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  • Source is exactly "Barbara Kahdy Estes"

Date: 1950s
Nell Kahdy stands outside in a dark dress with her right hand behind her back. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Kahdy in 1950s."


Date: circa 1954
Nell Kahdy stands outside and cooks breakfast for her family on a portable stove. In the distance stands a dense forest and mountains. Caption on the back reads, "Nell cooking breakfast on rd to Oregon 1954?"

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Date: 1980s-1990s
Nell Kahdy stands on the porch of her and George's house in a blue and white dress. In front of her stand several trees and bushes that obscure her somewhat. Caption on the back reads, "805 Runnymede rd Raleigh. Nell on first porch 80s or 90s."


Date: 1940s
Nell Kahdy stands on a short deck in a bathing suit while she holds onto the rim of her hat.


Date: 1943
Nell Kahdy smiling as she stands outside next to a tree. She is wearing casual clothing and has pilot wings pinned to her shirt. Written on the back is "1943."

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Date: 1944 July 09
Nell Kahdy stands alone by the altar in her wedding dress.

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Date: 1960s
Nell Kahdy stands and smiles as a young, unknown man adjusts the sleeves of her dress. She is wearing a dress covered in floral patterns while the man is wearing a formal dress shirt and tie.


Date: 1940s
Nell Kahdy sits on the front steps of her parent's house. She smiles and plays with an object in her hands while she stretches out across the steps. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Mettrey 425 N. Bloodworth, Raleigh at her parents' house."


Date: 1990s
Nell Kahdy sits in between two unknown women as she smiles. They are all wearing formal attire as they sit on a brown couch.


Date: 1950s
Nell Kahdy serves her three young children lunch as they sit in front of a small makeshift table. Young George Jr. looks at the camera while his two sisters, Georgette and Barbara eat their lunches.

Date: 1946
Young Barbara Kahdy looks over as her mother Nell Kahdy puts her in a car seat. Young Barbara Kahdy is wearing a white outfit while her mother is wearing a white button down blouse. Caption on the back reads, "Nell and Barbara about 1946."

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Date: 1960s
Nell Kahdy stands in front of a tree as she poses with her hands behind her back. She is wearing a patterned semi-formal dress.


Date: 1940s
Nell Kahdy standing outside with a cap as she leans on a No Parking sign and waves her right hand.


Date: 1934
Nell Kahdy smiling in her graduation cap and gown at Hugh Morson High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. Caption on the back reads, "Hugh Morsen High School diploma. Raleigh. Nellie Mettrey."

Date: 1960s
A portrait of Nell Kahdy in a casual, light blue outfit


Date: 2000s
Nell Kahdy Autobiography, 2000-2014.

Date: 1940s
Nell Kahdy and Salve Bolus standing outside in casual clothing as they lean against a wooden fence or railing.


Date: 1990s
Nell Kahdy and an unknown woman walk side by side on a boardwalk next to the ocean. They are both carrying large bags and behind them stands a large boat named Romanza.

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Date: 1940
Nellie Mettrey Kahdy and Amelia Mettrey Wehbie Salem walking down Fayetteville Street in Raleigh, North Carolina. They are both dressed in formal dresses and holding boxes.

Nell and George Kahdy standing outside arm in arm. George is wearing his Army uniform while Nell is wearing a skirt suit. The back of the photo says, "At home, D.A. Saleeba, Dothan, Alabama. Xmas 1944."

Date: 1940s
Nell Kahdy and an unknown woman sit on a blanket with a variety of food spread out as George Kahdy sits nearby on the sand holding an object in his left hand.


Date: 1970
George Kahdy has his arm around his wife Nell and holds her hand. Behind them stands a Christmas tree decorated with a variety of ornaments and tinsel.

Date: 1968 July
George has his arm around his wife Nell and holds her hand while they stand on the beach. Behind them is a house and a couple of towels placed in the sand. Caption on the back reads, "July 1968."


Date: 1934
Nell and Eva Mettrey standing side by side near a brick wall outside. Caption on the back reads, "Mother of Jim, Mikey, John and Wm (Named William Mettrey." 1934 Eva and Nell Mettrey (Kahdy)."

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Date: 2010s
Photograph of (left to right) Nell Kahdy, Barbara Kahdy Estes, and Callie Saleeby Stanley taken sitting inside a restaurant.


Date: 1945
Nell Kahdy stands in a field by a nearby car as she holds her young daughter Barbara Kahdy.

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Date: 1960s
A portrait of Nell and Barbara Kahdy in casual clothing. Caption on the back reads, "Nell and Barbara 1960s."

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Mike and Mary Mitri-Wehbie standing outside against a car. Mike Wehbie props against the spare wheel attached to the trunk of the car while Mary Wehbie stands to his left. Caption on the back reads, "Nell's father and mother. Mike and Mary…


Date: 1930s
Portrait of Mikail Mitri-Wehbie Saliba (Nell Mettrey Kahdy's maternal grandfather). Caption on the back reads, "Nell Mettrey Kahdy's mom's dad. Mikail Mitri-Wehbie Saliba. Early 1900s."

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Date: 1933
Mikail Mitri-Wehbie stands in front of the crates of beer as he pours himself a glass of beer. His son, Chris Wehbie stands behind the crates and smiles. The back of the photo states, "First load of legal beer after prohibition. Mikail Mitri-Wehbie…

Date: 1920s
A portrait of Mikail and Mary Wehbie in which they are both wearing formal clothing. Caption on the back reads, "Mikail and Mary Mitri-Wehbie (Saliha). 1920s."

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Date: 1947
Michele Nahara sits sideways on the donkey as Uncle Gabriel leads it with a small rope. Caption on the back reads, "Uncle Gabriel and Michele Nahara our cousin. His father Namir is dead. Scene behind the house, kitchen in the back."

Date: circa 2006
Mettrie's (daughter of Barbara Estes) wedding to John Lari as family members surround the couple. Caption on the back reads, "Barbara Kahdy Estes' daughter, Mettrie's wedding to John Lari, 2006?"

Date: 2012
Mettrie Lari holds onto her son George Lari outside of his school. As she holds him, he holds onto the straps of a large bag.

Mettrey Wehbie Naturalization Certificate

A report card from Mettrie Lari's time at the Lovett School located in Atlanta, Georgia. Dated December 5, 1985.

Date: 2012
Mettrie Lari holds onto her son George Lari as they both smile. While she holds him, he tightly grips the straps to a large bag with his name on it.

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Date: 1950s
Mary Wehbie holding her coat and standing on the sidewalk of a busy street with stores and cars in the background. The back of the photo says, "Mother in Marseilles. Mary Wehbie Lebanon trip 1950s."

Date: 1950s
Mary Wehbie and Aunt Sultani standing next to each other as Mary Wehbie wraps her arm around Aunt Sultani's shoulder. On the back of the photo, it reads, "Sittie Wehbie, mother and aunt Sultani. Sultani was Nell's aunt, her mother's sister. Taken in…

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Date: 1940s
Mary Wehbie stands in the middle of Chris and Sam Wehbie in front of the family restaurant and tavern wearing their WWII military uniforms. Mary Wehbie is wearing a dress with an apron over it.

Date: 1950s
Mary Wehbie and two women wait on the deck of a boat as it goes through a drill. The back of the photo states, "Boat drill. Left to right, Jewish woman from Egypt, mother (Sittie Mary), and a woman from Hammarah."

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Date: 1940s
Marie and Chris Wehbie stand in front of the family restaurant named "Log Cabin." Caption on the back reads, "Marie Wehbie and Chris Wehbie 1943. Log Cabin grandparents restaurant on Fayetteville St."

Date: 1947
An unknown man walking on the street with a large, wooden box. Caption on the back reads, "Beirut street scene"

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Date: 2018 July 18
A series of letters that explain the family timeline. In a separate letter, the author apologizes for not copying it over but she explains that the reason for this is because she does not have a typewriter. Top of the letter dated July 18, 2018.

Letter to Nellie Mettrey informing her of her election as French instructor at Warsaw Public Schools in Warsaw, NC. Date at the top of the letter reads, August 18, 1938.

Date: undated
A letter from Nell Kahdy to her daughter Barbara Kahdy in which she tells her she has found a Mother's Day letter from Barbara from the year 1946. Nell Kahdy attaches this letter to her own.

Date: 2015
Letter from Cyril Taylor of the American Institute of Foreign Study to George Kahdy. The letter addresses Nell's passing and the possibility of creating the Nell Mettrey Kahdy Scholarship for Linguist Scholars.

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A letter from Catherine Keen of the Smithsonian Museum of American History to Barbara Estes in which she apologizes for the amount of time it has taken her to send a photocopy of the Maloof song book that she donated. She also mentions that due to…


A letter from Catherine Keen to Barbara Estes in which she acknowledges the donation given to the National Museum of American History and states that the donation has been added to the existing Naff Arab American Collection. She also thanks her for…


Date: 2001 July 20
A letter from Anne Tyler to Nell Kahdy in which she is overjoyed to have heard from Nell. She reflects on her education from Needham Broughton and says she thinks it provided a better education than current schools. Dated July 20, 2001.
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