Browse Items (2 total)

  • Date is exactly "1984 November"

A photograph of Elaine Murman, Maureen, Jeff, Ann Marie Murman, Evelyn Quigly, Tim Quigly, Drew, Agnes Murman, Michael Murman, Deanne, Charles Murman, and David at the Murman family home on 1102 Nicholson Ave. in Lakewood, OH. Elaine Murman wears a…

A photograph of Elaine Murman, Maureen, Jeff, Ann Marie Murman, Evelyn Quigly, Tim Quigly, Drew, Agnes Murman, Michael Murman, Deanne, Charles Murman, and David at the Murman family home on 1102 Nicholson Ave. in Lakewood, OH. Elaine Murman wears a…
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