Browse Items (6 total)

  • Date is exactly "1990"

Date: 1990
A photograph of Mazarat al Toufah, where Moussa and Cecilia Domit grew up, taken from some distance in 1990.

Date: 1990
A photograph of a public square in Mazarat al Toufah, Lebanon, where Cecilia and Moussa Domit grew up.

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Date: 1990
Photograph of Michael Joseph exiting a car in front of his house-- which he built-- in Danbury, Connecticut.

Date: 1990
A copy of a photograph with a written description by Kail Ellis on the history of the Mar Elias Convent in Ghazir, Lebanon taken circa 1990. The photograph resembles what the convent looked like in the 1920s while it went through renovations in theā€¦

Date: 1990
An Official Document curated by a "task force for growth and progress," and commissioned by the Executive Board, outlining the "Goals for the 90's."


Date: 1990
A Program Book for the Southern Federation Foundation's Scholarship, Charity, and Cultural Funds for the year 1990.

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