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  • Source is exactly "David Abed Itani"

Date: undated
A photograph of Abdul Itani's father, Khalil, with his older brothers. Khalil is located on the far right of the picture.


Date: circa 1970s
A photograph of David Itani as a teenager. The photograph is labeled "Itani, brother Moustafa, Uncle Kamel, and friends." It depicts a group of young people standing outdoors in Lebanon.

Date: circa 1962
A photograph of David Itani (left) with his younger brothers Moustafa (right) and Zouhair (bottom). The boys are outdoors and Abdul is holding a ball.

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Date: circa 1960s
A photograph of an adult, labeled "Uncle Ibrahim." Ibrahim Itani is holding his nephew Moustafa Itani. Moustafa is one of Abdul Itani's younger brothers.

Date: circa 1960
Nadia Itani with three of her children. Clockwise from top the individuals are: Nadia, Zouhair, Mirvat, and Nada.

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Date: circa 1956
A photograph of Nadia Itani with three of her children when they were very young. Clockwise from the top the image pictures: Nadia, Abed, Hoda, and Moustafa Itani.

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