Browse Items (7 total)

  • Date is exactly "1987"

Date: 1987
A brief biographical description of Joseph El-Khouri from an unknown publication, focusing on his civic contributions on both local and state levels.

Date: 1987
Kail Ellis's fall semester convocation address to Villanova University students, dated 1987.

Date: 1987
A street photograph of the 75th anniversary celebration of John Mack & Son, which was celebrated in 1987.

Date: 1987
The officers list of the L'Entasar Club of 1987.'EntasarClub_001.pdf

Date: 1987
The L'Entasar Club Roster from 1987.'EntasarClub_002.pdf

Date: 1987
A scanned chapter of a book titled, 'Illustrated History of the Lebanon' published in 1987 written by Nayla DeFreige and Maria Saad. Illustrated by Fadlallah Dagher.

Date: 1987
Proposal titled "The Arab-American Experience" for research in sociology written by Genevieve R. Joseph in the spring of 1987 for a class called Writing in Sociology with Professor John Logan.
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