs sent earlier, and sends herewith 400 francs donations of masses. Dated October 16, 1919, Carcassonne, France.

A letter from Father Bassil which includes donations of several masses to Father Tobia. Dated October 18 (28), 1919, Carcassonne, France.

A letter from Elias Etala asking Father Tobia about his newspaper 'alHaq', and waiting for his copy to send him the list of subscribers. Also mentions that Lebanese abroad were happy to know that the Lebanese flag was placed in [Saraya Baabda]. Elias…

Date: 1920 Dec
A poem written by Michel Saykali where he expresses his feelings of love and his nostalgia for gatherings.

An issue of the publication The Meadow from February 1, 1920, which was an Arabic publication in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

A letter from Father Issa who informs Father Attallah that he received the latter's letter but without the money receipt requested and reminds him to send it again along with the written format. Dated February 12, 1920, Livorno, Italy.

Date: 1920 June 01
A letter from Father Issa who informs Father Tobia that he received a money receipt. Father Issa mentions that he will write to those who requested alcohol and sent 330 francs donations from 168 masses and requested its receipt. Dated June 1, 1920,…

Date: 1920 Nov 11
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He tells them about his arrival in Paris and how the weather is bad. He tells them also about his search for an agency to travel from Paris to Colombia.

Date: 1920 Nov 13
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings. He tells him about the bad commercial situation in Colombia. He also describes Paris and the ceremony for the Armistice.

Date: 1920 Nov 19
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He describes the strong character of his mother and expresses his deep respect for her. He informs Georges that he has sent some hats to his relatives in…

Date: 1920 Nov 27
A condolence letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He was informed of the death of his uncle. He asks his brother to express his condolences to his mother and his cousins.

Date: 1920 Nov 7
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother and sisters. He asks his mother to remember him all the time. He describes his journey from Marseille to Paris.

Date: 1920 Nov 9
Letter from Michel to Georges. The author describes his maritime journey via Malta and Marseille and his arrival in Paris and how the city looks. He also describes his walk in Marseille, and his visit to its palace and gardens.

A letter from Father Bassil who informs Father Tobia that he got new position in College Stanislas in Paris. Also he sends 1200 francs donations of 600 masses, and notifies Father Tobia that the alcohol/wine box arrived to Marseille, but customs…

Date: 1921 Apr 12
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother, sisters, relatives, neighbours, and friends. He also asks his brother to write to him frequently.

Date: 1921 Apr 17
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to his mother, sisters, relatives, neighbours, and friends. He also asks his brother to write to him frequently. He also informs him about sending him $100.

Date: 1921 Apr 2
Letter from Michel Saykali to his mother. He sends his kisses, and he expresses his love for her. He asks her to write to him. He sends his greetings to his relatives, friends, and neighbours.

Date: 1921 Apr 22
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He expresses his concern about him. He also sends his congratulations to his brother and his cousin Michel after their recovery from their illness. He tells him about his meeting with the consul in Paris who…

Date: 1921 Apr 6
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He expresses his worry at not receiving news from his parents.

Date: 1921 Aug 1
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him about the location of his store on the commercial street. He informs him that the economy is bad. He also tells him about the prices of the cows. He describes the poverty of the local population…

Date: 1921 Aug 25
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and tells him how much he misses his mother and sisters.

A letter from As'ad Zacharias who informs Father Tobia of his new born baby, Fouad, and reassures him about his wife. He also tells him that businesses are not running very well specially after the war ended. Dated August 29, 1921.

Date: 1921 Dec 10
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings and kisses to his mother and sisters. He tells him that the work in Baranquilla is better than Monteria. He tells him a story about a person from Baranquilla who started his work with…

Date: 1921 Dec 24
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He tells him about the revolution in the city and how the chief of police has been assassinated. The police had to guard the city by themselves before the arrival of some soldiers who then defended the city…

Date: 1921 Dec 3
Letter from Michel to his brother. He tells him about the importance of investing in oil and how the American and English companies are competing to get the oil fields.

Date: 1921 Dec 31
Letter from Michel to his mother, brother, and sisters. He sends them his greetings and wishes them a happy new year.

Date: 1921 Feb 22
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He expresses his disappointment of his traveling companion "the sheikh". He tells him also about the opening of his new store in Monteria. He asks Georges to send him news about their friends,…

Date: 1921 Feb 9
Letter from Michel to his brother Georges. He sends his greetings to all the family. He tells him about the dangerous economic situation in Monteria. Regarding the security, he tells him that all is good because the people in Montaria are calm. The…

A letter from Father Issa who informs Father Tobia that he is sending 545 francs out of 1090 francs to be sent later as donations of several masses. Dated February 19, 1921, Livorno, Italy.

Date: 1921 Jan 28
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother Georges. He tells his brother about sending 6 English pounds to their mother.

Date: 1921 Jan 6
Letter from Michel Saykali to his brother. He sends his greetings to his brother, mother, and sisters. He expresses his love to his mother and asks her to pray for him. He also asks his sisters to write to him continuously.

Date: 1921 July 12
Letter from Michel to Georges. He asks him to take care of himself and his health. He promises him that he will save him from the endless disasters hitting their homeland. He informs him that they will be meeting very soon as a family. At the end, he…

Date: 1921 July 26
Letter from Michel to his sister Shafika. He sends his greetings and promises her that they will gather as a family next year. He also sends his greetings to his cousins and the daughters of Father Khalil.

Date: 1921 July 27
Letter from Michel to his mother. He thanks her for the letter that she sent to him. He expresses his gratitude and pride that she learned how to write so that she could write him a letter in her own hand. He asks God to give him the power to fulfill…
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