Browse Items (12 total)

  • Date is exactly "1959"

Date: 1959
The Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs By-Laws and Constitution dated 1959-1960.

Date: 1959
Arabic Air Mail letter and envelope from Assad Abouhadah in Wadi El-Aarayech near Zahle, Lebanon to Foumi Moses (Fannie Johns Moses) of Lake City, Florida. Stamps on the envelope are dated 1959.

Date: 1959
A photograph of Joseph Salem, standing outside in his United States Army uniform.

Date: 1959
Photograph of Genevieve Norman Joseph sitting on her husband Charlie's lap on New Year's Eve at their home in Poughkeepsie, New York.

Date: 1959
Photograph of Beatrice Ann Joseph sitting atop a bench in a white dress. Taken in Auriesville, New York.

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Date: 1959
Photograph of Norman family and friends in Poughkeepsie celebrating New Year's Eve.

Date: 1959
Newspaper clipping mentioning Charles Joseph's role in chairing the Lebanon-American Club's Halloween party.

Date: 1959
A Christmas card from Rosemarie and Michael Fuleihan, who were married in 1959. Includes two photos of Rosemarie.

Date: 1959
Photographs of Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs conventions and events from the years 1959.

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Date: 1959
A black-and-white photo from a Convention of the Southern Federation of Syrian Lebanese American Clubs in Houston, Texas in 1959.

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Date: 1959
A small (3 x 4.5 inches) pocket notebook with a leatherette cover that belonged to Joseph El-Khouri. The notebook contains handwritten notes in both English and Arabic, likely drafting a speech that Joseph gave for the Kiwanis Club in January of…

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Date: 1959
A small card advertising the Lebanese Mahrajan of 1959. with notes on the back.
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