Mary Wehbie and two women wait on the deck of a boat as it goes through a drill. The back of the photo states, "Boat drill. Left to right, Jewish woman from Egypt, mother (Sittie Mary), and a woman from Hammarah."
Mary Wehbie and Aunt Sultani standing next to each other as Mary Wehbie wraps her arm around Aunt Sultani's shoulder. On the back of the photo, it reads, "Sittie Wehbie, mother and aunt Sultani. Sultani was Nell's aunt, her mother's sister. Taken in…
Mary Wehbie holding her coat and standing on the sidewalk of a busy street with stores and cars in the background. The back of the photo says, "Mother in Marseilles. Mary Wehbie Lebanon trip 1950s."
Nell Kahdy sits down with a binder in her lap while Georgette, George Jr., and Barbara Kahdy surround her. George Jr. and Georgette are right next to her while Barbara Kahdy sits in front of her and reads "The Tale of the Crow" to them.
As Nell Kahdy sits with a binder in her lap, George Jr. and Georgette Kahdy sit on both sides of her. In front of Nell Kahdy sits Barbara Kahdy who is reading "The Tale of the Crow" to all of them. Caption on the back reads, "Nell Kahdy teacher with…
Nell Kahdy serves her three young children lunch as they sit in front of a small makeshift table. Young George Jr. looks at the camera while his two sisters, Georgette and Barbara eat their lunches.
Barbara Kahdy smiles and sits in a wagon. While she's sitting, she holds onto the handle and leans against it. She is wearing a casual dress and thin jacket.
Nell and George Kahdy stand with their arms draped over their young daughter Barbara Kahdy's shoulders. The three of them stand outside with a house in the background.
A group photo of Mansour family members. Left to Right: Juanita Mathis Mansour, Edward Mansour, Nell Heeden Mansour, Virginia Rabil Mansour, and Ernest Mansour.